Google Earth By: Alana Pollard
Identify what Google Earth is How it can be used in a classroom Look at the different features of Google Earth Discuss an activity that involves Google Earth Goals for Today
Google Earth is a free, downloadable application that works as a browser for all sorts of information on Earth. It uses satellite imagery to grab, spin, pan, tilt and zoom down to any place on Earth. Students can explore every corner of the globe, measure distances, create their own virtual tours, and share their tours with others. What is Google Earth?
Explore the animal kingdom and endangered species with the National Geographic layer and other content. Create place markers indicating location of school and points of interest in their town such as the local fire and police stations, the city library, local parks, and museums. Study climate changes Create tours of their school or community. Track earthquakes in real time. Study natural and political maps Learn map reading and navigation Visually explore historical, news, and census data Create their own 3D models to overlay on maps Download geographically-referenced information created by others Students can use Google Earth to:
Hiking/Biking Architecture Planning Real Estate Construction Astronomy Broadcast/Media Mathematics Marine/Oceanography Engineering Transit More Features of Google Earth A lot of these programs are only available with Google Earth Pro.
All you have to do to install Google Earth is go to your internet browser and type in Google Earth. There is a free version and a really expensive version. It took a few minutes to download. You can take a tutorial on how to work Google Earth. How do I Get Started?
I did not have any difficult problems using Google Earth The image sometimes freezes up Issues with Google Earth
Have students explore verified locations where meteors have hit the Earth ( then create a chart of the number of craters per continent. Have your students look up a planet and have them look up and name some of the different places found on that planet. Also have students look up the Moon and have them research information found on Google Earth. You can also put your students into groups of 2 or 3 and have them do a small presentation of a different place they found interesting on Google Earth. Activities to do