THE PERSON AND WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Pentecostal Distinctives – Part 2
Illumination Aims: To recap on our learning as to how Charismatic Pentecostalism has bec0me the fastest growing movement within Christendom today To be introduced to the study of Johannine and Lukan Pneumatology To engage in Practical Theology concerning the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
Theological symbols? Biblical words and concepts The Dove…? (Luke 3:22, Gen 8:6-12) Wind…? (Gen 1:2, John 3:8, Acts 2:2) Fire…? (Acts 2:3) Water…? (John 7:37-39) Oil…? (1 Sam 16:3, Luke 4:18) ‘Ruach’ (OT Hebrew) ‘Pneuma’ (NT Greek) ‘Paracletos’ (NT Greek) ‘Anointing ’ (A Pentecostal Charismatic term) Symbols of the Holy Spirit, Biblical words and theological meaning
Recap - How did Pentecostal theology first form…? Charles Fox Parham In Topeka Kansas 1901, Parham, a faith and healing evangelist formulated a doctrine which began to form the foundation of Pentecostal beliefs. Three separate works of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer: 1. Salvation (conversion/regeneration) 2. Sanctification 3. Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Recap - How did Pentecostalism begin…? William J Seymour a disciple of Charles Fox Parham Where? The Azusa Street Revival 1906 A series of meetings over a three year period in an abandoned building in Los Angeles which caused Pentecostal beliefs/experience to eventually be made known worldwide… How? William Seymour begins preaching and teaching from Acts 2:4 The receiving and empowerment of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues as an experience available to believers today Seymour preached and taught that this should be a subsequent experience after a person has become a Christian Theology and doctrine was formed from the book of Acts for the first time…
Kinds of Christianity today
Dr Oral Roberts January 24th, 1918 – December 5th, 2009 Dr Oral Roberts January 24th, 1918 – December 5th, 2009 Benny Hinn December 3, Present Benny Hinn December 3, Present Charismatic Pentecostals Case Studies
The Divine nature of the Holy Spirit Johannine Pneumatology - Intimacy and Relationship in God Seen in the Gospel of John 14: And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counsellor to be with you forever. 17 The Spirit of Truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him, nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you.
NT Greek Word Study: The Holy Spirit - Another Counsellor – ‘Allos Paracletos’ - ‘Allos’ means ‘another of the same kind’ (Jesus does not use ‘heteros’ = ‘another of a different kind’) - ‘Paracletos’ means ‘The One who comes alongside…’ - Translated = Counsellor, advocate, comforter, encourager, helper, friend Discuss - How would you translate ‘Paracletos’ and what implications would follow from this…? These two biblical words (‘Allos Paracletos’) are key to understanding the nature and function of the Holy Spirit in our lives. - He is first of all a Person, not a thing, force or it!! Having Personality (Eph 4:30, Rom 8:26,1 Cor 12:11) - He is Deity/One/Equal with God, of the same kind or substance as God (Gen 1:2, John 14:16, Acts 5:3-5) - Trinitarian – Three Persons in One - Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matt 28:19, John 14:16) - His purpose and function is twofold; to love, help and assist the believer and bring glory to God by revealing Jesus to the believer and to the world - Biblical context - John 14:16-17, v26, 15:26-27, 16:17-11, vv13-15
The Empowering nature of the Holy Spirit Lukan Pneumatology – Empowerment for Service with God Seen in the Book of Luke and Acts: The Anointing with/upon Jesus Luke 4:14, 18-19, Acts 10:38 The Gift of Baptism in the Holy Spirit and the Anointing with/upon us Acts 1:4-5, v8, Acts 2:1-4, vv37-39 BHS leads to a life of empowerment and Blessing and is the gateway to receiving the Spiritual Gifts (1 Cor 12). It is the birthright and promise of every believer. The infilling of the Holy Spirit is yours to receive afresh today or even for the very first time… (Eph 5:18) There is no limit!!!