Canonicity Which books belong in the Bible? Who decided? Are there some missing books? Why is the Catholic Bible different from ours? Canon Apocrypha Pseudepigraphal Antilegomena Deuterocanonical
Important Study How were the books of the Bible collected and arranged? Who decided if a book was genuine or fake? Why were some books rejected?
Important Study This subject is not often studied. Many new terms will be used. These issues are at the heart of our faith in the Bible as the Word of God. Do we have all the books inspired of God? Any extras? Any missing?
Definition of Terms Canon –A reed, measuring rod –The standard by which something is measured, tested, judged –In this study – the list of books in our Bible that measured up, passed the test, were judged to be genuine and inspired.
Definition of Terms Canon –This word is used in Galatians 6:16 –“Walk according to this rule.” –“By the canonicity of the Scriptures is meant that, according to certain and fixed standards, the books included in them are regarded as parts of a complete and divine revelation, which is therefore authoritative and binding in relation to both faith and practice.” Bancroft
Definition of Terms Canonicity –The study of how the books of the Bible were chosen. –The study of the standards used and applied. Apocrypha –Hidden, covered, secret –The books written during the inter-testament period –Considered genuine, not fakes, but uninspired
Definition of Terms Pseudepigraphal –Fraudulent writings claiming inspiration Deuterocanonical –The 2 nd canon – a secondary list of books –These books meet a 2 nd standard Antilegomena –Spoken against, questioned, doubted –Some NT books were questioned early then accepted
Definition of Terms OT Canon –The accepted list of books –39 in our Bible –Arrangement differs, some combined NT Canon –The accepted list of 27 books –The order will vary, list is constant
OT Canon Problems –Written by more than 40 men –Written over more than 2,000 years –Copying was expensive and difficult First Attempt –Ezra was the first to gather and list the books of the OT –This was about 425 BC
OT Canon Settled by 250 BC –The arrangement was different –The number was different because some books were combined –All the minor prophets were in one book called the Writings of the Twelve Josephus –Jewish historian and writer –Lived at the time of Christ –Said that Ezra finalized the list of accepted books
OT Canon Dead Sea Scrolls –Qumran community made copies of all OT books (except Esther) –Many commentaries were also copied here –Only books of the OT had a commentary Church Fathers –There were many writers in the first 3 centuries of the church –All accepted the same list that Ezra complied –Augustine accepted all 39 plus the apocrypha
OT Guidelines Book must have been written, edited, quoted or endorsed by a prophet Christ and NT writers quoted or endorsed the book NT quotes all but 7 OT books –Obadiah, Nahum, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Esther, Ezra, and Nehemiah –Some list only – Esther, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon
NT Canon Only 8 writers Over a 40 year period Papyrus made copies easier to make Other factors: –ease of travel – better roads –standard language (Greek) –postal service –dispersion of Christians
NT Guidelines 1.Must have written by an apostle; OR 2.Endorsed by an apostle; OR 3.Generally accepted by the early Christians; OR 4.The author maintained close contact with one or more apostles 5.Early Christians believed that the providence of God would protect the genuine and reject the spurious.
Systematic Theology Henry C. Theissen, Lectures in Systematic Theology, p. 103 – “Let us remember that this non-interference of authority is a valuable topic of evidence to the genuineness of our Gospels; for it thus appears that is was owing to no adventitious authority, but by their own weight, they crushed all rivals out of existence.”
NT Canon By 120 several lists of NT books were compiled All were identical in what was included –Hebrews was the exception on some lists No other books were included on any of these lists Only the arrangement varied
NT Canon 2 nd and 3 rd century councils all accepted this list The only disagreement was about arrangement of the list –Chronological order –Value and importance –Combination is end result
NT Canon Gospels –First in NT –John most important placed last Acts Romans was considered the most important work of the epistles
NT Canon Some books were questioned early –Hebrews, James, 2 Peter, 2 & 3 John, Jude, and Revelation –“Antilegomena” – spoken against By 170 – –All issues were settled –All 27 books were accepted By 200 the list was universal
The Apocrypha Word means – hidden or covered Books were written between 200 BC and 100 AD Roman Catholics accept these books –They are placed between Malachi and Matthew Protestants do not accept these books
The Apocrypha - Reasons for Accepting 1.Historical in nature 2.Seem to be accurate accounts 3.Appear to be genuine 4.Contain no major contradictions with the Bible 5.They contain hints at purgatory and giving alms to atone for sin
The Apocrypha 1 Esdras2 Esdras JudithEsther 10:4 – 16:24 Wisdom of SolomonEcclesiasticus BaruchDaniel 3:24-90, Prayer of Manasseh 1 Maccabees 2 MaccabeesLetter of Jeremiah Tobit
Apocrypha - Problems The non-canonical books have many problems within themselves. They do have historical information that is of value to the inter-testament period. The origin of many NT customs and ideas were developed in this period
Apocrypha - Problems 1.Never appeared in the Hebrew canon. The Jews never recognized them as part of Scripture. 2.Neither Christ, nor any writer, quoted from them or referred to them in the NT. 3.Josephus rejected them. 4. Philo, a Jewish philosopher, quoted from much of the OT but never quoted, or even mentioned any of the apocryphal books.
Apocrypha - Problems 5.The apocryphal books are not included in any list of OT books within the first four centuries AD. 6.Jerome ( ) stood solidly for the Hebrew canon and opposed the apocrypha. 7.The books contain some absurdities. 8.They contain some errors in geography and history. 9.Inspiration is not claimed by any of the authors.
Apocrypha - Problems 10.The books were not held as canonical until the Council of Trent in 1546 added them to the canon and condemned anyone who disagreed. 11.They contain no doctrine or prophecy. 12.Most of these books do not mention God.
The Pseudepigrapha 1.These books “claimed” inspiration. 2.They were written under false names, claiming to be from Peter, Barnabas, Enoch, Thomas, Isaiah, and many others. 3.They are clearly not inspired. It is easy to tell the difference by a casual reading.
Conclusions 39 Books in the OT 27 Books in the NT No other writings are: –Inspired of God –Accepted from the beginning
Conclusions We have the Word of God –Complete – Inspired – Revealed –Translated into our language Our task is to: –Read it –Study it –Obey it