Julian Vollans DipFD – Noberne Doors Ltd 26 th March 2013 FIRE DOORSETS & 3 RD PARTY ACCREDITATION
ABOUT NOBERNE DOORS LTD o Julian Vollans – General Manager for Noberne Doors Ltd o Noberne Doors Ltd – Established in 1975 in Leeds. Manufacture bespoke High Performance Specialist Doorsets; including FD30, FD60, FD90, FD120, X-Ray and Bullet Resistant. o Founder Members of the BM TRADA “Q-Mark” Scheme (3 rd Party Accreditation body). o ISO9001:2008 Quality Standard & Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) Accredited (timber only from sustainable sources).
OVERVIEW o Fire Doorsets vs Fire Door Assemblies (or kits) o Why choose Fire Doorsets? o Approved Fire Doorset Installation o The importance of Primary Test Evidence & 3 rd Party Accreditation o Summary
WHAT ARE FIRE DOORSETS? Fire Doorsets play a vital role in protecting a building from fire They protect escape routes and allow safe evacuation in case of a fire Fire Doorsets must be tested by the manufacturer The complete design will be awarded official certification on a successful fire test result. Fire Doorsets comprise of; Door + frame / linings Closers, Hinges and other ESSENTIAL ironmongery Seals Glazing system
FIRE DOORSETS vs. ASSEMBLIES (KITS) o Definition – Fire Doorset The British Standard BS EN provides the following definition: ‘complete unit consisting of a door frame and a door leaf or leaves, supplied with all essential parts from a single source ’. This means that a door leaf is factory pre-hung in its frame, with hinges, glazing system, fire and smoke seals, and ironmongery. It is supplied as a complete unit. A Fire Doorset is sourced, from a single manufacturer, with all components matched and pre-assembled in the factory and is covered by a single fire certificate.
FIRE DOORSETS vs. ASSEMBLIES (KITS) Definitions – Assemblies (Kits) Fitting together various component parts including; door leaf or leaves, frame, glazing system (factory fitted only), essential ironmongery and fire and smoke seals all from one or more sources. This means the compatibility of each product needs to be scrutinized to ensure they ALL comply collectively.
WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? Versus 1. Frame Fire DoorsetAssembly or Kit
ASSEMBLIES = HEADACHES? You have to coordinate the purchase and supply of the door, frames, intumescent seals, hinges and other ironmongery. Who will provide the important fire test certificate you need? Is it cost effective, will remedial work be necessary shortly after installation? What about quality? Will the components be compatible and contain a fire? From July this year CE Marking on Fire Doorsets could make this method obsolete ! IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! You have to do your research correctly, get it wrong and it could be very costly to put right! (Prosecution or Custodial Sentences).
WHY CHOOSE FIRE DOORSETS? A Fire Doorset manufacturer will; Provide the door, frame, seals and essential ironmongery as one package. Have had products tested by a UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) laboratory as a complete set to BS476 Part 22: 1987 or EN1634-1:2000 – The same set you will receive on site. Have undergone stringent audit processes to achieve 3 rd Party Accreditation and Factory Production Controls, ensuring consistent quality products. Supply you with documentary evidence with a valid fire test certificate. Offer complete technical advice for managing and maintaining doorsets for the life of the product. Sleep easy at night!
APPROVED FIRE DOORSET INSTALLATION “ The Fire Doorset is a complex product, however. Every component - the door leaf or leaves, the frame in which the door is hung, essential hardware, intumescent and smoke sealing devices – must be correctly designed and installed”. Peter Barker – Senior Consultant at Chiltern International Fire
POOR FIRE DOOR INSTALLATIONS Case Study – Hotel, Sheffield: August 2011 (opened in Spring 2011) Architectural & Specialist Door Manufacturers Association – Best Practise Guide
POOR FIRE DOOR INSTALLATIONS Case Study – College in North Yorkshire: June 2012
POOR FIRE DOOR INSTALLATIONS Case Study – Ward Kitchen – Local NHS Trust (Dec 2012) Use of incorrect screw (minimum of 50mm with chipboard cores) Should chipboard cores be used in areas of high traffic?
APPROVED INSTALLATION Use approved installers, don’t break the chain! Take Advice! Take Control!
PRIMARY TEST EVIDENCE & 3 RD PARTY ACCREDITATION Through 3 rd Party Accreditation and Factory Production Controls, you will receive a product that is constantly the same standard time after time. ISO9001:2008 is a basic requirement of the BM TRADA “Q-Mark” Scheme Peace of mind, knowing that you will have a Fire Certificate proving you have undertaken your duty of care on behalf of the building user.
3 rd Party Accreditation On product identification Orange Tree indicates a glazed FD60 Doorset Silver Tree indicates factory hung Doorset Gold Tree indicates installation by a BM TRADA approved installer
How 3 rd Party Accreditation works Test House 3 rd Party Accreditation Manufacturer Manufacturer tests products at UKAS test house Certificate provides evidence UKAS approved body checks evidence Checks regularly audited products against evidence by testing Manufacturer has ISO9000 QMS3 rd Party audits the Company and its products Installation Is this the weakest link?
IN SUMMARY Buy Fire Doorsets once from one source, i.e. a 3 rd Party Accredited Manufacturer. Reduce your responsibility and gain peace of mind. Use approved installers. Insist on 3 rd Party Accreditation. Any Questions?
THANK YOU. Noberne Doors Ltd Lupton Street Leeds, LS10 2QP