2 Space Technologies Spin-Offs
3 Space Technologies Spin-offs The Space Science and Technology eventually released many “terrestrial” applications which were turned into the best benefit of day by day life. Among them are the recent Space emerged communication technologies which allowed the huge essor of Internet as well as other communication techniques as support for more and more tele-applications.
4 Social and Managerial Space Spin-offs The field of social life including health, wellness, and sports, as well as education, took profit of such space technologies as communication, imaging, remote control, etc. Telemedicine; Tele-education; Global Positioning Systems; Tele-working; Disaster management and mitigation.
5 The “AEROSPATIAL” Program
6 Space Activity in Romania The ROmanian Space Agency ROSA is the Romanian Governmental structure which coordinates the Romanian Space Program and has a representative role in the cooperation with similar international organizations Recently, ROSA has established protocols of cooperation with European Space Agency and NASA, continuing a tradition of space activities and cooperation begun in the ‘70 with former INTERCOSMOS
7 Program’s Strategic Goals One of the main strategic goals is the application of space emerged technologies to medicine and human biological welfare. This strategic goal is materialized in projects developed under: Sub-program 1: Space and Aerospace Strategy and Infrastructure Sub-program 3: Space Applications Sub-program 6: Excellence Centers
8 Some Projects: In the context of the previously mentioned strategy there are some relevant projects under development: Telemedicine Pilot (under coordination of the FUNDENI Clinical Institute); Medical tele-education (in the frame of Telemedicine Pilot Project);
9 Some Projects:... and, Demonstration Pilot for Humans Monitoring under High Risk Conditions (under coordination of National Institute for Sport Science); Excellence Center for Space Applications in Medicine and Human Biological Welfare (under coordination of the FUNDENI Clinical Institute).
10 Medical and Welfare Applications The partnership for the implementation of the Medical and Welfare Applications are: Medical Institutions; Human biological welfare Institutions Space Science Institutions; IT&C Institutons. Governmental, NGO’s, public, SME’s.
12 The National Need for Telemedicine Environment: Remote undeveloped, inaccessible zones; Perfectible medical assistance; Needs: Training & education of medical personnel; Integration of clinical databases; International integration and compatibility.
13 Premises Development of IT&C; Development of communication services; Dynamics of Internet and communication services providers; Awareness of the community; Political will and support; Public funding support.
14 Telemedicine Pilot Project
15 Pilot Project Goals (1) Demonstrate the competence and infrastruc- tural capabilities to set-up and use a true telemedicine system; Increase the public and governmental awareness for the benefits of telemedicine; Perform specific and public medical education; Demonstrate the health management capabilities of a telemedicine system.
16 Pilot Project Goals (2) Develop national wide partnership as the premise for a National Telemedicine System; Aim to integrate the medical system, space application system, and private initiative efforts; Perform lobby for the telemedicine concept, system and funding (public and private). Perform lobby for international partnership and funding.
17 The Telemedicine Pilot Structure
18 The Telemedicine Pilot Structure The Pilot is intended to cover, at this stage, the Department of General Surgery and Liver Transplantation (DLT) as well as the Department of Medical Imaging (DMI). The structure of the Pilot follows the standard structure of a telemedicine system, as presented in the tutorial part of this presentation, adapted to the strategic needs of the project. The next slide shows a view of the system related to the intended telemedicine audience.
19 The Fundeni Telemedicine Pilot Links Medical units in Romania Fundeni Medical units abroad Internet barebone
20 The Telemedicine Pilot Environment In the Pilot phase the Fundeni Telemedicine Pilot is connected with standing, accessible medical sites in Romania and abroad. The main communication link is through Internet (over IP); The occasional communication link is radio, through satellite channel or radio streamer. Both kind of links can connect the same sites.
21 The Pilot Permanent Communication Link radio streamer Internet barebone Medium converter Ethernet to telemedicine pilot network At Fundeni location At Polytechnica University Electronics Department At Polytechnica University location Optical fiber
22 The Pilot IT Network router Ethernet to radio modem switch to DLT LAN to DMI LAN Department of General Surgery and Liver Transplantation LAN surgeryvideo-conference room & CODEC system Department of Medical Imaging LAN ABA - DMI server & database B - DLT server & database
23 Key Structural Features of the Pilot integrating existing equipment; open (any node could be present or not); expandable (accept integrating new nodes); scaleable (accept throughput increase); easy to maintain and service; easy to operate with minimal training.
24 Medical Applications
25 Clinic and Diagnostic Applications Medical Imaging; Robotic Surgery; Medical Databases; Video-conferencing: tele-mentoring; tele-consulting (second opinion); medical tele-education;
26 Future Advanced Applications Tele Surgery; Advanced Image Processing; Remote and/or Mobile Telemedicine; Disaster Management and Mitigation; Virtual Surgery; Virtual Medical Education; e-Learning, Evaluation and Qalification.
27 Demonstration Pilot for Humans Monitoring under High Risk Conditions
28 Project Goals Modeling of a rescue service for persons with high risk for survival (cardiovascular patients, diabetic patients, handicapped persons, aged people, etc.); Testing a pilot of the service in simulated conditions on kayak embarked sportsmen; Evaluation of the pilot potential for other social spin-offs as further applications in sports, healthcare and security.
29 Principle of Operation GSM medium GPS Satellite Rescue initiation Evaluation & Decision
30 Monitoring Service Tasks Real time acquisition of the GPS reported position of person and sensor based acquisition of functional parameters; Evaluation of functional parameters and alarm initiation; Alarm parameter evaluation and rescue procedure initiation; Off-line records for further evaluations.
32 Excellence Center for Space Applications in Medicine and Human Biological Welfare
33 A Strategic Approach The further activity of the Excellence Centre will be based on already established as well as on future negotiate bi- and multi-lateral Agreements of Cooperation with public and private structures in Romania and abroad.
34 Excellence Center Environment Telemedicine Fundeni Pilot Other Telemedicine and Welfare Partners Excellence Center for Space Applications in Medicine and Welfare Aiming to a National Telemedicine System connected to an International Network International funding: projects, grants, joint co-operation and co-funding Medical Inst. Life Sci. Inst. Proff. Assoc. Technol. Inst. public NGO SME Gov. Inst. (i.e. ROSA) NP/R&D Services Providers Internet & Comm. Prov. coop. agreements co-funding coop. agreements contract funding fees Telemedicine & e-Health System MAGGI GRIDINTERNET
35 Project Goals The establishment of an excellence medium for the development of applications around the Telemedicine Pilot, already in construction; The widening of the area of possible applications with great impact in social and private human quality of life; The incubation of social supported, as well as commercial, services for the improvement of the population welfare and life quality.
36 Call for Cooperation The endeavor of the “AEROSPATIAL” Program is aimed, among others, to support and incent the space emerged applications implementation in social life. This goal will be fulfilled only through cooperation and synergic integrated activities in Romania, in Europe and worldwide. We invite all the interested participants to contact cooperators, merge efforts, competencies and resources to do that!
37 Thanks You for your kind attendance and interest!