Make Your Own v. Outside Service Projects
Make Your Own ★ Five or more sisters ○ WiL & NG groups (wink, wink!) ★ 2 hrs Possibilities: ●Still Creek Ranch (Kitchen help, fall garden, school tutors) ○ 5k with a group ○ pick up trash with a group (KBB)* ○ make baked goods to brighten someone’s day ○ Aggieland Pregnancy Outreach, Mama Club ○ Habitat for Humanity ○ Brazos Valley Food Bank (approx. 5 per shipment) ○ Twin City Mission Community Cafe (approx. 5)
Outside ★ You ★ 2 hrs, at least ★ You may only count 1 Outside Service project for service points, the other 2 points must be obtained through ASC service projects Possibilities: ●Church ○ Grace-Anderson: AWANAS ●Babysitting ●Hospital/Clinical observation hours ●Aggieland Pregnancy Outreach ●Habitat for Humanity ●The Humane Society ●Brazos Valley Food Bank ●Aggie Replant ● SOS Ministries (Mentoring,After School Program,Teen Ministry, Newsletters)
Aggieland Pregnancy Outreach ●Donations management needs throughout the week (1 hour shifts or 2 hour shift) ●Child care opportunities for Mama Club (Thursdays 5:45-8:15pm) ●Administrative needs in their offices (1 hour shifts or 2 hour shift, Mon-Fri, 9am-1pm) ●Child care opportunities for adoptive families coming in for supportive training after they join APO’s program (4th Saturday of each month, 1:45-4:15pm) ★ Contact: Vickie Thomas
Grace Bible Church - Anderson ●Early Childhood volunteers - (Sundays; 9:15 or 11:00) (infants-PreK age kids) Volunteers are needed to serve on a rotational basis on Sundays during one service. ●Awana volunteers - (Each Sunday; 4:45-7:00pm) (PreK-12th graders) Volunteers serve with the same group of kids each week. (from Sept. 1st - Dec. 1st) ●Parent’s Night Out (Dec. 7th; 10am-3pm) This event provides an opportunity for parents to do their Christmas shopping. Contact: Jenn Chalmers
Other contacts for volunteer opportunities - Keeping the Brazos Beautiful (KBB) Amy Reed - Habitat for Humanity Madeline Zwicke - Brazos Valley Food Bank Gina Lane - Millican House Heather Murphy - Still Creek Ranch Emily Westerhof - SOS Ministries Jolynn Easter
summary... ●Diversify your service for maximum joy and fun-ness! ●3 points may be a combo of HOPE Pregnancy donations, Make Your Own, Outside service projects, or ASC volunteer events As each of you has received a gift, use it to serve others as faithful stewards of God’s grace in various forms. ( 1 Peter 4:10)