T ə qdim edir National Assembly of the Youth Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan
| About NAYORA National Assembly of the Youth Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan (NAYORA) was founded in As the greatest youth platform and the first confederal organization in Azerbaijan, it brings together 104 officially registered youth organizations. Enjoying the full membership status with the European Youth Forum, NAYORA is the only organization of Azerbaijan that is a member of this greatest youth platform of the Council of Europe. At the same time, it holds special advisory status with the ECOSOC (UN). NAYORA has become a “leadership” school contributing to development of youth and youth policy in Azerbaijan and at international level within 17 years of its existence.
| Development as a National Youth Platform Formation of administrative structure In the statutory Election Congress of June 30, 2012, new chairman, deputy chairmen, members of Management Board and Inspection and Revision Committee of the National Assembly of the Youth Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan were elected. In the statutory Assembly of the members on 17th November, 2012, new General Secretary of NAYORA was approved and NAYORA secretariat was formed. Currently, the secretariat, led by General Secretary, includes officers responsible for Work with Members, International relations, Social networks, Work with Media, Clerical work and Information Technologies. Strengthening of National Youth Platform 30 june, 2012 – 72 member organizations 15 june, member organizations 30 june, 2012 – 5 regions 15 june, region s
| Mission and objectives of NAYORA Main mission of NAYORA is to increase the role of young people and youth organizations in the formation of civil society and to fulfill its duties under 3“G” (“Youth”) concept. Strengthen youth organizations institutions- Youth Organizations development Increase cooperation opportunities of young people - Youth Cooperation development Ensure active participation of young people in the implementation of youth policy and programs- Youth Policy development
| Strengthening of youth organizations institutions 1.PR support to member organizations a)Media coverage of press releases about activities of member organizations. During the report period, 45 press releases of member organizations were covered by 227 media outlets. b)Visual promotion of corporative style of member organizations. During the reporting period, the visual promotion of the corporative style and logos of member organizations were ensured within frames of “Exhibition of youth organizations”, “Youth Week” in Park Bulvar complex, as well as on the basis of “With us..” printing concept. 2.Increasing the capacity of member organizations a)«NGO Management Academy» («QİDA») was established to develop organizational and project management competence of member organizations, as well as their individual and professional skills. 3.Stimulating participation of member organizations in the international events a)During the report period, representatives of 15 member organizations participated in 10 international events
| Increasing cooperation opportunities for young people Ensure cooperation of young people and youth organizations at the national, regional and international levels. 1. National level a) Azerbaijan Volunteer Service - development of Azerbaijan Volunteer Service. Ensuring volunteer exchange among member organizations from regions. b)Co-implementation of projects with member organizations. During the reporting periods 6 projects/ events were realized together with 4 member organizations. 2. Regional level a)Arrangement of GUAM Young Leaders Forum in Baku b)The Youth Affairs Committee of CIS countries c)Eastern Partnership Platform
| Increasing cooperation opportunities for young people 3.International level a)European Council: NAYORA participated in international seminar joined by 25 countries in the European Youth Center in Budapest with support from the Council of Europe; NAYORA was elected as a member of Council of Europe Advisory Board for Youth and No Hate Speech (running in 47 countries) project coordinator for Azerbaijan. It also supports the candidacy of Ganja city for European Youth Capital 2016 as a member of organizational committee b) European Union: NAYORA obtained European Volunteer Certificate; acted as coordinator of Eastern Partnership Program for «Youth in action»; participated as a partner in frames of 30 “ Youth in Action” projects first term; acted as coordinator for «Youth in Action» project in Azerbaijan in the project of Go for Green. a)European Youth Forum (EYF): With support from Azerbaijan Youth Foundation and Google company, NAYORA co-arranged youth session with EYF and partners in frames of Internet Governance Forum co-organized by UN and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan; arranged Study Tour of EYF members to Azerbaijan. b)Pan-African Youth Union: A Memorandum of Understanding was signed during the Baku visit of Pan-African Youth Union leadership and its Board members in September, NAYORA leadership attended 50 th anniversary Congress of African Union and General Assembly of African Youth Forum in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in May, 2013
| Ensuring youth participation in the implementation of youth policy and programs Several projects have been implemented to support the implementation of “Azerbaijani Youth: ” State Program Article Develop bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the field of youth policy in the frames of international treaties joined by the Republic of Azerbaijan Young Leaders Forum of GUAM countries Article Organize internet journalism trainings «Be ONLINE!» Social Network Academy Creative Youth Network- Develop proposals on State Program Article Encourage young people for volunteer action Article Extend partnership with youth programs of international and regional organizations Azerbaijan Volunteer Service Article Extend partnership with youth programs of international and regional organizations Organizing visits of international youth organizations to Azerbaijan
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