Coastal areas are more densely populated The Amazon Basin area has very low population density
High population densities Main cities; -Rio De Janeiro -Sao Paulo -Brasilia
16 th century coastal areas were settled by Portugese colonists. Trading towns were set up there These grew into huge industrial cities Portugese settlers also established large plantations along the coast. African slaves were forced to work these plantations and grow cash crops
Home to indigenous tribes Only 7% of Brazilian population live in this area Hot, wet equatorial climate Tropical rainforests European colonists did not want to live in this area (Green Hell) In recent years this region has come under threat
Timber valuable (eg; mahogany- furniture) Natural resources (mining) Land cleared; -Cattle ranching -Soya plantations -Industrial plants -Road building
With reference to one country you have studied, describe one region with a high population density and one region with a low population density. Explain the reasons for the population variations.