The Space and the astronomy From immemorial time, the man has been interested in the stars, and therefore to know what is beyond our planet, the astronomy. This science has been used for multiple uses. For example the Egyptians aligned the pyramids to the Pole Star and Maya based their calendar on the cycles of the stars.
Astronomy: Twentieth century In the twentieth century the astronomy drew on two great revolutions. These developments were based on new instruments.
Mid Twentieth Century
Radiotelescopes Huge radio telescopes were deployed, instruments with which to hear the Universe.
Space Race Between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, the objectives were Between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, the objectives were : the exploration of the outer space with artificial satellites and sent humans into space and the moon Sputnik I, was the first satellite into orbit (USSR) Yuri Gagarin became the first human to be launched into space
The man on the Moon After so many Russian victories, the great final battle, that of putting a man on the Moon, was realized by U.S. The Apollo 11 transported the astronauts Edwin Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins. Armstrong was the first man to put his foot on the Moon and Aldrin followed him; the July 21, They became the first humans to step on the moon After so many Russian victories, the great final battle, that of putting a man on the Moon, was realized by U.S. The Apollo 11 transported the astronauts Edwin Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins. Armstrong was the first man to put his foot on the Moon and Aldrin followed him; the July 21, They became the first humans to step on the moon.
The Last Quarter Century
Astronomy goes out from the Earth… …with orbiting spacial observatories. The specialized telescopes were sent outside Earth's atmosphere, as the Hubble telescope.
Twenty-first Century
Orbitals laboratories and Telescopies In the 21 st Century have been put into operation powerful telescopes and radio telescopes, terrestrial and orbital, and robots are on the surface of other planets by increasing the capacity of man.
Satellites Are being launched Satellites of communication advanced, navigation, and planetary research, such as the Galileo project, it is an European substitute of the GPS American. GPS is an invent of USA realized in 1995 but stretch in the 21 st Century, shape for 24 satellites.
Space travels Are being designed space travel by private companies, but they are very expensive. Virgin Galactic are preparing Orbital travels but the price of this trips are very expensive.
FUTURE Projects
Permanent Lunar Base The design of a permanent lunar base with radio telescopes, which will reveal planets and galaxies so far unknown, and for the stopping place for the space ship in the travel to Mars
Humanization of the Space The humanization of space with space colonies, as well as the construction of hotels The Stanford Torus, it's a proposed design for a space habitat capable of housing 10,000 to 140,000 permanent residents Interplanetarium hotel, that it would placed at 1200 Km of the Earth
Future Spacecrafts Use the spacecraft with speeds above Mach 25 (25 times the sound speed) with the intent of lowering the price of the orbiting objects. Now the “spacial cars” travel to Km/h max.