Your Name: Nathan Nguyen Class Period: 5 th Period Subject of Biography: John Lennon Title of Book: Imagine Author: Jeff Burlingame
John Lennon facebook John Don’t stalk me or my twitter. I’m a natural super star! Liverpool, England WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn F. KennedyLogout John My dad just died……….. #Whocares Expand John My dad finally came after my childhood. This is what I get for being famous. Expand John The Beatles just broke up #Imjustsilent Expand Paul The Beatles just broke up. #Imjustsilent Expand John We had our second child named Sean Expand 3 0 RETWEETS FAVORITE 195 TWEETS 56 FOLLOWING 2,365,895 FOLLOWERS, Tweets Following Followers Favorites Lists Recent Fake Twitter About Help Terms Privacy Blog Status Apps Resources Jobs Advertisers Businesses Media Developers
facebook Your Example Twitter Name View My Profile Page ,256 TWEETS FOLLOWING FOLLOWERS WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn F. KennedyLogout John I just got married to Cynthia. #Imnotsingle Expand Paul We just formed the Beatles. Expand John We just formed the Beatles. Expand John My mom died because of a car accident. She was flying. #ImAlone Expand John I have to live my Aunt Mimi Expand 3 0 RETWEETS FAVORITE John We just had our first child named Julian. I have no clue how to be a parent. Expand John Yoko and I got married. Expand Tweets Compose new Tweet… Paul Promoted Follow Ringo Follow George Follow Who to Follow Refresh View All Browse Categories Find Friends Trends Change #Beatles Promoted IHeartBeatles Elvis Presley Pete Best Yoko Ono Rock n Roll