Day 2 Shawn Rudolph Regional Implementation Coordinator
Welcome to Country I would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land as they hold the memories, traditions and cultures of Aboriginal Australia. We must always remember that under the concrete and asphalt this land is, was and always will be traditional Aboriginal land.
Overview CLAS9:10 – 9:30 Podcasting 9:30 – 10:45 Creating a Wiki 11:15 – 1:00 Blogging 1:30 – 2:30 Between Session Task 2:30 – 3:00
Connected Learning Advisory Service The Connected Learning Advisory Service helps teachers make the most of information and communication technologies (ICT) in their classrooms. CLAS has two main parts. The Using ICT Framework and online self-assessment tool (MyMap) help teachers evaluate how they use ICT for teaching and learning
Podcasting Podcasting involves the use of audio files to create and receive information on any particular topic. - Podcasts can be subscribed to - Podcasts can be created
Listening to a Podcast You can listen to a Podcast by visiting a website that hosts them. ABC radio and Scientific American are place you can go to listen to podcasts. ABC Podcast Scientific American
Creating a Podcast Podcasts can be created and uploaded with a Computer, Audio Software, Microphone and Internet Connection.
Audacity Audacity is a digital audio editor application. The program can be used to create Podcasts that can then be uploaded to websites including Wikis and Blogs.
Skills Break 1 Creating a Podcast with Audacity - Recording a Podcast with Audacity - Editing your Podcast - Saving a Podcast
Podcasting & Quality Teaching Intellectual Quality MetalanguageStudents use the authentic language of the Podcasting (Podcasting, Posting, MP3 etc). Quality Learning Environment Student DirectionThrough the Web 2.0 program all students work through tasks to produce their own digital content. Significance Knowledge Integration Web 2.0 supports broad outcomes across science and technology as well as literacy and numeracy and provides students with many opportunities to integrate their knowledge across these learning areas.
How can we use a Podcast in the classroom? Podcasting
Wikis A wiki is a page or collection of Web pages designed to enable anyone who accesses it to contribute or modify content.
Creating a Wikispace To create a Wiki you will need a Computer with an Internet Connection. You will also need to create an account with a Wiki provider such as Wikispace or Wet Paint.
Skills Break 2 Creating a Wiki with Wikispaces - Create an account - Create a new page - Create a link - Invite members - Insert a picture - Insert audio (Podcasts) - Insert a video - Using Widgets (Teacher Tube video, Google Maps)
Administering your Wikispace Enabling the correct privacy settings (Manage Wiki>Permissions>Protected) Contributions can be monitored through (Manage Wiki>Content>Pages)
Unblocking your Wiki Remember that the Wiki you create will be able to be accessed by you but blocked for your students. You will need to make a request by visiting the DET Intranet page >Department Resources tab > ICT Service Desk link > Internet Filtering Information link > filtering request ‘here’ link
Wikis & Quality Teaching Intellectual Quality Higher Order ThinkingWikis support students in problem-solving activities where they regularly apply, analyse, synthesise and evaluate their knowledge. Quality Learning Environment High ExpectationsWikis emphasises participation, challenge, cooperation and individual problem-solving. They provide a rich space for this type of learning where expectations are high but where students can grow and develop skills in an environment that is safe and where failure is usual part of the learning experience. Significance ConnectednessWikis provide a rich learning that connects the work of the classroom with outside the classroom.
How can we use a Wiki in the classroom? Wikis
Blogging Blogs are virtual diaries created by individuals and stored on the Internet. Blogs generally consist of text and images and can appear in a calendar type format.
Creating a Blog To create a Blog you will need a Computer with an Internet Connection. You will also need to create an account with a Blog Provided such as Edublog or Blogger.
Skills Break 3 Creating a Blog with Blogger - Create an account - Create a new Blog entry - Respond to a Blog entry - Invite members - Insert a picture - Insert video
Administering your Blog The settings page in Blogger is accessed by clicking (New Post>Settings) Enabling the correct privacy settings (Settings>Permissions>Blog Readers>Only People I Choose) All contributions are moderated (Settings>Comments>Comment Moderation>Always)
Unblocking your Blog Remember that the Wiki you create will be able to be accessed by you but blocked for your students. You will need to make a request by visiting the DET Intranet page >Department Resources tab > ICT Service Desk link > Internet Filtering Information link > filtering request ‘here’ link
Blogs & Quality Teaching Intellectual Quality Problematic Knowledge Due to the collaborative nature of Blogs, students are provided with an opportunity to address multiple perspectives and understand that knowledge is open to question. Quality Learning Environment Social SupportThrough Blogs students critically reflect on their beliefs on a range of topics. They have the opportunity to analyse, share and debate a range of issues around the social nature of topics being raised in the classroom. Significance NarrativeStudents develop their own digital content to construct knowledge through anecdotes using real people and situations.
How can we use a Blog in the classroom? Blogging
Teaching and Learning Exchange The Teaching and Learning exchange (TaLe) is the corporate gateway to quality teaching and learning resources. TaLe offers ready access to authoritative resources produced by NSW Department of Education and Training (NSW DET) and other Australian providers such as Flexible Learning Toolboxes, The Learning Federation (TLF) and ICVET.
Other Resources Based on the YouTube model this site specifically for teaching resources is well worth book-marking, as well as exploring. Teacher Tube is located at For those of you who are a fan of John Pearce, John has a fantastic portal of resources, lesson plans and ideas on using a range of ICT with your IWB including Audacity and Science lessons. Go to ence/Bloggin_Furls/
Review of Project Between session tasks - Complete the Action Learning Plan - Create and implement a series of lessons that integrate the use of a Web 2.0 tool/s - Evaluate the success of your lessons (What worked well? What may need to be revised?) - Be prepared to share your experiences with the rest of the group in the next session.