DIFFERENT PEOPLES, ONE WORLD Multicultural Societies as a Subset of Globalization HARI SRINIVAS ROOM: I-312 / Studies in Multicultural Societies
Defining Globalization There are three aspects to the definition of “Globalization”: 1. The first is a compression of time and space 2. The second is social, political, economic, and cultural interconnections and interdependencies 3. The third is the global scale – beyond the national level
Defining Globalization Globalisation could involve all these things!
Is this Globalization?
Before Globalization One way to approach this: think about the world before globalization Distance mattered—space often measured in time Territorial boundaries more or less kept things in and out Society and culture had spatial referents Everything had its “place” (literally)
After Globalization In a globalizing world: Distance becomes almost irrelevant (the end of distance) Boundaries are increasingly permeable. Groups and cultures increasingly don’t have a territorial basis (deterritorialization) A new kind of non-physical “place” is emerging (supraterritoriality) Political, economic, social and cultural changes
What is happening? 1) Whole world interconnected - interdependence of all parts of world 2) Intensification of world-wide phenomena 3) Trans-national relations - erosion of national boundaries 4) “Domino effects” - events have long-distance ramifications e.g. September 11
What is happening? 5) Alteration of space - distances shortened - technological changes 6) Alteration of time - things happen quicker 7) Sense of “globality” / Global consciousness - experience all places as interdependent - “the whole planet” - “the whole of humankind”
Why is globalization happening? Expansion of international commerce Rising importance of private capital flows Increasing travel and migration Increased communication and interaction between peoples
Why is globalization happening? Last 30 years: - Electronic communications technology - Cheap air travel - Spread of capitalism after fall of Communism in late 1980s - Development of a truly “global” capitalism
Integration of Societies Made possible by: Technology Communication networks Internet access Growth of economic cooperation – trading blocs (EU, APEC, NAFTA, etc.) Collapse of ‘communism’ Movement to free trade
Globalization dimensions: POLITICS Globalization undermines sovereignty of states i.e. undercuts power of a state to control things in its territory Economically: 1) power of TNCS 2) forces of world market Politically: 1) International bodies and law e.g. United Nations, European Union 2) Global protest movements e.g. Greens Culturally: 1) Cultural influences from all over world 2) Trans-national media – public opinion
Globalization dimensions: SOCIAL RELATIONS social relations transformed from purely local or national to more “global” communications technologies; travel technologies dispersal of populations across globe: migrations and diasporas
Trans-national social connections - public life: trans-national business relationships - private life: relatives & friends in different countries; inter-marriage between national groups, etc. Multiple, non-national affiliations and identities Cosmopolitanism: a person’s identity is decoupled from the nation-state
Globalization dimensions: CULTURE Emergence of a “global culture”? What might this look like? Positive: whole world shares same ideas and values? World Cup, Olympic Games Negative: local cultures destroyed?
Westernisation / Americanisation of the world Domination of American consumer brands: McDonalds, Nike, Coca-Cola, Gap Global cultural homogenisation - Same consumer goods everywhere - Same ways of thinking everywhere Globalization dimensions: CULTURE
1) People in local cultures reinterpret global culture products in light of their own values & interests 2) Global culture is always limited by local cultures 3) Mixtures of global and local cultures: - process of glocalization - local becomes global - global becomes local 4) Perceived threats to local identity: - strong assertion of local identity Globalization dimensions: CULTURE
1) No culture is ever ‘pure’ - Always a mixture of influences 2) Previously separate cultures come into contact with each other 3) Globalization = Complex mixtures of cultures - multi-cultural societies
Globalization of religion: - other options than the “local” religion - religious syncretism: mixing and matching - New Age religions: bits of Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Celtic paganism & witchcraft, etc. Globalization of food: - “fusion cuisine” e.g. French-Japanese, Anglo-Indian Globalization of music: - “World music” - Buddhist-techno, Spanish rap, Hungarian rock Globalization dimensions: CULTURE
“Glocalization”?! Globalization Local Cultures Adaptation A combination of the words "globalization" and "localization" used to describe a product or service that is developed and distributed globally, but is also fashioned to accommodate the user or consumer in a local market. Customization
Globalization Creates multi-cultural societies Destroyes multi-cultural societies
Amartya Sen: Normative Debates (Good vs. Bad) 1.Whether globalization is westernization or “amercanization” 2.Whether globalization fairly benefits the poor 3.Whether the institutional infrastructure of globalization is adequate
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