Developing Private Sector Extension Services
Outline Developing Private Sector Extension Services Thomas J. Herlehy, Ph.D. Land O’Lakes, Inc. – Winfield Solutions AnswerPlot® - North America JibuPlot™ (Kenya) & DemoPlots (Zimbabwe) Cooperation among Partners JibuPlot™ Results – Households reached JibuPlot™ Sustainability models Questions & Discussion
Deep Roots in Dairy -Member-owned Organized in 1921 by representatives of 300+ Minnesota cooperative creameries -Marketing company -National success … brand is born
Expansion into Agr Inputs - Late 1920s at the request of dairy members Seeking secure supply of competitively priced inputs - Began with Feed Department
Today -Fortune 250 company -Second largest cooperative in USA facilities -9,000 employees -Do business in all 50 states, Canada, Mexico, China and Brazil
Today -#3 dairy company -#1 feed company -#1 crop protection products wholesaler -#3 farm seed company -#2 shell egg marketer
Winfield Solutions
AnswerPlot® Largest number of sites in North America (+200) includes Canada and Mexico. “Farmers have questions – we have answers.” Collaborative approach – cooperate with Monsanto, Syngenta, Bayer Crop Science and fertilizer companies. Unique environmental, agro-climatic conditions. “Don’t tell me, show me; (because) seeing is believing.”
What is an AnswerPlot®? Platform for demonstrating input product performance in local conditions. Embedded extension services by Winfield Solutions agronomists – not sales people. Foundation of Winfield Solutions $6 billion in annual input sales in North America.
Adapt AnswerPlot® to Africa JibuPlot™ (Jibu = “Answer” in KiSwahili) Embedded agronomist – trusted by the community, not engaged in sales. Small-scale farmers (about 1 acre land). Demonstrate traditional practices next to modern practices. Demonstrate new technology. Farming as a business, not a way of life. Partner with companies who sell technology.
JibuPlots™ Platform to help resolve constraints: Low level of access to inputs – bring suppliers to rural communities. Low level of extension services (sound agronomic advice) – in Kenya = 1 agent for every 1500 farmers. Primary maize growing areas of Rift Valley, Nyanza, and Western Provinces. Leveraging private sector investment and engagement – build demand for technology in rural areas.
JibuPlots™ Platform for cooperation with the GOK Ministry of Agriculture Extension Service officers in the field. Platform for cooperation with: Seed Companies Fertilizer Company Crop Protection Companies Grain Storage Company Water Management Company Marketing companies (buyers) Retail AgroVet dealers
Kenya Seed Co. & Simlaw Seeds
MEA Ltd.
JibuPlot™ -Reaches an average of 174 community- based farmers directly (25% Female and 75% Male). -57% of these 174 farmers teach an average of 4 neighboring farmers: indirect reach of 400 community farmers. -Total farmers reached: 574.
Zimbabwe Demo Plots -Fodder Demonstration Plots – 12 nationwide -Private sector participation – agr input companies and silage cutting equipment manufacturer. -GOZ Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock extension officers. -Farming as a business – farm budgets. -Farmers prefer to see realistic growing conditions – similar to their own farms. -Lead farmers trained as embedded agronomists.
JibuPlot™ Results - Input Sales Anecdotal sales results: Farmchem – 20 MT of a new (Pioneer) hybrid maize variety (30G19) sold 3.5 m K Shs ($44,000.00) – demand generated from its demonstration at the JibuPlot™. Farm Focus, an AgroVet dealer participates in JibuPlot™ Farmer Field Days, increases the number of Crop Protection Products he stocks from 2 to 10 and generates an additional 250,000 K Shs ($3,100.00) in sales.
JibuPlot™ - Sustainability Four business models for JibuPlot™ sustainability will be tested, monitored, evaluated and refined: Cooperative-managed: a cooperative establishes and manages JibuPlots,™ funded by input sales. Supplier-managed: multiple commercial input suppliers cooperate to finance JibuPlots™ to demonstrate their products to farmers and drive sales growth.
JibuPlot™ - Sustainability Four business models: Agronomist/Entrepreneur managed: a “lead farmer” establishes the JibuPlot™ on his/her own land, serves as embedded agronomist and sales agent for multiple agr input suppliers. New Entrant-managed (e.g. Winfield Solutions) enters the Kenyan market as a wholesaler, using JibuPlots™ to drive agr input sales.
Questions & Discussion Thank you! -Thomas J. Herlehy, Ph.D. Developing Private Sector Extension Services