Think Machine ™ Consultants Aleshia Fawkes, Maddy Jacks, Hannah Gibb, Diane Badon and Alex Mortimer Think Machine ™ Consultants Aleshia Fawkes, Maddy Jacks, Hannah Gibb, Diane Badon and Alex Mortimer
E V E R Y Y E A R… 40,571 children neglected That’s 1 child every 13 minutes
THE ADVERTISING PROBLEM STATEMENT ‘In a fiercely competitive charitable marketplace, ACT for Kids lacks awareness in Queensland and other states as well as the understanding by donators in terms of who they are and what they do.’
CRITICAL FACTORS Non-for-profit environment is highly saturated and competitive Unawareness of the brand A.C.T for Kids and for what they do People are time poor They want to know where their donations are going/what they are being used for Non-for-profit environment is highly saturated and competitive Unawareness of the brand A.C.T for Kids and for what they do People are time poor They want to know where their donations are going/what they are being used for
ADVERTISING RESEARCH Target Audience Consumer Insights Target Audience Consumer Insights
THE TARGET AUDIENCE: men and women 30 to 46
The Target Audience wants to… See the impact of their gift. Know how their own involvement has contributed to that impact. Develop relationships with organisations they support. Be involved in the social change their resources are supporting.
TYPICAL TARGET CONSUMER PROFILE Meet Peter Peter is a 43 year old married business man who has reached stability in his career. He has two children who attend high school. He is open to giving to charities but he needs to know what his money is going towards and whether or not it is worth the investment.
THE KEY INSIGHT= VALUE + AUTHENTICITY “I have so many things to deal with on a daily basis, but I want to give to a charity that means something - where I can really make a difference.” listening-gen-x-y-charitable-giving-looks-a-lot-like-their-mothers less-new-research
IMPORTANT FACTORS “…good fundraising is very simple and basic - people often try to make it too complicated,”- Harvey McKinnon, Canadian donor loyalty specialist. Giving by mobile/text and social networks = fast emerging channels for TA “…good fundraising is very simple and basic - people often try to make it too complicated,”- Harvey McKinnon, Canadian donor loyalty specialist. Giving by mobile/text and social networks = fast emerging channels for TA
IMPORTANT FACTORS Gen X Donors more likely to support a charity when a friend/family asks for their support Donors want to have a choice to what they donate. Gen X are the biggest givers to children charities mainly through gifts Gen X Donors more likely to support a charity when a friend/family asks for their support Donors want to have a choice to what they donate. Gen X are the biggest givers to children charities mainly through gifts
people want to donate to charities, but there has to be a perceived tangible benefit
THE SOCIAL MEDIA SOLUTION the target market are more likely to use Facebook over other mediums. They will support a brand by ‘friending’ and ‘liking’ if they are engaged. advertising through Facebook (social media) and donating through an app taps into the consumer insight. the target market are more likely to use Facebook over other mediums. They will support a brand by ‘friending’ and ‘liking’ if they are engaged. advertising through Facebook (social media) and donating through an app taps into the consumer insight.
ADVERTISING OBJECTIVES Increase awareness of ACT for Kids amongst young families and mature families by 30% through advertising activities in 2015; Increase the amount of donors to the charity by 20% as a direct result of the campaign in 2015 Increase the number of male donors to the charity by 20% as a direct result of the campaign in 2015 Increase awareness of ACT for Kids amongst young families and mature families by 30% through advertising activities in 2015; Increase the amount of donors to the charity by 20% as a direct result of the campaign in 2015 Increase the number of male donors to the charity by 20% as a direct result of the campaign in 2015
KEY INSIGHT (Value +authenticity) + every child has the right to a childhood. ‘The right to be a child,’ campaign will emphasize the fact ‘you’re only a child once’,
Our campaign aims to encourage and empower Australians to become part of a movement aimed at preventing more children from suffering abuse.
This emotionally charged campaign will utilize clever sentimental references as a way to engage consumers in a more thought- provoking way.
ADVERTISING STRATEGY multi – prong social media strategy that will engage the target with the charity through transparency
1.Create a Facebook page and coinciding YouTube The YouTube video is to be embedded and made shareable
2. The Facebook Page will feature transparent information and lead people to the Give Easy App.
3. The video itself will demonstrate how donations can help children enjoy their childhood. This will also address the objective of increasing the number of male donors
GIVE EASY (APP) allows the user to donate to a wide range of charities and appeals instantly and easily from their mobile device. With more mobile devices than people in Australia the opportunity is ripe for registered charities to tap into digital and mobile technology platforms Target Audience consider conversations in the digital world to be as valid as face-to- face interactions.
FACEBOOK Participants can update their current fundraising goal to friends, family and colleagues Simplicity is key you’ll see more participants sending more messages…and in turn raising more money Hashtags effectively allow your Nonprofit to start and join in on conversations revolving the cause
YOU TUBE Build on success of previous campaigns Taps into key insight of tangibility compelling Direct personal message creates sense of transparency and trust which TA values
COMMUNITY SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT This is substantially cheaper Can utilize partnership with Channel 7 CSAs are short messages that promote a charitable cause, activity or event that is considered of service to the community.
THE BUDGET FeeHoursCost Pre Activation Activities Advertising campaign $10060$6,000 Social Media Promotion $50175$8,750 Activation Activities Social Media Promotion $50175$8,750 CSA Creation $14,000 Application Creation $6,450 Post Activation Activities Social Media Promotion $5040$2,000 Evaluative Reporting $5040$2,000 Other Collateral $1,000 Total 490$48,950
The Wrap Up
the ‘Right to be a child’ campaign= the ACT for kids profile will be raised. By harnessing the key insights of the target audience, they will understand every child has a right to a childhood… to a future… the ‘Right to be a child’ campaign= the ACT for kids profile will be raised. By harnessing the key insights of the target audience, they will understand every child has a right to a childhood… to a future…
REFERENCES donate/#sthash.VDg6O9tS.dpuf donate/#sthash.VDg6O9tS.dpuf shows/ shows/ like-their-mothers like-their-mothers awareness/ awareness/ donate/#sthash.VDg6O9tS.dpuf donate/#sthash.VDg6O9tS.dpuf shows/ shows/ like-their-mothers like-their-mothers awareness/ awareness/
percent/#sthash.yz16L57Z.dpuf percent/#sthash.yz16L57Z.dpuf expert expert percent/#sthash.yz16L57Z.dpuf percent/#sthash.yz16L57Z.dpuf expert expert