Poetry Day 3
Question 1: In your opinion, how do you believe the world was created? Write at least FOUR complete sentences to explain your answer. Question 2: Have you ever heard of any alternate theories that go against what you believe? Write at least TWO complete sentences to explain your answer. Bell Ringer
http://www.discovery.com/tv-shows/curiosity/topics/the-big-bang.htm Evolution: The central idea of biological evolution is that all life on Earth shares a common ancestor, just as you and your cousins share a common grandmother. HOOK
“I don’t have enough faith” by Daniel Human Make a prediction based on the title. Independently, read the poem and write a short response with these questions in mind: What is the poem about? If you are unsure, what makes the poem difficult to understand? “I don’t have enough faith” by Daniel Human
What in the world is he saying!!!??? Follow along with me as we paraphrase and summarize stanza one.
Definition: A statement that appears to be self-contradictory or silly but may include a latent truth Example: “You gotta be cruel to be kind” Example: “You must die in order to live eternally” Identify one example of paradox within the FIRST stanza of “I don’t have enough faith”. Paradox
BE READY TO SHARE YOUR ANSWERS. Read the second stanza with a partner and complete the following: Paraphrase each idea within the stanza Summarize entire stanza BE READY TO SHARE YOUR ANSWERS. Partner Practice One
BE READY TO SHARE YOUR ANSWERS. Read the third stanza with a partner and complete the following: Paraphrase each idea within the stanza Summarize entire stanza BE READY TO SHARE YOUR ANSWERS. Partner Practice Two
Partner Practice Three Read the fourth, fifth, and sixth stanza with a partner and complete the following: Paraphrase each idea within the stanza Summarize entire stanza BE READY TO SHARE YOUR ANSWERS. Partner Practice Three
Re-read “I don’t have enough faith” with your annotations and write a summary of the entire poem. Write at least FIVE complete sentences. Define the following words in the context of “I don’t have enough faith,” and choose five of the words to write an original sentence for each, accurately using the word. 1. Faith 7. Potion 2. Scarce 8. Gospel 3. Theoretical 9. Smidgen 4. Heretical 10. Programmed 5. Contrary 11. Wisdom 6. Notion DUE NEXT CLASS PERIOD! Homework
Literary vs. Expository Writing Tells a story Includes a setting and character Contains a conflict Includes dialogue Provides a resolution Prompt will include a photo Creative Explains/discusses a topic Includes a thesis statement Contains evidence Includes commentary (reasoning) Provides a conclusion Prompt will be completely textual Informative
In 1955 medical researcher Jonas Salk introduced an effective polio vaccine. At the time polio was considered the biggest threat to public health, yet Salk refused to profit by patenting the vaccine because he was more concerned with preventing disease than with personal gain. Although many people work to benefit themselves, some people choose to put others first. Think carefully about this statement. Write an essay explaining why people should be more concerned about others than about themselves. Teacher will model
Listing Cluster Model Free-Write Brainstorming
In 1955 medical researcher Jonas Salk introduced an effective polio vaccine. At the time polio was considered the biggest threat to public health, yet Salk refused to profit by patenting the vaccine because he was more concerned with preventing disease than with personal gain. Although many people work to benefit themselves, some people choose to put others first. Think carefully about this statement. Write an essay explaining why people should be more concerned about others than about themselves. Teacher will model how to complete listing
Write an essay explaining what it means to be a true friend. Using the listing model, make a list of at least 10 topics you could write about in response to the following prompt: Write an essay explaining what it means to be a true friend. Now it is not enough to simply list the topics, now circle three topics that you believe you can write the most about. It is important to make sure that you have examples to support all of your topics. -> Leads to cluster Your Turn!
Prompt Topic #1 Topic #3 Topic #2 Students must provide two examples to explain each topic, come up with two on the cluster in case you need them. Teacher will model an example of how to move from list to cluster with concerned prompt. Students will have time to work on cluster with partner Moving forward…
For the prompt below, you will INDEPENDENTLY: List at least 10 possible topics Circle your top three Complete a cluster map using those three topics. Write an essay explaining what it would take for you to lose faith in someone or something. If we don’t get to it, it can be the first writing activity.
Poetry Day 4
Take out your homework! Answer the following short answer question in your journal or on notebook paper: What is the author’s message in the poem, “I don’t have enough faith”? Be sure to use textual evidence to explain your answer. Bell Ringer – 10 minutes
Definition: A dramatic device in which a character makes a short speech intended for the audience but not heard by the other characters on stage. Example: From Romeo and Juliet JULIET: (not knowing ROMEO hears her) Oh, Romeo, Romeo, why do you have to be Romeo? Forget about your father and change your name. Or else, if you won’t change your name, just swear you love me and I’ll stop being a Capulet. ROMEO: (to himself) Should I listen for more, or should I speak now? Aside
Definition: A way of describing the pattern of end rhymes in a poem. Example: My cat is nice. A My cat likes mice. A My cat is fat. B I like my cat. B Rhyme Scheme
Rhyme Scheme
My cat is nice. A My cat is fat. B My cat likes mice. ? I like my cat. ? My cat is gray. ? My cat is fat. ? My cat is cute. ? I like my cat. ? Let’s Try!
Find at least THREE examples of figurative language and identify the type. One of these examples must be a paradox. Short Answer Question: How does the author’s use of figurative language help the reader understand his message? Be sure to use textual evidence to support your answer. Independent Practice
Writing Review What is expository writing? What key word must I look for in the prompt? Why is it important to brainstorm? What are three types of brainstorming techniques that we discussed in class? Writing Review
What is a thesis statement and how do I write one? Let’s find out! Be sure to follow along in your notes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sx42_C10zw