Global Health
Ponder These Thoughts….. What would you do if you couldn’t cure common illness like the cold, flu, a headache, muscle soreness? What would you do? What if you had no clean water? What steps would you take to purify it if your water source wasn’t safe? What if there were no governing associations for health products? How would you determine if medicines/ products were safe? Would you still take it if it has risks/unknowns? What if you lived in a mud hut, wore the same outfit everyday, and drank water from the same place that you bathed?
What is Global Health? Issues that are concerning to different populations all over The World. The issues can range from diseases and infections to water supply and health diplomacy. Communicable Diseases Global Water Supply and Safety Health Diplomacy Maternal and Child Health Non-Communicable Diseases Refugee Help
Global Health Chain of Command
Communicable Diseases Communicable diseases spread from one person to another or from an animal to a person. The spread often happens via airborne viruses or bacteria, but also through blood or other bodily fluid. The terms infectious and contagious are also used to describe communicable disease. In this section, learn about coordinated efforts to combat a few of the most serious communicable diseases on a global level. HIV/AIDS Influenza Malaria Tuberculosis Polio
Clean Water Supply and Safety Clean water is essential for human health. It is necessary for drinking, farming, sanitation, and hygiene. Unfortunately, clean water is a global challenge. Progress in technology and policy has helped some, but not enough. Population growth and environmental challenges mean that clean water will remain a global health challenge for many years.
Health Diplomacy For any nation, the health and well-being of its population has broad social, political, and economic implications. As such, health cooperation is an important part of the foreign policy of the United States. Advancing health diplomacy is one of the objectives articulated in the Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) Global Health Strategy: – Engage directly with diplomatic partners, and strengthen peer-to-peer technical, public health, and scientific relationships.Global Health Strategy Key Priorities Assign health attachés to selected U.S. embassies for international cooperation, ensuring that political, security, development and health objectives are maximized Establish a Global Health Career Track within HHS to formalize career opportunities and training for people working in the global health arena, including in overseas assignments Partner with the Department of State to bolster knowledge about global health among the diplomatic corps Strengthen diplomatic knowledge, negotiation skills and understanding of development principles for HHS field staff and technical health experts
Maternal and Child Health In the 1980's, the United States increased funding for MCH- related programs. At that time, it was estimated that 17 million children under the age of 5 died every year. By 2006, through the efforts of many international aid organizations, the annual number of deaths of children under the age of 5 is 10 million. HHS works to improve the health of women and their children across several organizations. HIV/AIDS: Preventing Mother to Child Transmission and Pediatric AIDS Reducing Infant and Child Mortality and Improving Child Health Reducing Maternal Mortality and Improving Maternal Health
Non-Communicable Diseases Chronic, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the number one cause of death and disability in the world. The major NCDs, that are responsible for almost 2/3 deaths annually, are: Cardiovascular diseases Cancers Chronic respiratory diseases Diabetes
Refugee Help The Office of Global Affairs (OGA) coordinates refugee health policies and activities across the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). They also work with other federal and international agencies that are involved with refugee issues. OGA assists state governments with programs for refugees resettling in the United States. This includes refugee health assessment and health care. Mission Trips Food Drives Clothing Drives
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