P RESENT C HALLENGES Lack of understanding of industry requirements Industry requirements not incorporated in the curricula Colleges do not have appropriate delivery plan/session plan in place Absence of physical and academic infrastructure to deliver these new courses Periodic updation in the course content needed Professional skills and generic skills are missing Need for outcome based assessment Dearth of certified trainers and assessors
P OSSIBLE SOLUTIONS Qualification Packs (QPs) by Sector Skill Councils to understand the industry requirements Alignment of curricula with QPs to incorporate key competencies Curricula and corresponding session plan development workshops with all stakeholders ( Universities, NSDC, SSCs..) Specific infrastructure requirements to be mentioned in the curricula Schedule periodic workshops for updating of curricula Industry mentor involvement to be specified in the session plan. Qualification Pack based assessment Integrate standards for trainers and assessors along with regular Training of trainers and assessors.
W AY F ORWARD First Curricula Development Workshop by January 2015 with the goal of creating competency based curricula for 10 courses suggested by colleges/universities. Public validation through crowd sourcing for gathering inputs from stakeholders.