Facilitator: Jacqueline Thu-Huong Wong, MSW, PPSC CDE Foster Youth Services Panelists: Carrie Bloxom, Kern County System of Care,DREAM Center Betsy DeGarmoe, LCSW, PPSC, OC DOE Foster Youth Services Betsy DeGarmoe, LCSW, PPSC, OC DOE Foster Youth Services Michelle Lustig, MSW, Ed.D., San Diego COE Foster Youth Services Michelle Lustig, MSW, Ed.D., San Diego COE Foster Youth Services Carrie Miller, Ph.D., Los Angeles Education Coordinating Council Carrie Miller, Ph.D., Los Angeles Education Coordinating Council Effective Collaborations Focused on Youth in Care
Need for Services Many foster youth…. Function below the grade levelFunction below the grade level Move at least once a year and/or attend multiple schoolsMove at least once a year and/or attend multiple schools Qualify for special education services, but high mobility interferes with timely and appropriate school placementQualify for special education services, but high mobility interferes with timely and appropriate school placement 50% of foster youth do not graduate from high school50% of foster youth do not graduate from high school 40% of homeless youth were in foster care40% of homeless youth were in foster care
Kern County Dream Center Collaboration with public, private and non-profit industry Comprehensive approach to supportive services Academic Mentoring-Project D.R.E.A.M. Employment Opportunities (WIA) Dream Team & Youth Advocates Greater community outreach & awareness
Orange County Office of Education Partnership with Orangewood Children's FoundationPartnership with Orangewood Children's Foundation Leveraged resources to develop comprehensive program K-12 and beyondLeveraged resources to develop comprehensive program K-12 and beyond Work with Foster Youth Success Initiative Community College partnersWork with Foster Youth Success Initiative Community College partners Collaborative College Fair for foster youth on 9/26/09 at Orange Coast College – over 100 youth came and 7 colleges participatedCollaborative College Fair for foster youth on 9/26/09 at Orange Coast College – over 100 youth came and 7 colleges participated Collaborating with trade schools, ROP, adult ed programsCollaborating with trade schools, ROP, adult ed programs
San Diego County Office of Education Regional CollaborativesRegional Collaboratives Interagency AgreementInteragency Agreement Foster Youth-Student Information SystemFoster Youth-Student Information System Tutor ConnectionTutor Connection College Connection Advisory Council and EventsCollege Connection Advisory Council and Events School Success ProjectSchool Success Project FYSAC/CCYF ED CommitteeFYSAC/CCYF ED Committee Foster Youth Mentor ProgramFoster Youth Mentor Program
LA Education Coordinating Council Raising Educational Achievement for Foster and Probation Youth in Los AngelesRaising Educational Achievement for Foster and Probation Youth in Los Angeles Established by the County Board of SupervisorsEstablished by the County Board of Supervisors Strong focus on leveraging resourcesStrong focus on leveraging resources Streamlining services and communicationStreamlining services and communication
Contact Information Jacqueline Wong, MSW, PPSC Consultant CDE Foster Youth Services Phone: (916) Website:
Contact Information Continued Carrie Bloxom-Program Manager-Program Manager, Kern County Foster Youth Services Olivia Villareal-Youth Advocate, Dream Center & Coffee House Betsy DeGarmoe, LCSW, PPSC x 6438/(F)
Contact Information Continued Michelle Lustig, MSW, Ed.D. (P) (F) Carrie Miller, Ph.D. (213)