Los Angeles Trade-Tech – LATTC - VA Educational Benefit Workshop Thursday, July 26 th, pm-3pm – TE 101 By Raquel Anderson
The LATTC Veterans’ Student Center – Mission Statement Our mission is to provide a supportive environment for veterans and their dependents and to assist them with the services they need, to receive VA benefits and to become a successful student at Los Angeles Trade- Technical College.
Educational Benefits in all chapters The LATTC Veterans’ Student Center provides educational benefits in all five chapters: Montgomery GI Bill Selective Reserve and Active Duty Educational Program – CHAPTERS 30 and 1606 Vocational Rehabilitation – CHAPTER 31 Survivors and Dependents of Disabled or Deceased Veterans Education Program – CHAPTER 35 Iraqi and Afghanistan Veterans after 9/11 – CHAPTER 33
Veterans Student Center Veterans Student Center is opened from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Thursday, and is a space especially for Veterans! Stop by. Los Angeles Trade-Technical College 400 West Washington Blvd., Los Angeles – CA, Veteran Student Center, C-100-A Veterans Center Director: Kookie Williams (Murray) Tel
Did you Know As a Veteran you get PRIORITY REGISTRATION. You need a Student Educational Plan EVERY semester enrolled to receive benefits. A General Counselor is assigned to the Veterans student Center EVERY Wednesday from 10am-noon to complete your Student Educational Plans. You need 7 units to be considered ½-time student and to receive any benefits. Students enrolled in less than 7 units will NOT receive any benefits. You need 12+ units to be considered a fulltime student and receive Full benefits.
Eligibility Eligibility for Veterans Benefits (Chapter Eligibility) can only be determined by the Veterans Administration Muskogee Regional Office. Your documentation will be reviewed and, if eligible, your certification will be transmitted to that office. Counselors – selecting a course of study.
Muskogee Regional Office For specific questions regarding your Veterans Benefits we suggest that you contact: MUSKOGEE REGIONAL OFFICE P.O. Box 8888, Muskogee, Oklahoma Office Hours: 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. (Mon-Fri) Toll Free Phone Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. (Mon-Fri) TOLL FREE EDUCATION LINE:
HOW TO APPLY FOR VETERAN BENEFITS Before claiming your benefits, please be sure to complete the registration process and enroll in classes in the Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Admissions/Records Office. Additional documents may be required in individual cases. Required Documentation - Please be sure to make two legible copies of all requested documents for your own records. Be sure to collect and submit all appropriate documentation. Please refer to the instructions and the list of documents required in each of the following VA Chapters.
Required Documentation to Apply for VA Benefits Montgomery GI Bill Selective Reserve and Active Duty Educational Programs, Chapters 30 & 1606 and Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP) – Chapter 33 Complete VA form Complete VA information sheets DD-214 (copy member-4) or NOBE (Notice of Basis Eligibility DD-2384) Registration Fee Receipt (Schedule of Classes) signed and dated by a Veterans Counselor Agreement for Army College Fund (kicker), if eligible Official Transcripts Educational Plan and Evaluation of Transcripts signed by VA Counselor.
Required Documentation to Apply for VA Benefits SURVIVORS AND DEPENDENTS OF DISABLED OR DECEASED VETERANS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM – CHAPTER 35 Complete VA form Unofficial Transcripts Educational Plan and Evaluation of Transcripts signed by VA Counselor. VA Social Security number
Chapter 33- Post 9/11 Eligible individuals: Individual who served a minimum of 90 days on active duty after September 10, 2001 Active duty served as a member of the Armed Forces or as a result of a call or order to active duty from a reserve component under section 688, 12301(a), 12301(d), 12301(g), 12302, or of Title 10 is qualifying active duty service. Tuition and fees are paid directly to the school on behalf of the student, prorated by the students benefit level. If you have a fee waiver the VA doesn’t pay any FEE BENEFITS.
