Liquid-hydrogen absorber: Shigeru Ishimoto KEK Contents (1)Introduction (2)MICE absorber design (3)Prototype absorber test at KEK (4)MICE absorber instrumentation (5)Schedule (6)Summary status report hydrangea UKNF/MICE Oversight Committee meeting, RAL, Jul-21, 22, 2008
MICE cooling channel Drawing by S. Q. Yang Tracker Module 1 Tracker Module 2 AFC Module 1 AFC Module 3 AFC Module 2 RFCC Module 1 BEAM
AFC (Absorber & Focus Coil) module Cryomech PT415 cooler LH2 condenser Safety windows absorber windows
G-10 Support Absorber & Pipes Mini In-Flange (Al-SS) 30 Pin Feedthrough Tee L-H2 IN G-H2 OUT G-He/N2 OUT L-He/N2 IN
A-A’ (22.5 deg.) G-H2 OUT L-H2 IN G-He/N2 OUT LHe/LN2 IN Tee 30 Pin Feedthrough Heat- exchanger LH2
MIRAPRO Co. Liquid-hydrogen absorber
Flange of MICE absorber Design window; Oxford Design flange; KEK Machining ; Mississippi Tolerance between flange and body: mm
G-10 (x8) t=1, W=25, L=90 mm Total ~ 0.2 W SS, t=1 Screws on AFC Magnet SS 15.7 AL From Absorber Small flange and G-10 support
Tee and 30 pin feedthrough In seal Kyocera 30 pin feedthrogh
Support for pipe welding pipe welding L < 0.5mm
Prototype absorber MICE absorber test at KEK 1,959 T.M.P. G-M Cryocooler LH2 condenser Dummy bore (room temperature)
Prototype absorber
Prototype absorber test at KEK
0.30 l / h, 2.6 W 1.33 l / h, 11.7 W 2000 l tank Cooling stop LH l 68 hrs to fill 20 l Liquefaction and vaporization of LH2 in 20 l Absorber
MICE absorber test at KEK H 2 vapor Cernox calibration curve
H2 Press (Torr) n-H2 Temp.(K) e-H2 Temp.(K) Absorber Temp.(K) T (K) DAY MICE absorber test at KEK
10 Cernox 1050SD 4 wires; AB101, 102, 105, 109,110 2 wires; AB103,104,106,107,108 (Total 5*4 + 5*2 = 30 wires) I m =0.1 mA; 101,103,105,107,109 I m =1 mA; 102,104,106,108,110 Temperature & level sensors in the absorber In LH2 over heating mode in gas
Sensor and heater (overall) HTR-25 -100W 25.4
CX-1050-SD Sensor blocks 2 cernox inside absorber cernox for L-H2 pipes cernox for L-N2 pipes or 4 x 0.14 mm2 ETFE cable
Delivery of 1st FC Oct 2009 Spring 2010 Q STEP VI STEP V STEP IV MICE absorber schedule KEK to RAL Arrive 2 absorber flanges from US KEKRAL
Summary (1)Absorber R&D at KEK was successfully finished and MICE absorbers were designed based on this experience. (2)We are ordering the first MICE absorber body to Japanese company. It will be delivered by the end of Oct after the cooling test at KEK. The Second absorber will be ordered in Nov-2008, and delivered by Feb (3)Thermometer/level sensors inside and outside absorber body will be wired in Japan. (4)Thin absorber flanges will be set at RAL. First flanges will be delivered by May-2009 from Univ. of Mississippi. (5)The overall assemble in the AFC module will start from Jul-2009 at RAL.
Thank you Hokusai Katsushika “Hydrangea and Swallow”