Digital Literacy: Teaching a New IC 3 Global Standard
What is IC 3 ? A global certification standard and exams to educate and evaluate Internet and computing/communication technology literacy (ICTL) > Available in 13 languages and 50+ countries > The basis of K-12 and higher education Digital Literacy/Technology Literacy programs > Based on standards created by the Global Digital Literacy Council (GDLC) > Developed as a partnership between Certiport, Inc. and First Advantage
Certiport > The global leader in performance-based certification programs > Managers of Microsoft’s Office certification program (MCAS), as well as programs from Adobe and other companies/organizations First Advantage > Formerly SkillCheck, Inc. > Specialists in performance-based assessment (including CourseAssess)
Jon Haber > Senior Vice President, First Advantage Assessment Solutions (formerly SkillCheck, Inc.) > Co-Author of The National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS*S): Resources for Assessment, published by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
What is ICTL? > Computer Literacy (1980s) > Internet Literacy (library field) > Digital Literacy (Paul Gilster, 1997) > Fluency with Information Technology or FiTness (National Research Council, 1999) Current (or “contemporary”) computer skills Foundational concepts Cognitive and problem-solving abilities > OECD PISA Study, e-skills (UK), MEXT (Japan), US state and international standards > Global informal consensus regarding what defines ICTL
Defining ICTL – The IC 3 Standard > Literature review > Development of examination blueprints by subject-matter experts (SMEs) under the direction of a psychometrician specializing in IT certification exam development > Review of blueprint by Global Digital Literacy Council > Updated blueprints reviewed/content validated by hundreds of subject-matter experts > Content validation exam blueprints used as the basis for: Exam development Curriculum – Provided to publishers (including Course)
Measuring ICTL Linear AssessmentPerformance-Based AssessmentHands-On Assessment Multiple-choice testsInteractive simulationPortfolios SurveysConcurrent (Live Application0Observation Scalability Complexity
Measuring ICTL – IC 3 Exams > Created using test-development principles used in the certification and educational testing/licensure fields > Must pass three examinations (Computing Fundamentals, Key Applications, Living Online) > 3-4 domains/45 questions for each 45 minute exam > Performance based items (measuring skills) and linear items (measuring knowledge) in each exam > Automatically scored > Criterion Validated > Translated into multiple languages
Measuring Skills – Performance- Based Test Items
Measuring Knowledge – Linear Test Items
Measuring Success
IC 3 Global Standard 3 (GS3) > Third generation of IC 3 standard and exam development > Maintaining three-exam structure and use of performance-based content (high reliability) > Changes to assumptions about the “average user” Fewer limitation/more choices More of us are now constantly connected Social networking/Web Moving from locating and evaluating to creating online content “We are all just content providers now.”
GS3 - New Areas of Study > Electronic Mail Electronic Communication Instant messaging/text messaging Blogs and social network sites Online audio and video > Understanding how content is created, located and evaluated User as information producer and informed consumer > Web 2.0 concepts woven through all three IC 3 modules
Your Course: The Challenges Students enter the course with varying levels of computer expertise Students have different learning styles Many students have not yet developed effective college-level learning skills Many students don’t like to read For some students English is a second language
The Bar Regardless of the diverse “input,” at the end of the course all students are expected to pass over a “bar” labeled “What every college educated person should know about computers.”
Practical Computer Literacy 2 nd Edition: Internet and Computing Core Certification
Instructional Material: Four Criteria 1.Dedicated to the exam and under a single cover 2.Cover 100% of the IC3 Exam Objectives 3.Provide hands-on learning for 100% of the performance-based Objectives 4.Meet additional criteria, such as branding
IC3 Module 1: Computing Fundamentals Domain 1.0: Computer Hardware, Peripherals, and Troubleshooting Domain 2.0: Computer Software Domain 3.0: Using an Operating System Chapter 1: Computer Hardware Chapter 2: Peripheral Devices Chapter 3: System and Application Software Chapter 4: Installing Software Chapter 5: Getting Started with Windows XP Chapter 6: Getting Started with Windows Vista Chapter 7: Working with Files Practical Literacy: Section I
IC3 Module 2: Key Applications Domain 1.0 : Common Program Functions Domain 2.0: Word Processing Functions Domain 3.0: Spreadsheet Functions Domain 4.0: Communication and Presentation Software Chapter 8: Getting Started with Application Software Chapter 9: Creating a Document Chapter 10: Formatting a Document Chapter 11: Finalizing a Document Chapter 12: Creating a Worksheet Chapter 13: Formatting a Worksheet Chapter 14: Finalizing a Worksheet Chapter 15: Creating a Presentation Chapter 16: Finalizing a Presentation Chapter 17: Creating a Database Chapter 18: Finalizing a Database Practical Literacy Section II
IC3 Module 3: Living Online Domain 1.0 : Communications Networks and the Internet Domain 2.0: Electronic Communications and Collaboration Domain 3.0: Using the Internet and the World Wide Web Domain 4.0: The Impact of Computing and the Internet on Society Chapter 19: Networks Chapter 20: Working with Chapter 21: Browsing the Web Chapter 22: Computer Risks and Benefits Practical Literacy Section III
Performance Based (PB) Coding NumberObjectives & Skill Sets Special Instructions for Instructional Material (IM) IM MappingPB Mapping NIC³ Identify different control panel/system preference settings Illustrate and explain the uses of the most commonly used control panel/system preference setting (date and time, keyboard and mouse settings, etc.) 68, 82 YIC³ Change simple settings, including: 1.Date and time settings 2.Display settings (including screen saver or multiple monitors) 3.Audio volume settings 4.Mouse and keyboard settings 5.Disability settings 6.Security settings Demonstrate the operating system function or functions detailed in this objective. 1.65, , , , , , 82 1.Project WI- 2 2.BookOnCD 5-6 and 6- 7, and Project WI- 2 3.BookOnCD 5-2 and Project WI- 2 4.BookOnCD 5-7 and 6- 8, and Project WI- 2
Performance Based (PB) Coding NumberObjectives & Skill Sets Special Instructions for Instructional Material (IM) IM Mapping PB Mapping NIC³ Identify common uses for word processing (such as creating short documents like letters and memos, long documents like reports and books, and specialized documents such as Web pages and blog entries) and identify elements of a well-organized document, including: 1.Use outlines to organize documents 2.Format similar text and data elements consistently 3.Use tables or bulleted/numbered lists to organize information appropriately 4.Appropriate spacing options (line spacing, paragraph spacing)… Explain common uses for word processing. Explain how word processing documents can be used to organize documents via outlines. Explain how design elements can be used to make a document easier to read as well as make it easy to find needed information. 42, 124, 152, 148, 145, 140, 157 YIC³ Create and modify bulleted and numbered lists (single-level and multi- level) Demonstrate the word processing function or functions described in this objective. 146BookOnCD 10-6 and Project WD-5
PLIT Pedagogy
FAQs Short paragraphs Screenshot with callouts Steps described in callouts Bullet points for options and hints See It!See It!
Interactive PlayIt! Students step through a procedure Simulated Bullets can be used interactively Cover IC3 performance-based objectives Try It!Try It!
Chapter Projects Starter files included with the BookOnCD Reinforce IC3 objectives Use FAQs as handy reference Apply It!Apply It!
The ChallengesThe Solution Varying levels of computer expertise Flexible learning tool Different learning stylesReading, listening, hands-on, exploratory Learning skillsBuilt-in assessment Don’t like to read; English is a second language Approachable layout Need to assess proficiency IC3 Certification