Chapter 33 continued…. Monthly Housing Allowance: Paid directly to the student at the beginning of the month for the PREVIOUS month Prorated by the student’s length of service Housing allowance is paid if the student has 7+ credits $2175 per month
Chapter 33 continued…. Books Stipend Lump sum paid at the beginning of each semester directly to the student Prorated depending on length of service $41.67/credit up to 24 credits and $1,000 per academic year (08/01/yy-07/31/yy) Transfer of Entitlement Benefits can be transferred to spouse or dependent children if member of the armed services (active duty or selected reserves)serves 6 years and reenlists for 4 years or has at least 10 years of service More info: Transfer of Entitlement
Chapter 30-Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty Eligibility Categories Began active duty service for the first time after June 30, 1985 Had their pay reduced $100/month for 12 months Received honorable discharge Benefits are paid monthly, directly to veterans ces/rate_tables.html
Chapter 35- Dependents Educational Assistance Assistance paid to dependents of veterans who: Are 100% disabled due to service (According to the VA) Died of a service-connected disability Died while evaluated as having total or permanent service- connected disability Is listed as POW or MIA Persons who are eligible A child ages A surviving spouse A spouse or child of a service member who is hospitalized or receiving outpatient treatment for a service connected disability Rates found at: bles.html More information:
Chapter Selected Reserve Members actively participating in the selected reserve Army Navy Air Force Marine Corps Coast Guard Army National Guard Air National Guard Eligibility Requirement 6-year obligation to serve in the Selected Reserve Participation in the Selected Reserve Training Rates Found at:
Chapter 31- Vocational Rehab A veteran may be eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) benefits if he or she: Has received, or will receive, a discharge that is other than dishonorable Has a service-connected disability rating of at least 10%, or a memorandum rating of 20% or more from the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) Applies for Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) Vet Success services The basic period of eligibility in which VR&E’s Vet Success services may be used is 12 years from the latter of: The date of separation from active military service, or The date the veteran was first notified by VA of a service-connected disability rating
Chapter 31- Vocational Rehab Services that may be provided by the VR&E VetSuccess Program include: Comprehensive rehabilitation evaluation to determine abilities, skills, and interests for employment Vocational counseling and rehabilitation planning for employment services Employment services such as job-training, job-seeking skills, resume development, and other work readiness assistance Assistance finding and keeping a job, including the use of special employer incentives and job accommodations
Chapter 31- Vocational Rehab On the Job Training (OJT), apprenticeships, and non-paid work experiences Post-secondary training at a college, vocational, technical or business school Supportive rehabilitation services including case management, counseling, and medical referrals Independent living services for Veterans unable to work due to the severity of their disabilities
Applications Can submit applications (new or returning) OR Call and one will be mailed to you All VA students must file an application and Ed Plan when they first start school New students, who have never received VA benefits before must file an original application Returning students must fill out a Veterans Information Card (Green Card) EVERY SEMESTER!
Direct Deposit Address and direct deposit information must be kept CURRENT Ch 30, 1606, & 33 can use WAVE (Web Automated Verification of Enrollment) to update info. Links are on the “Main Menu” after you log in To start or change direct deposit: Have account number 9 digit bank routing number Type of account (checking or savings) Questions? Call
Direct Deposit Veterans using CHAPTER 30, CHAPTER 1606, CHAPTER 33 and CHAPTER 31 benefits have the option to have their VA payments directly deposited into a checking/savings account of their choice. Interested Veterans should contact the VA Office at to set up an account or update a current direct deposit account.
Student Verification of Enrollment Ch. 30, 1606, & 33 Must verify enrollment monthly by WAVE (Web Automated Verification of Enrollment) WAVE permits students to: Verify that enrollment has not changed Report a change in enrollment Change mailing address Initiate or change direct deposit information View the enrollment period and monthly benefit amount View the remaining entitlement Sign up for a monthly reminder Can phone in verification if no changes have occurred Chapter 33 is automatically verified by the VA
Repeating Courses May repeat 1 course 3 times 1 st Time you fail course: “Free-bee” Not reported to VA 2 nd time you fail course: Pay VA money back 3 rd time you fail course: Pay VA money back AND keep the grade DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN!
Benefit Payment Monthly benefit payments (or Monthly Housing Allowance for CH 33) are made directly to students. The payment is made to the student for the number of days the student is certified for the month. If a student is certified for a whole month, the full monthly benefit is paid.
Pay Status – GI Bill Benefits CHAPTER 30 – Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty – Three or more years active service Full Time- $1,321 ¾ Time - $990 Half Time - $660 Less than ½ time: tuition and fees only
Pay Status – GI Bill Benefits CHAPTER 31 – Vocational Rehab Full Time- $1,073 ¾ Time - $ Half Time - $ Less than ½ time: tuition and fees only
Pay Status – GI Bill Benefits CHAPTER 35 – Survivor and Dependent Benefits – (Effective: ) Full Time- $915 ¾ Time - $686 Half Time - $456 Less than ½ time: tuition and fees only
Pay Status – GI Bill Benefits CHAPTER 1606 – Reserves/National Guard Full Time- $329 ¾ Time - $246 Half Time - $168 Less than ½ time: tuition and fees only
Pay Status – GI Bill Benefits CHAPTER 33–Post 9/11 Full Time- $ 2, ¾ time, half-time are prorated by the VA Less than ½ time: = 6 units (only pay fees)
VA Educational Plan All VA students must obtain an Educational Plan from the Counselor of Veteran Affairs in the Counseling Office. – The VA requires the Los Angeles Trade-Technical College VA Office to maintain an Educational Plan for each Veteran’s educational objective. Failure to obtain an Educational Plan from a Counselor during the first semester of attendance will result in a delay in processing your Veterans Benefits. Your Educational Plan must be completed by the VA office for certification prior to your enrollment in a second semester at LATTC.
