Certificate IV in Training & Assessment (TAA) Introduction to VET Desma Moshou.


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Presentation transcript:

Certificate IV in Training & Assessment (TAA) Introduction to VET Desma Moshou

AIMS OF TODAY’S SESSION Greater familiarity with the various acronyms used in the VET sector Increased knowledge of competency based training (CBT) Valuing this qualification as a means of increased work options More confidence about the RPL process for the Units which will not be covered through training

We will explore the following acronyms: VET – Vocational Education and Training CBT – Competency Based Training ANTA – Australian National Training Authority (Role now performed by DEST – Dept Education Science & Training) ITAB – Industry Training Advisory Body RTO – Registered Training Organistion AQF – Australian Qualifications Framework AQTF – Australian Quality Training Framework

VET - What is it? Vocational education and training is ‘education and training for work’. It exists to develop and recognise competencies of learners. It has traditionally been seen as post-secondary, non- university education and training. Reforms in the past decade: VET programs offered in secondary schools, stronger links with university study options six levels of qualifications offered in most industries

Reasons for increased focus in the VET Sector: Globalisation and the need for increased productivity & efficiency Changes in work arrangements such as increases in part- time and casual employment Increased demand for multi-skilled employees Increased demand for flexibility to move between jobs, industries and locations New information and communication technologies Increased demand for more relevant workplace training

ANTA Australian National Training Authority HISTORICALLY Established in 1994 to provide a national focus for VET Advises the Ministerial Council (MINCO) of Commonwealth, State and Territory Ministers responsible for VET on: Sets VET policy, strategy, priorities, goals and objectives nationally Sets VET plans detailing how States and Territories propose to meet national priorities, goals and objectives. ANTA administers national programs and the Commonwealth funding of the national VET system. These responsibilities are now taken up by DEST since July 2005 (Department of Education, Science & Training – Federal Gov)

AQF: Australian Qualifications Framework Provides a national framework for all education and training qualifications in Australia School SectorVET SectorHigher Education Sector (These show the qualification pathways) Certificate II Senior Secondary Cert of Ed Certificate I Advanced Diploma Diploma Certificate IV Certificate III Certificate II Certificate I Doctoral Degree Masters Degree Graduate Diploma Graduate Certificate Bachelor Degree Advanced Diploma Diploma

Qualification Levels Certificate I Certificate II (For Operators) Certificate III (Trade Specialists) Certificate IV (Supervisors) Diploma (Managers) Basic skills / knowledge which provides underpinning for other qualification pathways Requires Demonstration of knowledge in a narrow range of options Demonstrate basic operational knowledge Skills and knowledge to work under regular direction and supervision Perform a range of tasks where there is choice between a limited range of options Demonstrate relevant theoretical knowledge Ability to work under general direction and supervision Perform processes that require a range of well- developed skills using some discretion & judgement Supervisory level Monitor/control a range of activities and outputs of a small team of staff Identify, analyse and evaluate information from a variety of sources Management level Responsibility & accountability for: Analysing planning forecasting a broad range of group outcomes eg: quantity and quality outputs

AQTF – Australian Quality Training Framework Ensures consistency in the accreditation and recognition of training throughout Australia Consistency in the accreditation of courses and recognition of training programs Consistency in the registration of providers (RTOs) Recognition and portability of individual competencies Recognition of training in the public and private sectors Recognised standards of training.

RTOs – Registered Training Organisations Under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), and the AQTF requirements for provision of quality, only Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) can issue nationally recognised qualifications and Statements of Attainment for training and assessment against Competency Standards

Standard 1: The RTO provides quality training and assessment across all of its operations Element 1.4 – Training and assessment is delivered by trainers and assessors who: a)have the training and assessment competencies determined by the National Quality Council or its successors; b)have the relevant vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered or assessed; and continue to develop their vocational and training and assessment competencies to support continuous improvements in the delivery of RTO services. Note – The requirements for trainer and assessor competence have not changed. Three assessor units for assessors and the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment for trainers.

