INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE Customize this section with your picture, background and experience, and company/contact information, or delete if you are adding this to an existing presentation Customize this section with neighborhood sales information, including comps and homes for sale nearby Delete this section if you do not have Showcase ℠ Listing Enhancements from ® Delete this section if you do not have a Facebook business page with the Social Connections App installed Delete this section if you do not have Featured Homes ℠ on ® Delete this section if you do not have Top Producer ® CRM Delete this section if you do not have the Digital Agent package from ®
Prepared for: ANY FAMILY RESIDENCE 1234 Main Street | Any Town | USA 00000
REALTOR ® PROFILE (agent photo here) Name Company information Contact information Website/ Years in business Education Designations Organizations Introductory paragraph goes here
COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT List your community involvement here
MY RECENT SALES 3 Recent sale address 1 Recent sale address 2 Recent sale address 4 Recent sale address 3
MY TESTIMONIALS List your testimonials here
MY AWARDS AND DESIGNATIONS List professional accomplishments
ASKING PRICE VS. SELLING PRICE Price too low and you lose the value. Price too high and you lose the buyers. Strategically pricing your home to get it sold for the most money in the least amount of time
CRITICAL WEEKS WHEN LISTED Pricing correctly helps you strike a deal when there is more competition for your home.
PRICING VS. POTENTIAL BUYERS Properly priced, you will have the possibility of many more buyers competing for your property. Asking Price Compared to Market Value Percentage of Potential Buyers who will look for Property Market Value +10% +15% -15% -10% 60% 30% 10% 90% 75%
IMPORTANCE OF PRICING I will negotiate on your behalf to help get the best price at the best terms in the shortest amount of time. Over time a home that has not been sold may attract offers below market value.
RECENT SALE COMPARABLES 3 PHOTOS OF HOMES HERE Address of Comp. 1 List Price I Sale Price I DOM Address of Comp. 2 List Price I Sale Price I DOM Address of Comp. 3 List Price I Sale Price I DOM Address of Comp. 4 List Price I Sale Price I DOM A snapshot of comparable homes sold recently in your area.
PREVIEW OF YOUR HOME In addition to my efforts, the associates in my office may be assisting me in locating buyers, showing and selling your home.
IMPORTANCE OF INTERNET HOME SEARCH 92 % Home Buyers 92% of home buyers use the internet or mobile apps to search for a home 1 Reach the widest audience of potential buyers More buyers = better chance of finding one that is willing to meet your terms, price and desired closing date Source: National Association of REALTORS ®, Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, 2013
WHERE BUYERS FIND HOMES 43% of buyers found a home via the internet – up from 8% in 2001 Source: National Association of REALTORS ®, Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, 2013 Where buyers found the home they purchased, (Percentage Distribution)
HOW BUYERS FOUND THEIR HOMES 2002: Internet surpassed print ads 2004: More buyers found their home on internet than from signs 2009: The internet is FOUR TIMES as powerful as signs Source: National Association of REALTORS ®, Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, : 22% of mobile searchers found their home on a mobile application Internet 43% Print Ads 1% Signs 9%
BEST OF ALL WORLDS I market to buyers who are on our site PLUS buyers who have not yet picked a broker. Buyers who search on ® Buyers who search and ® Print ads Buyers who search on For illustrative purposes. Varies by broker and region.
SOCIAL NETWORKING I will use social networking as a non-intrusive way to keep my network apprised of your listing. Screen shots represent site as of publication date. Site subject to change without notice.
REALTOR.COM ® APPS Screen shots represent site as of publication date. Site subject to change without notice. Buyers who are searching in this neighborhood can find me through ® mobile marketing. Mobile Marketing Plan Buyers driving through the neighborhood can: Find your home, get directions and a map Connect with me in one “click” to get details and make an appointment
REALTOR.COM ® SHOWCASE ℠ LISTING ENHANCEMENTS FOR AGENTS Screen shots represent site as of publication date. Site subject to change without notice. What is a Showcase ℠ home? Up to 36 high resolution photos of your home or community Descriptive paragraph to capture buyer attention Brightly colored headlines and call-outs make the listing more noticeable
REALTOR.COM ® SHOWCASE ℠ LISTING ENHANCEMENTS FOR AGENTS Why Showcase ℠ homes matter My contact information is on the listing for your home so I am positioned to answer inquiries from buyers personally and quickly Screen shots represent site as of publication date. Site subject to change without notice.
REALTOR.COM ® SHOWCASE ℠ LISTING ENHANCEMENTS FOR AGENTS Buyer activity reporting As your agent, I will keep you up to date on buyer activity with reports showing interest and actions Screen shots represent site as of publication date. Site subject to change without notice.
REALTOR.COM ® SHOWCASE ℠ LISTING ENHANCEMENTS FOR AGENTS Translated into 11 languages, the ® international site offers global and investment buyers the opportunity to view your listing in their native language. French Chinese Dutch English German Italian Japanese Korean Portuguese Russian Spanish Screen shots represent site as of publication date. Site subject to change without notice. ® International International buyers have an easy way to contact me with questions regarding your home.
REALTOR.COM ® SHOWCASE ℠ LISTING ENHANCEMENTS FOR AGENTS Local and regional buyers make up half of the market I will post your Open House on the website where more consumers are doing research Those who know the neighborhood may refer their friends to your Open House Open Houses
by® FEATURED HOMES ℠ | Locally, regionally, nationally and internationally Move-up buyers First time homeowners Local buyers Relocation buyers Investors Foreign buyers
by® FEATURED HOMES ℠ | Screen shots represent site as of publication date. Site subject to change without notice. I can make your home the first one buyers see Exclusive position gets your home seen before all others
TOP PRODUCER ® Top Producer ® CRM helps convert more internet buyers
ONLINE MARKETING ADVANTAGE ® Showcase ℠ Listing Enhancements for Agents I will enhance your listings on the top websites, including ®, with the features buyers want most Featured Homes ℠ Your home will have premium positioning on one of the most engaging real estate sites, ® Mobile Reach Your property will appear on the ® mobile apps so mobile consumers can find your home Facebook Application I will display your property on my social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter Top Producer ® CRM My data system helps manage prospective buyers so that I never miss an inquiry, request or referral Digital Agent My digital agent package gives me access to at least 1 out of 4 prospective local buyers on ® and ® mobile apps