VA Educational Plan If you have not obtained and submitted an Educational Plan from a Counselor for the first semester, your status with the VA will be certified as “pending” as the LATTC Office will be unable to determine your eligibility for payment.
Continuation of VA Benefits Please see Kookie and fill out the green card (Veterans Information Card) + yellow card (Course Request) and make sure your Educational Plan is updated.
Standards of Satisfactory Progress Students who fail to maintain satisfactory progress for three consecutive semesters will no longer be eligible for certification for Veterans Benefits. INC, F and NCR Grades
Tutorial Assistance If you need the services of a tutor be sure to obtain PRIOR approval from the Veterans Affairs Office. Tutors must be approved by the VA in order for a VA student to become eligible for reimbursement for the costs of tutorial assistance. $ per month
Parent School Letters Parent School Letters are issued to students taking courses simultaneously at more than one school. The school that will grant the degree is the student’s “primary” school. All other schools are “secondary” schools. Students seeking a degree at another institution and attending courses at LATTC must have approval from the degree granting institution in order to certify the courses taken at LATTC.
Guest Student A Student who is enrolled at primary college but takes a class at a secondary college Need to be certified by secondary college Need a parent school letter from LATTC Secondary college will send grade to Primary college
Rate of Pursuit VA calculates rate of pursuit by dividing the credit hours (or credit hour equivalents) being pursued by the number of credits considered to be full-time by the school. The resulting percentage is the student’s rate of pursuit. VA benefits are paid based on training time. In a standard semester, VA measures training time as follows: 12 credits are full-time 9-11 credits are ¾-time 7-8 credits are ½-time Non-Standard Semester- Full-time 5 week semester=4 units 6 week semester=4 units 8 week semester=6 units
Reductions and Withdrawals All Chapters All Changes in credit must be reported within 30 days because fees will change Changes in credit only need to be reported if: Credit changes from credits Students are enrolled in less than 7 credits
Punitive Grades A punitive grade is a grade assigned for pursuit of a course which is used in determining the student’s overall progress toward completion of the school’s requirements for graduation, e.g., a failing grade. Unlike the non-punitive grade, the punitive grade DOES affect the criteria to be met by the student for graduation, i.e., it is a factor in computing the student’s GPA. Example: “W”, “I”, “F”, or “D”
Incomplete Grades LATTC allows “I” grades or incompletes Students must remove the “I” within a year If “I” is not removed a default grade is assigned (usually a D or F) and then student may retake course. Academic Probation Must notify VA IMMEDIATELY when a student is placed on academic probation Must Maintain 2.0
Unsatisfactory Progress, Conduct & Attendance Benefits will stop once students stop making satisfactory progress toward completion of their training objectives BELOW 2.0 Benefits can be resumed if the students reenroll in the same institution and same program. ABOVE 2.0 In other cases, benefits cannot be resumed UNLESS VA finds that the cause of unsatisfactory attendance, conduct or progress has been removed, and the program being pursued by the students are suitable to their aptitudes, interests, and abilities.
Chapter 33 Fiscal Issues Student pays VA if class is Amended meaning if they drop, add, or get an “F” or “I” LATTC pays VA if they made a mistake and class was cancelled or clerical error was made.
Debts and Overpayments Anything dealing with Debts and overpayments contact: Debt Management Center (DMC) P.O. Box St. Paul, MN
Important Phone Numbers Education Benefits Other VA Benefits (Local Regional Office) Direct Deposit Enrollment Benefit Questions for Students Studying Overseas Foreign Schools (Approval and Reporting) VA Debt Management Center
Education Call Center Toll-Free # Available 7am-7pm Central time Mon-Fri Automated system available 24/7 provide info about benefits, applications, etc. Call toll-free line for: Hardship Cases Status of Claims Questions Questions on individual student payment issues
Website information If you are interested in browsing the National VA Education Website, you may do so by using the following internet address:
For Further Information For Further Information Kookie Williams Certify Veterans Official Student Veterans Center Director 400 W. Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA Tel
For Further Information Start your Bachelor’s degree here at Trade Tech! Contact: David Esparza University Transfer Center Director David Esparza Phone: (213) Location: Student Services Building, ST-203 Monday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Tuesday 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Wednesday 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Thursday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Friday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
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