Competency-based training the emphasis is on: identifying what people need to do in their jobs identifying what people need to know to do their job indicating clearly the standard of performance required in the job by the industry or enterprise, which determine Benchmarks and Best Practice processes indicating how, when, where and by whom training and assessment will occur A vital component of CBT is Skills Recognition (RPL)

What is Competency? Refers to effective performance, at a given level, within a specific workplace environment Components of a competency are: Knowledge Skills Attitudes Behaviours

What are the dimensions of competency? ComponentExample Performing at an acceptable level of skill (task skills) Carrying out individual tasks, eg: using a computer Managing a number of different tasks (task management skills) Dealing with several office tasks at the same time, for example answering the phone and dealing with customers Responding and reacting appropriately when things go wrong (contingency management skills) Dealing with things when they go wrong, for example the computer breaks down Fulfilling the responsibilities and expectations of the workplace (job/role environment skills) Fitting in with the workplace environment, for example working with others Adhering to specific OHS requirements Transferring skills and knowledge to new situations (transfer skills) Being able to adjust to new demands, eg: updating to a new computer program

Competency Standards are used for: Compiling job descriptions and organising work structures and accountabilities Effective Staff Recruitment & Selection Determining training needs Appraisals and skills evaluations Linkages between skills and Industrial Award classifications

Key Competencies or Generic Skills All Training Packages require the integration of Key Competencies usually across each qualification 1. Collecting, analysing and organising information 2. Communicating ideas and information 3. Planning and organising activities 4. Working with others in teams 5. Solving problems 6. Using mathematical ideas and techniques 7. Using technology

Industry Training Advisory Bodies (ITABS) and Industry Skills Councils These bodies provide a way for industry needs to be identified, communicated and serviced. They have primary responsibility for the development and maintenance of Training Packages. There are 23 national ITABs and they work closely with a network of State and Territory ITABs and Industry Skills Councils.

Training Packages are sets of nationally endorsed standards and qualifications for recognising and assessing people's skills. they specify the combination of competency standards required to achieve a particular qualification. learners who complete part of a qualification are awarded a Statement of Attainment, and have the option of attaining the full qualification they describe the skills and knowledge needed to perform effectively in the workplace at each given level. They do not prescribe how an individual should be trained.

Packaging of Qualifications: Depending on the level, there are a defined minimum number of competencies required at each level Qualifications usually consists of a group of core units, and a choice of electives to allow for the flexibility to suit individual needs Important to choose the right TP, based on the generic units, and the specialist units required

EG: Packaging of B S T P Qualifications

Training Packages consist of endorsed and non ‑ endorsed components: Endorsed components include industry competency standards, national qualifications and guidelines for assessing competence. Non ‑ endorsed components include a range of resources to support learning and assessment as well as professional development materials.

Composition of Competency Units eg: TAAASS404A (National Code) TermWhat it means Example from competency unit Unit code: TAA – Training & Assessment ASS – Assessment Field 4 – Level 4 – Certificate IV 4 – Unit number TAAASS404A Unit title: Participate in Assessment Validation Descriptor: Explains unit, explains pre- requites makes suggestions where you can co-assess

TermWhat it means Example from competency unit Element: Major steps Define the Critical Outcomes the Unit 1. Prepare for Validation Performance criteria: Small steps Specify the level of performance required for achievement 1.1 The purpose, focus and context of validation is confirmed and discussed with relevant people Range of variables: Items that can change between enterprises eg equipment and terminology used TAAASS404A (cont)

TermWhat it means Example from competency unit Evidence guide Underpinning skills Resource implications Consistency of performance Context/s of Assessment Key competencies Designed by Meyer – also known as universal competencies. They are a guide to trainer and assessor Level 1 – Perform Level 2 – Administer Level 3 – Design TAAASS404A (cont)

Training and Assessment Training Package (TAA04) designed to meet the current and future competency development and qualification needs of new and existing personnel working in VET addresses a range of competency areas that represent the key areas of work undertaken within RTOs Each of these broad areas is called a Field in the Training and Assessment Training Package (TAA04). Seven Fields have been identified with an eighth Field encompassing imported competency standards.

Key Features of the Training and Assessment Training Package (TAA04) Supporting multiple audiences and audience needs Focus on learning Cohesiveness Clear specifications Competency themes Broadly focused qualifications Comprehensive Assessment Guidelines

Useful Websites National Training Information Services website at Australian National Training Authority – now performed by DESThttp:// The Dept of Education Science and Technology Innovation and Business Skills Australia at National Centre for Vocational Education Research National Occupational Health and Safety Commission Australian Qualifications Framework