Florida Department of Environmental Protection Brownfields Workshop University of North Florida - Adam W. Herbert University Center Brownfields Designation Process – City of Jacksonville, FL July 12 th, 2013 Prepared by Ken Pinnix, Jacksonville Branch Manager, Cardno
FDEP Brownfields Workshop – CoJ BF Designation Process City of Jacksonville Brownfields Program initiated in City of Jacksonville Brownfields Designation Pilot Project Area adopted via City Council Resolution A. F.S Brownfields Program Administration Process utilized as guide for determining local designation procedure.
Enterprise and Empowerment zone areas City of Jacksonville, Florida Cecil Commerce Area Phillips Hwy. Enterprise Zone Imeson Industrial Area
Largest City in US – sq. mi. Largest BF Designated area at over 15,000 acres (23.44 sq. mi.) (approx. 2.6% of Citywide area) Shares contiguous boundaries with State Enterprise and Federal Empowerment Zones
Cecil Commerce Center
Imeson Industrial Park
Phillips Highway
CoJ BF Designation Process – Inside Pilot Area Letter requesting inclusion into program; Completion of affidavits verifying site/parcel ownership – Exhibit A – Property Ownership Form – Exhibit B – Multiple Properties Ownership Form Legal description of proposed site/parcels; Advertise notice of public meeting at least 7-10 days in advance of meeting (in newspaper with general circulation); Hold public meeting on or near site; Send letter to requestor confirming inclusion.
CoJ BF Designation Process – Outside Pilot Area If site is outside of designated BF area, Community Redevelopment Area (CRA); State Enterprise Zone (EnZ); Federal Empowerment Zone (EmZ) or Closed Military Base; Requestor must meet requirements of F.S (b)1-5.
CoJ BF Designation Process – Outside Pilot Area F.S (2)(b) 1-5 Statutory requirements: 1.Must own property; 2.Must create 5 or more permanent jobs; 3.Show consistency with Local Comprehensive Plan (Request confirmed with CoJ Planning Dept.) 4.Public Notice Advertised/Public Meeting Held; 5.Financial capability to complete project.
CoJ BF Designation Process – Outside Pilot Area Letter requesting inclusion into program; Completion of affidavits verifying site/parcel ownership; – Exhibit A – Property Ownership Form – Exhibit B – Multiple Properties Ownership Form Legal description of proposed site/parcels; Advertise notice of first public meeting at least 7-10 days in advance of meeting (in newspaper with general circulation); Hold first public meeting on or near site; Second public meeting announced and held at least 10 days after first advertised public meeting at municipal seat.
FDEP Brownfields Workshop – CoJ BF Designation Process Brownfields legislation (Resolution) is introduced to City Council for legislative review and comment; Assigned to Council sub-committees (typically Transportation, Energy & Utility (TEU); Public Health & Safety (PHS) or others as deemed necessary; Typical sub-committee review timeline is 2 legislative cycles or 4 weeks. (Council sub-committees meets every other week) Proposed Resolution is vetted by Council and Citizens in attendance during scheduled sub-committee meetings.
FDEP Brownfields Workshop – CoJ BF Designation Process After review and vetting by Council sub-committees, resolution is approved and moved to next Full Council agenda for consideration and vote; After passage by Council, the resolution is signed by Mayor; Requestor is notified of approved designation. Concurrently, FDEP is notified of the designation. A Brownfields Site Rehabilitation Agreement (BSRA) is negotiated with the FDEP (if necessary) Typical timelines for entire designation process is 8-10 weeks (depending on Council Calendar & Holiday closures)
Designation process is streamlined; Layered development & environmental incentives; Enhances opportunity for development; Promotes sustainable growth & development; Client support from initiation of process to notification of FDEP of designation FDEP Brownfields Workshop – CoJ BF Designation Process Conclusion
Kenneth M. Pinnix Brownfields Consultant & Jacksonville Branch/Sr. Project Manager - Cardno Office: mobile: