And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. (Col. 3:17)
“All interpret Bible differently” (Jno. 8:31-32; Eph. 5:17) “God loves everyone no matter what…” (Matt. 7:21-23) “We all believe in Christ’s resurrection” (1 Cor. 4:6; Matt. 15:8-9) “We are all members of the church of Christ” (1 Cor. 1:10) 2
Because the fulfillment of God’s promise matters, Acts 2:36, 39 – Promise to Abraham, Gen. 12:3; Gal. 3:8-9, 14, 22, – Promise to David (Jesus the Savior), Acts 13:23-41 (32-33, 38-39) 3
Because salvation from sin matters, Acts 2:36-41 (47) – God calls sinners by the gospel, 2:39-41 – Sinners call on God by their obedient faith, 2:21, 37-38, 41 Because the authority of Christ to save sinners matters, Acts 3:6, 11-17; 4:7-12,
Because sin is known and punished by God, Acts 5:1-11 Because sin in a new Christian is not overlooked, Acts 8:
Because error must be identified, resisted and not given fellowship, Acts 15:1-5 – Accommodation results in fellowship with sin, 2 Jno – Accommodation invites people to believe and practice error that causes them to be lost – Truth discussed, studied, examined, Acts 15:6-21 – Truth taught everywhere without fear or favor, Acts 15:22-29, 30-32; 16:4 6
Because the faithful must be warned and protected, Acts 20:17, 20, – Elders must diligently feed and oversee the flock of God, 20:28 – Elders are warned of dangers from without and among themselves, 20:29-32 Watch and feed the word of God – No one is immune from sin’s temptation and error’s appeal 7
Because we must obey God rather than men, Acts 5:27-32, – God and His will must come first in our lives, regardless of the price, Lk. 14:27-30, 33 – To live the devotion we profess, Acts 26:9-11 8
Because we must share in the suffering of Christ, 1 Peter 4:12-14 – Willing to suffer for the name of Christ, Acts 9:16; 20:23; 21:10-14 – The sacrifice we make shows the value we put on Christ’s blessings of glory, Phil. 3:7-11 9
10 -What you believe -What you practice -What you teach -What you have fellowship with -What price you pay
11 -Because God matters -Because Christ matters -Because truth matters -Because the church matters -Your soul matters