Berlin vs. Ljubljana Matej Gojčič
Berlin vs. Ljubljana Similarities: Similarities: new beginning new beginning
Berlin vs. Ljubljana Similarities: Similarities: new beginning new beginning employment changes (flexible working schedule, structure of working places) employment changes (flexible working schedule, structure of working places)
Berlin vs. Ljubljana Similarities: Similarities: new beginning new beginning employment changes (flexible working schedule, structure of working places) employment changes (flexible working schedule, structure of working places) stores opening hours stores opening hours
Berlin vs. Ljubljana Similarities: Similarities: new beginning new beginning employment changes (flexible working schedule, structure of working places) employment changes (flexible working schedule, structure of working places) stores opening hours stores opening hours suburbanization suburbanization
Berlin vs. Ljubljana Similarities: Similarities: new beginning new beginning employment changes (flexible working schedule, structure of working places) employment changes (flexible working schedule, structure of working places) stores opening hours stores opening hours suburbanization suburbanization aging population aging population
Berlin vs. Ljubljana Public transport: Public transport: S-BAHN U-BAHN Strassenbahn BUS TRAIN BUS
Berlin vs. Ljubljana Difference: Difference: (public transport on Slovenian roads)
Berlin vs. Ljubljana Difference: Difference: (passengers on all means of public transport in Slovenia)
Ljubljana Reasons: Reasons: abolition of the tramway sistem abolition of the tramway sistem Tramway (Siemens & Halske) Tram 2006
Ljubljana Reasons: Reasons: abolition of the tramway sistem abolition of the tramway sistem over 90% of all infrastructural investments into roads. over 90% of all infrastructural investments into roads.
Ljubljana Reasons: Reasons: abolition of the tramway sistem abolition of the tramway sistem over 90% of all infrastructural investments into roads. over 90% of all infrastructural investments into roads. spatial planning system spatial planning system
Ljubljana Reasons: Reasons: abolition of the tramway sistem abolition of the tramway sistem over 90% of all infrastructural investments into roads. over 90% of all infrastructural investments into roads. spatial planning system spatial planning system travelling expenses travelling expenses
Ljubljana Consequences: Consequences: in rush hour 25 cars per marked parking space in rush hour 25 cars per marked parking space
Ljubljana Consequences: Consequences: in rush hour 25 cars per marked parking space in rush hour 25 cars per marked parking space fragile traffic system with many traffic jams fragile traffic system with many traffic jams
Ljubljana Consequences: Consequences: in rush hour 25 cars per marked parking space in rush hour 25 cars per marked parking space fragile traffic system with many traffic jams fragile traffic system with many traffic jams further decline in use of public transport further decline in use of public transport Thining the number of lines Reduction of passengers
Ljubljana Consequences: Consequences: in rush hour 25 cars per marked parking space in rush hour 25 cars per marked parking space fragile traffic system with many traffic jams fragile traffic system with many traffic jams further decline in use of public transport further decline in use of public transport changes in city urban structure changes in city urban structure
Ljubljana Solutions: Solutions: mind shift mind shift Thining the number of lines Reduction of passengers Improving public transport More passengers
Ljubljana Solutions: Solutions: mind shift mind shift integration of all public transport systems integration of all public transport systems TRAIN BUS ?????????
Ljubljana Solutions: Solutions: mind shift mind shift integration of all public transport systems integration of all public transport systems more investments in public transport (national transport policy) more investments in public transport (national transport policy)
Ljubljana Solutions: Solutions: mind shift mind shift integration of all public transport systems integration of all public transport systems more investments in public transport (national transport policy) more investments in public transport (national transport policy) changes in spatial planning system (new legislation) changes in spatial planning system (new legislation)
Ljubljana Solutions: Solutions: mind shift mind shift integration of all public transport systems integration of all public transport systems more investments in public transport (national transport policy) more investments in public transport (national transport policy) changes in spatial planning system (new legislation) changes in spatial planning system (new legislation) traveling expenses to public transport companies traveling expenses to public transport companies
Ljubljana Solutions: Solutions: mind shift mind shift integration of all public transport systems integration of all public transport systems more investments in public transport (national transport policy) more investments in public transport (national transport policy) changes in spatial planning system (new legislation) changes in spatial planning system (new legislation) traveling expenses to public transport companies traveling expenses to public transport companies develop new public transport concept develop new public transport concept
Ljubljana Solutions: Solutions: mind shift mind shift integration of all public transport systems integration of all public transport systems more investments in public transport (national transport policy) more investments in public transport (national transport policy) changes in spatial planning system (new legislation) changes in spatial planning system (new legislation) traveling expenses to public transport companies traveling expenses to public transport companies develop new public transport concept develop new public transport concept Keep the walls down!
Questions Matej Gojčič