M ARKETING C HANNELS Where Mission Meets Market Teacher – Shahed Rahman
W HAT IS C HANNEL M ARKETING ?? Arrangements to make possible delivery of goods to industrial users or customers and to final consumers Bridging Producers and Users Marketing Channels can be viewed as sets of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for consumption or use
E XAMLES Beneton Group, Italy Ships 80 million items each year 7000 stores 100 countries Order cycle time 7 days Shipped from warehouse Bar code Technology Kodak – 1) Direct sales representatives 2)Brokers and Distributors 3) Components Marketing Organization- Reseller
Marketing channel performs the work of moving goods from producers to consumers. Provides value Performs a function Expects an economic return
Expert channel marketing will encompass strategic solutions, programmed and project management, customer communications database marketing customer value modeling partnership marketing digital marketing CRM systems customer service operations marketing technologies mailing production and distribution.
N EED TO LOOK AT The most crucial aspect of channel marketing is in identifying new channels through which to sell and support your services and products. Partners must have the right positioning and market exposure in order to drive up sales in a real and meaningful way and thereby to increase profits. Third party training and support to manage resources to ensure that a channel marketing drive is a smooth running and efficient operation often accompany this.
S TRATEGY Supplying goods and services at the Right place Right time Right Quantity Right Quality And with a Right price Marketing channels can stimulate the demand through promotional activities
R OLES OF MARKETING CHANNEL IN MARKETING STRATEGIES Links producers to buyers. Performs sales, advertising and promotion. Influences the firm's pricing strategy. Affecting product strategy through branding, policies, willingness to stock and customizes profits, install, maintain, offer credit, etc
E MERGENCE OF M ARKETING C HANNEL S TRUCTURES Intermediaries arise in the process of exchange because they can improve the efficiency of the process Channel intermediaries arise to adjust the discrepancy of assortment thorough the performance of the sorting process Marketing agencies hang together in the channel arrangements to provide for the routinization of transactions Channel Facilitate the searching process
N EED TO CONFIRM WITH THE INTERMEDIARIES Channel Distribution evolve to serve customer needs Shipping Time Ordering Technical Support Repair Service Variety Branded Product Return Policy