An over view of OSE OSE was established by Oromia Regional State Regulation No- 108/2008 OBJECTIVES: - To reduce the gap between seed demand and supply - To provide technical support and build the small scale Farmers capacity for production and commercialization of quality seed. -To contribute to overall development by supplying market oriented seeds to the farmer/pastoralist at affordable price.
Organizational structure/management Three Departments and Four Services at HQ- in Finfinnee/Addis Ababa Two Branches- East Branch – Asella - West Branch- Naqamte Managed by Board and Supervised by PESA (Public Enterprise supervisory Authority) Three Major Warehouses- Situated at Naqamte, Asella and Dodolla
Major Activities: Seed multiplication Seed processing Seed quality assurance Seed marketing Demos and popularization of crop varieties Training Seed Technology promotion
Seed Production main Strategies Own Farm Contractual base: - Small scale Farms - Private Farms - Large State Farms - TVET College Farms
Seed Production Techniques Rain fed Irrigation based Supplementary Irrigation based
Marketing Strategies Dominated by production driven Direct marketing has begun as a pilot on two Districts ( Sibu sire & Arsi Negele) on Maize Scale up of direct marketing Promoting the value chain Improving customer relationships to establish loyal customer Supplier partnership/SRM
Contractual Hybrid maize Seed Multiplication Training, output and Benefit of Farmers ( 2008-2012) from OSE No Description 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total 1 Coverage -Zone -Districts 7 19 12 29 5 9 3 4 30 * 65 * 2 Participants trained Subject matter specialists (SMS) District Agents (DA) Farmers 75 99 1265 155 85 2409 74 39 2024 32 46 1981 28 41 1222 364 310 8,901 Area Cultivated 385 2402 881 1520 860 6,048 Seed purchased from Farmers on contractual bases in Qt. 3080 29170 14032 28576 - 74,858 Unit price( per Qt) 600 650 700 780 6 Cash Paid to Farmers 1,848,000 18,960,500 9,822,400 22.289,280 52,920,180
Lessons Direct marketing reduces compliant over quality of seed and handoffs Farmers are beneficiary due to accessibility of quality seed Supply chain needs win-win approach and integration of Firms Experiences on Malt Barley can scale up to – - Wheat- Flour/Macaroni Factory - Maize – Poultry producers - Both (Wheat & Maize)- to Consumers’ Cooperatives as market linkage.
Quality Seed Supply Accelerates the Farmer productivity and income as an Engine of growth !!
Thank you!!!