+ Presented by: Carol Curinga and Cara Leppington COLLEGE PLANNING FOR SENIORS
+ Student Tips Update your Naviance account. Attend college visits. Attend CSU and UC workshops When applying, remember to apply to at least one school that you have a strong likelihood of being admitted to (a “safety” school).
+ Student Tips Have a “professional” address and check messages regularly. If mailing, send important applications and forms with a Certificate of Mailing only from the US Post Office. Save hard copies of everything. Start a filing system. Stay on track with due dates for college, scholarships, financial aid, and housing applications.
+ Admissions Testing ACT & SAT – completed by December. Send individual scores to all schools that require admissions testing. Community College assessments/placements Study_Guides.htm Study_Guides.htm
+ The College Application Process California Community Colleges Time to Apply: February-March for best course selection Fee to apply: None Testing is not required for admission Placement tests in Math and English; required after admission No letters of recommendation or personal statements are needed Must be 18 or have a high school diploma to enroll Register for Sacramento City College in February of Senior year. Attend Senior Saturday event in spring
+ The College Application Process California State University Attend CSU Workshop on October 3. Time to Apply: October 1- November 30 Fee: $55 per campus to which you apply Testing required: SAT or ACT Students must satisfy a-g course requirements Minimum GPA to apply: 2.0 Students must meet a minimum eligibility index based on GPA and SAT/ACT scores No essays or letters of recommendation are accepted
+ The College Application Process University of California Attend CSU Workshop on October 10. Time to Apply: November 1-30 only Fee: $70 per campus to which you apply Testing required: SAT or ACT with writing Students must satisfy a-g course requirements Minimum GPA to apply: 3.0 Students must meet a minimum eligibility index based on GPA and SAT/ACT scores Essays (personal statements) are required No letters of recommendation accepted
+ The College Application Process Private and Out of State Public Colleges and Universities Time to Apply: varies Fee to apply: varies Where to get application: check each university’s website Common Application is available at Testing required: Usually SAT or ACT, possibly two SAT Subject tests- check with the university. Letters of recommendation and essays: vary
+ The College Application Process Letters of Recommendation Ask two teachers to write a letter of recommendation for you, if required. Download the letter of recommendation packet online on Naviance. Provides assistance with common application. Complete the packet and turn it in to teachers and your counselor by November 5 or 3 school weeks prior to the first due date. Your counselor will complete the school report in common application.
+ The College Application Process Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) The WUE is a program of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). Student who are residents of WICHE states may enroll in participating two and four year college programs outside of their home state at a reduced tuition rate.
+ Fee Waivers for Testing and College Applications Apply for the Free/Reduced National Lunch Program: Eligibility may qualify for testing waivers. Students in foster home placements may also qualify. You may apply for a application fee waiver to UC and CSU campuses when you apply online. College Board has a waiver to use with private colleges. See your counselor.
+ Scholarships and Financial Aid Financial Aid Workshop for seniors TBA. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA) is available in December. When to apply: January 1-March 2. Completing the FASFA online is the best method: Collegeboard.org offers an Expected Family Contribution Calculator to estimate how much the student’s family will be expected to contribute.
+ Scholarships and Financial Aid Ask private colleges for specific financial aid and scholarship information. Check the Davis Joint Unified local scholarships on Naviance. Check the financial aid website of each individual school. Check out for additional scholarships. Some private colleges require the CSS Profile
+ Important Events Early Decision Workshop for students– September lunch in the Student Lounge “What Colleges May Not Tell You – And You Really Need to Know” seminar September 7:30 – 9:00pm DHS Library CSU Workshop – October 7pm DHS IPAB UC Workshop – October 7pm DHS IPAB Financial Aid Workshop – TBA Counselor contact info: Cara Leppington A-M Carol Curinga N-Z