Apply a Community Development Framework CHCCD12D Session 3 Strategies and tools
A Framework for community development By the end of today you should be able to: - discuss a range of skills and tools for undertaking community development.
Community development is not just about working with lots of people at once, within existing structures It is often about changing the actual structures of society itself, since these are often the cause of the problems in the first place 3
Which is better? Fences at the top of cliffs… Or ambulances at the bottom? 4
allowing women to vote Thus reducing unfair legal processes 5
Providing adequate public transport So more people can apply for jobs, fewer are isolated... 6
Eliminating third world debt Since it is physically impossible to pay it off 7
Listening to the powerless So we know when our services don’t work 8
Empowering the powerless So they have the power to change 9
Giving poorer people control over their community So they have the ability to change it 10
11 “for every thousand hacking at the leaves of evil, there is one striking at the root” Thoreau
Review of last week Last week we discussed how some issues can be best dealt with with individuals While others are best dealt with by working on the whole community
Shared Action – part 1
Shared Action – part 2
Video What did you think about the communities on the video? What was it that showed they were empowered communities?
Introduction Community development workers need to have a range of skills and attributes along with a range of tools to enable them to undertake community development.
Community development toolkit “When you're a holding a hammer everything looks like a nail”
Community development practice frameworks There are a number of essential elements that can give us a simple framework for undertaking community development.
These tools and skills include: -Information collection -Awareness raising -Advocacy and lobbying -Supporting self help -Networking -Providing services -Participation and -Providing resources Skills and Tools cont.
These tools and skills include: -Information collection -Awareness raising -Advocacy and lobbying -Supporting self help -Networking -Providing services -Participation and -Providing resources What information would be useful? How could we get information? What information would be useful? How could we get information?
Community information
Dubbo community profile
Skills and Tools cont. These tools and skills include: -Information collection -Awareness raising -Advocacy and lobbying -Supporting self help -Networking -Providing services -Participation and -Providing resources What information would be useful? How could we get information? Observation Ask organisations Ask people What information would be useful? How could we get information? Observation Ask organisations Ask people
Skills and Tools cont. These tools and skills include: -Information collection -Awareness raising -Advocacy and lobbying -Supporting self help -Networking -Providing services -Participation and -Providing resources What information would be useful? How could we get information? What do we need to be careful of when gathering information? What information would be useful? How could we get information? What do we need to be careful of when gathering information?
These tools and skills include: -Information collection -Awareness raising -Advocacy and lobbying -Supporting self help -Networking -Providing services -Participation and -Providing resources Skills and Tools cont. What is ‘Awareness raising’? Why is it important? How do you think awareness raising could occur? What is ‘Awareness raising’? Why is it important? How do you think awareness raising could occur?
Skills and Tools cont. These tools and skills include: -Information collection -Awareness raising -Advocacy and lobbying -Supporting self help -Networking -Providing services -Participation and -Providing resources “ Educating the community so they are fully aware of the issues or problems and therefore have a platform from which to address their own, or their community’s, issues.”
Skills and Tools cont. These tools and skills include: -Information collection -Awareness raising -Advocacy and lobbying -Supporting self help -Networking -Providing services -Participation and -Providing resources “ Educating the community so they are fully aware of the issues or problems and therefore have a platform from which to address their own, or their community’s, issues.”
Skills and Tools cont. These tools and skills include: -Information collection -Awareness raising -Advocacy and lobbying -Supporting self help -Networking -Providing services -Participation and -Providing resources “ Educating the community so they are fully aware of the issues or problems and therefore have a platform from which to address their own, or their community’s, issues.”
Skills and Tools cont. These tools and skills include: -Information collection -Awareness raising -Advocacy and lobbying -Supporting self help -Networking -Providing services -Participation and -Providing resources “ Educating the community so they are fully aware of the issues or problems and therefore have a platform from which to address their own, or their community’s, issues.”
Skills and Tools cont. These tools and skills include: -Information collection -Awareness raising -Advocacy and lobbying -Supporting self help -Networking -Providing services -Participation and -Providing resources Has any one here been involved in a community workshop or community focus group? Did you think it was successful? Has any one here been involved in a community workshop or community focus group? Did you think it was successful?
These tools and skills include: -Information collection -Awareness raising -Advocacy and lobbying -Supporting self help -Networking -Providing services -Participation and -Providing resources Skills and Tools cont. through directly influencing policy and decision makers (not just government but also in community agencies) on behalf of the community.
Advocacy or lobbying cont. Class homework Before next week’s class watch the television news for a couple of nights. See how many instances of lobbying are reported. Make note of what are people lobbying for? We will discuss it in class next week.
Skills and Tools cont. These tools and skills include: -Information collection -Awareness raising -Advocacy and lobbying -Supporting self help -Networking -Providing services -Participation and -Providing resources
Skills and Tools cont. These tools and skills include: -Information collection -Awareness raising -Advocacy and lobbying -Supporting self help -Networking -Providing services -Participation and -Providing resources Providing direct services can be a way to develop communities human “capital” or resources/ assets physical “capital” or resources/ assets Providing direct services can be a way to develop communities human “capital” or resources/ assets physical “capital” or resources/ assets
Skills and Tools cont. These tools and skills include: -Information collection -Awareness raising -Advocacy and lobbying -Supporting self help -Networking -Providing services -Participation and -Providing resources As discussed previously- developing social “capital” Is a key element of modern community development As discussed previously- developing social “capital” Is a key element of modern community development
Skills and Tools cont. These tools and skills include: -Information collection -Awareness raising -Advocacy and lobbying -Supporting self help -Networking -Providing services -Participation and -Providing resources The goods required to further develop: Halls Equipment Grounds Money Using material “capital” to build other types of capital The goods required to further develop: Halls Equipment Grounds Money Using material “capital” to build other types of capital
A Framework for community development By the end of today you should be able to: - discuss a range of skills and tools for undertaking community development.
Class discussion What skills do you think community development workers need? How could we help the people in our case study? Personal skills and abilities
Skills and Tools cont. These tools and skills include: -Information collection -Awareness raising -Advocacy and lobbying -Supporting self help -Networking -Providing services -Participation and -Providing resources