More than Meets the Eye... Google Earth and Beyond.... Keene Haywood The University of Texas at Austin
Downloads and Presentation Links Google Earth Installers (Mac) and Link PDF Or: Plug-in Install see also: Google Earth for iPhone/iPod Touch l
Google Earth v.5 Historical Imagery Easier Timeline control Ocean (u/w) component Improved Touring Mars and Sky integration
But the bigger news is... Google Earth plug-in extended Javascript API More easily turn 2D to 3D Tours now integrate into plug-in Is this the birth of Google Earth Documentaries?
A Few Tips... Learn a few keyboard commands for navigating N, U, Shift+arrows, +,- keys Tweaking Preferences Managing the Sidebar 3D Mouse like 3DConnexion’s SpaceNavigator Joystick controllers for Flight Simulator KML and KMZ - file formats for Google Earth and more
Google Earth v.5 in action
Henry Hudson Map Other Tools Google MyMaps Google Maps StreetView new features Thematic Mapping Multiple Maps embed Google Maps examples Hey What’s That?
Google Earth and Maps control Earth Atlas KML Factbook Multiple GE plugin instances Collaborative Mapping Google Earth plug-in examples MyMaps with Plugin EarthSwoop
Dreaming New Mexico Plug-in tour examples Google Earth plug-in Tour examples Grand Canyon Tour
How Can I Do This? KML Interactive Sampler Google Earth API Code Playground Google Earth Plugin Embed Gadget Google Spreadsheet Mapper Tutorial Mapstraction API (2D)
Media integration YouTube Sync Podcast Sync Gigapan and 360cities
A Platform for Visualization
Simulations, Animations and Gaming Planet in James Stafford’s Work
Geotagging Picasa (PC) Flickr, Locr, Panoramio iPhoto ’09 (Mac) RoboGeo (PC) HoudahGeo (Mac) and... Others
GPS Google Earth HoudahGPS GPSBabel
Shape2Earth (with MapWindow) Arc2Earth (with ArcGIS) Google Earth Pro Cartographica (new Mac GIS) GIS integration
More Resources! Google Earth User Guide KML Documentation Google Earth Outreach Google Earth User Community The KML Handbook Google Earth blog - Frank Taylor Google’s GeoDeveloper and LatLong blogs
Thank You! Keene Haywood, Ph.D. Twitter: keeneh The University of Texas at Austin Division of Instructional Innovation and Assessment