How To Create a Blog in Sharepoint For Secondary Educators
To Create… From your home page, click on Site Actions and Create Then click on Sites and Workspaces
Title and Options… Name your new page Choose the URL Choose Blog
Title and Options (cont.)… Select No Click Create
Setting Permissions… To set the permissions so that students can contribute to your blog, select Manage comments.
Setting Permissions…
By choosing Anonymous Access you are allowing anyone with access to the internet to your blog.
Setting Permissions… Another thought about permissions: You can set it up so that only students/faculty will have the ability to comment on your blog. Instead of clicking Settings -> Anonymous Access, Go to New -> Add Users.
Setting Permissions… When you click “Add all authenticated users,” this group will appear. Uncheck “Send an ”
Versioning? What is that??? Click settings on the breadcrumb trail.
Versioning? What is that??? Here is where you click to require content approval for every comment that is posted on your Blog. REMEMBER, you are responsible for what is posted on your blog!!!
Enough Already!!! Click on Advanced Settings. We need to ensure that students cannot edit each other’s comments.
Advanced Settings… Once all of these settings are in place (which by the way, you only have to do this once!), we can publish our first post. Click back to your Blog tab.
Creating a Post…
Once you fill out the title and body, click Publish and your topic will post to your blog. Title Body
Tutorial… Need to see it again? Here is a quick tutorial to walk you through the steps of setting up a blog site: tutorials/CreateBlogSite.htm tutorials/CreateBlogSite.htm
Examples… spx spx x x