Differential Reinforcement & Differential Punishment Chapter 7
Selecting Behaviors Already in repertoire of behavior Selecting and strengthening particular responses using contingencies
Tennis Forehand Return
Before Intervening Task Analysis –Look at process, not just the final product
Task Analysis An analysis of complex behavior and sequences of behavior into their component responses
Task Analysis Tennis Forehand Return 1.Pivot 2.Step toward net with left foot 3.Transfer weight from right to left foot
Tennis Forehand in Repertoire? Yes Forehand poor? Ready to intervene
Differential Reinforcement Before John has no praise Behavior John hits ball with no skill Behavior John hits ball with some skill After John receives no praise After John receives praise Reinforcement Extinction
Differential-Reinforcement Procedure Reinforce one set of responses while extinguishing another set of responses
Differential Reinforcement Before Jane has no tag Behavior Jane holds leg unparallel to bar Behavior Jane holds leg parallel to bar After Jane receives no tag After Jane receives TAG Reinforcement Extinction
General Rule: Process vs. Product Sometimes you need to make reinforcers and feedback contingent on the component responses of the process, not just the product (outcome). Do this when you can’t get quality products of sufficient quantity even though you’ve made reinforcers and feedback contingent on the ultimate production of those products.
Example I praise him each time he finishes packing a box. But he is slow, and when he does get a box packed, it is poorly done. –Task analyze the task & make reinforcers and feedback contingent on correct completion of component parts. –First component could be placing box close to items to be packed.
Swings Each swing had a different response topography Response topography is a response dimension
Response Dimensions (Form) The physical properties of a response –Response topography –Latency –Duration –Force –Pitch Does not include the function of a response
Response Topography The sequence (path of movement), form, or location of components of a response relative to the rest of the body. EX: Wave hands high vs. wave hands low = 2 different response topographies Not what you do, but the way you do it (more than 1 way to press a lever)
Topography Don’t confuse with location Response location refers to where the action is relative to the the external environment, not relative to the body of the actor
Left lever pressing Response topography or response location? Right lever pressing Vs.
Press lever with left paw vs. right paw Response topography or response location?
Other response dimensions Force – how loud is your voice, how hard is the ball hit Latency – time between the signal for a response and the beginning of the response Duration – the time from the beginning to the end of a response
You start to brake Red light Car stops LatencyDuration 1.5 sec20 sec
Response Class A set of responses that either –A) are similar on at least one response dimension or –B) share the effects of reinforcement and punishment, or –C) serve the same function (produce the same outcome).
Lever Presses Do they all look exactly alike? –Members of the same response class All are 35 grams of pressure (same force), lever is pressed downward Reinforcing any lever press reinforces many similar responses (spread of reinforcing effect) All lever presses result in food
Response Class A set of responses that either –A) are similar on at least one response dimension or (LP are 35 grams of pressure [same force], lever is pressed downward) –B) share the effects of reinforcement and punishment, (Reinforcing any lever press reinforces many similar responses [spread of reinforcing effect]), or –C) serve the same function (produce the same outcome) (All lever presses result in food)
Share effects Can lever press with left paw but can also press lever with other body parts (different topographies) – these responses are the members of the same response class because they share the effects of reinforcement. Example: Girl is picking flowers. Mother praises flower picking. What has been reinforced?
Share same function Produce the same reinforcing outcome – lever pressing with right or left paw produce reinforcement – the both serve the same function, so are members of the same response class.
Response Class A set of responses that either: Similar on at least 1 response dimension Serve the same function (produce the same outcome) Share the effects of reinforcement & punishment
Differential-Reinforcement Procedure Reinforcing one set of responses and extinguishing another set of responses
Result of Differential Reinforcement? Response differentiation –The reinforced response class occurs more frequently than an extinguished response class, usually as a result of differential reinforcement.
Example What do you talk about with other people? –Talk about sports with friends –Talk about grades with parents
Differential Reinforcement Before Client has no approval Behavior Client whines confusedly Behavior Client is positive and clear After Client receives no approval After Client receives approval Reinforcement Extinction
Differential Reinforcement Before Bobbie gets no praise Behavior Bobbie acts feminine Behavior Bobbie acts in a masculine manner After Bobbie receives no praise After Bobbie receive praise Reinforcement Extinction
Differential Reinforcement of Creativity Before Girl has no praise Behavior Girl copies previous building Behavior Girl builds novel building After Girl receives no praise After Girl receive praise Reinforcement Extinction
Differential Reinforcement by Escape from an Aversive Condition Before Sid hears noisy computer Behavior Sid pushes wrong key on computer Behavior Sid pushes correct key on his computer After Sid hears his noisy computer After Sid hear no noisy computer Reinforcement Extinction
Plain Reinforcement Before John has no points Behavior John makes any comment After John receives a point
Differential Reinforcement Before John has no points Behavior John makes irrelevant comment Behavior John makes a relevant comment After John receives no point After John receives point Reinforcement Extinction
Differential Punishment Procedure Punishing one set of responses and withholding punishment of another set of responses.
Differential Punishment Before Carmen need not repeat stairs Behavior Carmen looks ahead while descending Behavior Carmen looks down while descending After Carmen needn’t repeat stairs After Carmen must repeat stairs Punishment Recovery
Graphs – undifferentiated responding Won’t be reinforced Will be reinforced
Graphs – after differential reinforcement for pressing lever with butt
Combination of Contingencies Differential reinforcement Differential punishment
Research Methods Improving the reversal design –Using variable-time stimulus presentation as a control condition
Research Methods Single-participant research design –One participants –Can be repeated with many participants Group research design –At least 2 GROUPS of participants –Group mean data –Combined performance of the groups Control Experimental