How do I become a FCMS Business Partner? Follow these easy steps! 1)Read the following information and decide which level of membership you would like at Fruit Cove Middle School. 2) After reading info and making your decision, fill out “St. John’s County School District” page and “ FCMS Partners In Learning Application” page. See directions for ing LOGOS for banners &/or web site. 3)Make check out to FCMS PTO. Put this in your records for tax purposes since we are a non-profit! You can also pay via PayPal from our website! 4)Give us your Application! Drop off or Mail to: Fruit Cove Middle School Attn. PTO: Angie Conlan 3180 Race Track Road Saint Johns, FL Or (& make arrangements for check) to: or call
How Can My Business SUPPORT Fruit Cove Middle School? BECOME A FCMS BUSINESS PARTNER! WHAT IS “ PARTNERS IN LEARNING? ” “Partners In Learning” is a PTO program whose mission is to support the educational needs of Fruit Cove Middle School. Our goal is to create mutually beneficial relationships by building your business and at the same time offer a fundraising opportunity for our school. This is a way to support each other in the spirit of community! We have over students and by becoming a partner, you will have access to our families in a personal and professional way. Your support will help Fruit Cove Middle School with so many resources! We truly appreciate ALL of you that have supported us in the past and hope you will continue to do so in the FUTURE!
HOW DO I BECOME A FCMS BUSINESS PARTNER? We have 2 LEVELS of PARTICIPATION as seen below. If you are an FCMS parent, decide how you would like to get involved & fill out the application and send back into school with your child in an envelope marked PTO PARTNERS IN LEARNING or feel free to drop off at the front office! You can put business cards in card holder at Front Desk! GATE PARTNER ---$75 SKY PARTNER ---$250 ( BANNER ON FENCE INCLUDED with Sky Partner Level ) Levels of Participation : We hope you find one that suits your needs. If you would like to make a donation other than a monetary one that would help the school, please let us know. Please contact me with any questions or to RSVP. Thanks! Angie Conlan FCMS PTO Partners In Learning Coordinator
Fruit Cove Middle School: PARTNERS IN LEARNING 2 LEVELS OF MEMBERSHIP GATE $75 PARTNER : Key Tag Participant: Allows students & families to use their FCMS key tag to receive a discount at your business. (Example: 10% off products; $20 off first visit; free exam) Opportunity to place business cards in specifically marked “Thank You To Our Partners-In-Learning” card holder in school’s front office Recognition in PTO newsletter & school’s web site Recognition on a flyer sent home with Report Cards each 9 Weeks SKY $250 PARTNER ( BANNER INCLUDED ): Key Tag Participant: Allows students & families to use their FCMS key tag to receive a discount at your business. (Example: 10% off products; $20 off first visit; free exam) Opportunity to place business cards in specifically marked “Thank You To Our Partners-In-Learning” card holder in school’s front office Recognition in PTO newsletter & school’s web site Recognition on a flyer sent home with Report Cards each 9 Weeks GREAT MARKETING ! Opportunity to place signage at school along fence (excellent viewing area for FCMS parents and local sports teams) *Banner will be provided ($75 value) if you need one for your business. Please provide a jpeg image of your business logo and to Personal invitation to receive recognition at a FCMS PTO Meeting as our special guest (6 meetings to choose from.) You can pass out promotional materials or special coupons. You must contact to set this up.
St. Johns County School District 40 Orange Street, St. Augustine, FL Phone: (904) Fax: (904) Annual School - Community Partnership Agreement Dear Partner, Thank you for your willingness to participate in the Business in Education Program. School-Community partnerships are agreements between a business, agency, or organization and a school or the district to work together for the purpose of enhancing education. Partnerships may be formed at any time, and should remain in effect for the duration of a school year. Partners should formalize or renew their partnerships annually by completing a new Partnership Agreement Form outlining proposed activities for each new school year. In order to maintain an accurate partner database from year to year, it is important that you provide the information requested below. If you have any questions or have any changes to this information during the school year (address, phone, contact person, etc.) please notify the St. Johns County School District volunteer office at Please complete and return the forms on the next two pages.
SCHOOL/PROGRAM INFORMATION * PARTNER INFORMATION Fruit Cove Middle School 3180 Race Track Road Saint Johns, FL Your Business/Agency/Organization:________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ Partner Contact Name: ___________________________________________ Phone Number: _________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ *Please check the Level you are participating in at FCMS: ___Gate Partner $75 ___Sky Partner $250 The Community Partner and School Partner shown above do hereby agree to form a School-Community Partnership and to work together for the benefit of education and the community-at-large by enriching the curriculum, ensuring the quality of education necessary for economic growth, strengthening the future workforce and/or increasing support for and confidence in public education throughout the community. This partnership agreement shall be effective for the school year. Angie Conlan FCMS PIL Coordinator _________________________________ Signature of Business Partner, Title __________________________________________________ Date
FCMS PARTNERS IN LEARNING APPLICATION : Fruit Cove Middle School Attn: Angie Conlan, PTO 3180 Race Track Road, St. Johns, FL Tel *** This page & the Community Partnership Page is what needs to be returned ! Company Name : _______________________________ ____________________________ Contact Person : ___________________________________ _______________________ Address : ___________________________________ _______________________________ ___________________________________ ________________________________ Phone : _______________________ Website : ____________________________ ______ Partners-in-Learning Donation Level: Please check participation level ____ Gate $75: Monetary Donation of $75 ____ Sky $250: Monetary Donation of $250— Banner ! As a FCMS Business Partner in Learning, I agree to offer the following discount benefits to PTO Key Tag Members (this is optional): _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Please make checks out to FCMS PTO. We are a non-profit, so please copy for your tax records! Please send in this form and the St. Johns County School District Annual School-Community Partnership Agreement Form with your payment in envelop labeled PTO Partners In Learning with your child OR drop off to Fruit Cove Middle School or mail to: PLEASE YOUR COMPANY LOGO IN JPG FORMAT TO BE USED ON SCHOOL WEBSITE, NEWSLETTER OR SIGNAGE to or THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT ! You are making a DIFFERENCE ! For Committee use only: ____ Logo received ____Website-updated _____ Donation rec’d. You can also pay via PayPal on our website!