Territorial Cooperation – adding value to the Danube Region Ivana Lazic, INTERACT Point Vienna 9 July 2010 | Novi Sad.


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Presentation transcript:

Territorial Cooperation – adding value to the Danube Region Ivana Lazic, INTERACT Point Vienna 9 July 2010 | Novi Sad

Regional Policy  Objectives 1 - Convergence  Objective 2 - Regional Competitiveness and Employment  Objective 3 - European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) + IPA CBC (and ENPI CBC) Regional development co-operation programmes outside the EU

Territorial Cooperation Programmes Cross-border cooperation programmes promoting integrated regional development between neighbouring border regions, including external borders; the objective is developing cross- border economic and social cooperation through joint strategies and development programmes. Transnational cooperation programmes aim to promote integration across groupings of European regions, to encourage a sustainable and balanced development of the European territory. These programmes also promote better integration between the Member States and candidate countries and other neighbouring countries Interregional cooperation programme INTERREG IVC and 3 networking programmes (INTERACT II, Urbact II, and ESPON) - pan- European level, covering all EU-27 Member States to develop good practice and facilitate the exchange and transfer of experience by successful regions

Territorial Cooperation in Danube Region Potentials of the Territorial Cooperation programmes in the context of the EUSDR 41 programmes (18 Cross-border programmes, 7 Transnational programmes, 13 IPA CBC programmes and 3 ENPI programmes) in the Danube area covered by EUSDR ~ 4,3 billion EUR available in through ERDF + IPA CBC + ENPI The topics of the EUSDR mirror largely the topics of cross-border and transnational cooperation programmes

Territorial Cooperation in Danube Region

Territorial cooperation programmes adding value to EUSDR cross-border and transnational way of working (and thinking) is essential for implementation of EUSDR multi-level governance implementation in international setting – cooperation between public administrations, local, regional, national level, civil society, SMEs, etc. already implementing synergies among sectoral, national and regional programmes and initiatives and other EU programmes CBC and transnational programmes and projects are European integration come to life – it is already happening between people on the ground long experience in the joint implementation of cooperation projects between EU and non-EU countries and the joint management of EU and external funds

Territorial Cooperation in Danube Region offers a platform for the development of bottom-up solutions where these are more appropriate than top-down answers project partners hold tacit knowledge about the area, which is needed for the implementation already today, many cross-border projects are linked to the Danube Region enrich the EUSDR with people-to-people integration on the ground and help improve networks and partnerships working community of key programme actors created to be able to share and exchange good practices

Thank you very much for your attention. Please don´t hesitate to contact us for further information or visit Danube Strategy / Territorial Cooperation