Mark Keppel High School Welcome, Class of 2015! 12 th Grade Parent Night
MKHS Counselor Breakdown Guidance Counselors DuanesA-F DesselleG-Hur MatsuoHuy-Mach ChanMad-Th SesztakTi-Z Dr. Cynthia Prentice, Assistant Principal
Tonight’s Agenda 1. MKHS Graduation Requirements 2. College Entrance Information Community College 4 Year Universities 3. College A pplication Process 4. Letters of Recommendation Process 5. Financial Aid Resources 6. Career Center 7. Upcoming Activities
Mark Keppel High School Graduation Requirements English 40 credits Physical Education 20 credits Mathematics 30 credits - Algebra required - Geometry required Science 20 credits - Physical Science - Life Science Social Science 30 credits - World History - US History - American Government/Economics Fine Arts or Foreign Language 10 credits Elective Courses 60 credits Total: 210 credits Students must also pass the CAHSEE in order to receive a diploma.
CAHSEE (Exit Exam) Test Dates 2014 October 7th & 8 th 2015 February 3rd & 4 th May 12 th & 13th
Selecting a College Factors to Consider: Academic eligibility(a-g, g.p.a.) Academic programs (majors) Student body (demographics, size) Cost (tuition, books, housing, transportation) Campus life (social activities, interests, career opportunities) Location (urban/suburban/rural setting, distance from home)
California Community College Information Entrance Requirement: 18 years old or high school diploma Transfer to 4-Year University Programs: UC – 2.4 minimum GPA CSU – 2.0 minimum GPA AA Degree* & Certificate Programs available * (will receive priority admission to CSU)
California Community College Information Options Statewide 112 East Los Angeles College, LA City College, Pasadena City College, LA Trade Tech, etc. *CAN be enrolled in courses at more than one campus. Tuition Costs $1,104/year* ( $46 per unit) Test Required for Admission Placement test required for math and English *EAP may replace this! (SAT/ACT not required) GPA RequirementNone *Books, housing, & transportation costs not included.
Application Process – Community Colleges Applications dates vary by Community College* Pick up application from community college or enroll online. Check individual websites for deadlines! You may apply to & attend more than one college at a time. Testing Check with individual community college about placement exams (as CST EAP from junior year may replace assessment) *Check frequently for application dates.
UC/CSU Entrance Requirements The CSU and UC requirements will be covered in more detail by the college representatives in the cafeteria at 7:00 pm.
UC/CSU College Information UC System 9 Undergraduate Schools 1 Graduate School Tuition Costs $13,456* CSU System 23 Undergraduate Schools Tuition Costs $6,343* GPA Requirements UC: a 3.0 or better CSU : a 2.0 or better Test Required for Admission UC: SAT or ACT + writing** CSU: SAT or ACT** *Books, housing, & transportation costs not included. **see CSU eligibility index and/or UC eligibility index (combine GPA & test scores for admission requirements.
4-year College Admission Testing Requirement SATACT Oct. 11 th ( late reg by 9/30 ) Nov 8 nd ( reg by 9/9 ) Dec 24 th (reg by 11/8) Sept 13 th (late reg by 9/6) Oct 25 th (reg by Sept 27) Dec 24 th ( reg by Nov 8 ) *Fee waivers available for eligible students on a limited basis. Students should see counselor before or after school – or at lunch – well before registration deadline. *Many colleges will still accept test scores taken through December 2014 (UC/CSU).
Application Process – California State University Application Copy ALL documents submitted Print receipt of application submittal Costs $55 per campus Fee waiver embedded in online application ( maximum 4) Deadlines Filing period: October 1 – November 30! Testing: EPT & ELM placement tests ( There are some exemptions, example CSU EAP exam may replace this assessment )
Application Copy ALL documents submitted Print receipt of application submittal Costs $70 per campus Fee waiver embedded in online application (maximum 4) Deadlines Filing period: November 1 – November 30! Application becomes available online on October 1 st
Personal Statement: The Prompts 1. Describe the world you come from — for example, your family, community or school — and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations. 2. Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are? Plan to Attend Personal Statement Workshop! Date/time TBD
Personal Statement 1. Start your personal statement early. 2. Be clear. Be focused. Be organized. 3. Do not manufacture hardship. 4. Write persuasively and give specific examples. 5. Give yourself plenty of time for revisions and obtain feedback. More tips available at:
Application Process – Private Universities Admissions Requirements vary greatly; students must check with each private college. Application Check private university websites Keep a copy of ALL documents submitted Print receipt of application submittal Costs Application costs vary Fee waiver available if eligible (see counselor) Deadlines Deadlines vary, see individual university websites.
Other Application Procedures Watch for and respond to all college correspondence! Mostly done through ! Use an appropriate address & check daily. Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) – varies by college, usually around May 1 st. Typically requires monetary deposit to ensure enrollment at school. Housing – deposit is often required Transcripts – submit only upon request of college Please note: Transcripts must be ordered through Student Bank Final Transcripts – Student must request from MKHS Records Office in May.
Letters of Recommendation UC Letters of recommendation not required CSU Letters of recommendation not required * EOP applications require two recommendations (from counselor, teacher, employer, or other community member) Private Letter of recommendation usually required Check with individual private universities
Letters of Recommendation (for private colleges & scholarships) All requests should be given to counselor/teacher/community member/employer AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Requests submitted with less than two weeks’ notice will not be honored. Any requests for letters for applications with deadlines in January must be submitted by Friday, December 5 th. What is required: 1. Copy of “Senior Information Packet” 2. Copy of Personal Statement 3. Stamped and addressed envelope* oCorrect postage oBe sure to check university requirem ents for envelope size, address labels, etc. *if using paper application process
Financial Aid Financial aid presentations will be held for students in December UC/CSU approximate cost: $20,000 - $30,000/ year (includes tuition, books, housing, transportation) Cash for College Workshop (FAFSA) Saturday, January 25, at MKHS 8 am – 12 pm Scholarships available for attending! All students should attend, regardless of college path! For More Information – opens January 1, due March 2, 2015!
Scholarship Information Visit and the Guidance Office for updated scholarship resources. Scholarship searches on the Internet Be wary of searches that charge a fee See website Check place of employment, church, organizations to which you belong, local newspaper, etc. You must invest time and energy in scholarship search & application! Always follow-up with a thank you card to the organization that provided the scholarship. Check with the individual colleges/universities as well.
Career Center Help CSULA (California State University, Los Angeles) will provide an Ambassador to answer questions, give information to students. Days and Times TBD.
Upcoming Activities Winter Ball Prom Grad Night etc.! Remember, in order to participate, students must maintain 2.00 GPA Satisfactory citizenship Satisfactory attendance More information available in Business & Activities Office.
Important Dates to Remember Thursday, October 16 College Fair SGHS 4:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. November 30Deadline for UC and CSU Applications! Please join us now for CSU/UC presentation at 7:00 pm