Electromagnetic waves are made from moving charges (protons or electrons) EM waves are transverse waves The medium that EM waves pass through are electric and magnetic fields Electric field Produced by electrically charged particles and by changing magnetic fields. Magnetic field Produced by magnets, by changing electric fields, and by vibrating charges
They carry energy from one place to another The transfer of energy using EM waves is called electromagnetic radiation The electric field oscillates in one direction The magnetic field oscillates perpendicular to the electric field
Both the electric and magnetic fields oscillate perpendicular to the direction of travel EM waves are broken up into categories based on their frequency
Do not need a medium Can travel through a vacuum, or empty space, as well as through matter EM waves traveling through matter or across space is called electromagnetic radiation. Changing electric fields produce changing magnetic fields and vice versa Fields regenerate each other
EM waves travel the same speed when in a vacuum Speed of light in a vacuum is 3.00 x 10 8 m/s Remember- all EM waves travel at the same speed in a vacuum but they are not all the same!!!!!
Speed = wavelength x frequency Remember-waves are going to travel at the same speed What is changing then? Wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional Wavelength increases, frequency decreases Wavelength decrease, frequency increases
EM radiation behaves sometimes like a wave and sometimes like a stream of particles Thomas Young 1801 Light behaves as a wave Showed constructive and destructive interference by having a light source and darkened screens
Photoelectric effect Emission of electrons from a metal caused by light striking the metal Blue light causes electrons to be emitted Red light does not cause electrons to be emitted Photons Packets of energy in EM radiation
Photon’s energy is proportional to frequency Higher frequency = higher photon energy Blue light = higher frequency Red light = lower frequency
Rate at which a wave’s energy flows through a given unit of area Brightness of a light Intensity of a light will decrease as photons travel farther from the source
Radio Microwaves InfraredUltravioletGamma Rays X-Rays Frequency & Energy Increases Wavelength Increases Visible Light
RedViolet ROY G. BIV eded rangerange ellowellow reenreen luelue ndigondigo ioletiolet
Red nm Blue nm Orange nm Violet nm Yellow nm Green nm
Radio Waves Radio waves are used to transmit radio and television signals, as well as cell phone conversations RADAR RADAR stands for Radio Detection and Ranging Uses radio waves and the Doppler shift to measure how fast something is moving Infrared Waves Infrared waves are heat waves The human body gives off heat in the form of infrared waves We sense infrared waves as heat
Visible Light The part of the electromagnetic spectrum that we can see is the visible light Ultraviolet Waves (UV) UV waves are what cause you to tan Excessive UV rays can cause you to sunburn, wrinkle, and eventually skin cancer UV rays can also be used to disinfect air X-Rays Can be used to see a person’s skeleton Can also be used to see inside packages, suitcases, or tractor trailers
Gamma Rays Have the shortest wavelength and the most energy Exposure to tiny amounts is tolerable, but overexposure is deadly They are used in medicine to kill cancer cells and take pictures of the brain Used in industry to examine a tool for weaknesses or defects
Sir Isaac Newton In 1666, conducted his first experiments with prisms When he shone light through a prism, he produced an ordered arrangement of colors, from red to violet He called this sequence of colors a spectrum Found that white light is composed of colors
Color by Addition Primary Colors of Light Red Green Blue Combining the correct amount of the primary colors of light to produce different colors is called the additive color process Secondary Colors of Light Magenta Cyan Yellow
Red Blue Green Yellow Magenta Cyan
Color by Subtraction Pigment and Dye absorb certain colors and reflect others Reflected colors are the colors that we see Making colors by absorbing different colors is called a subtraction process Primary Pigment – Absorbs one primary color of light Yellow Cyan Magenta Secondary Pigment – Absorbs two primary colors of light Red Blue Green
Red Blue Green Yellow Magenta Cyan