Arts and Crafts: Colorful Easy and fun Hands on Interactive Science: Simple Interesting Make them think that they’re not learning while they actually are Computers: All about presentation Using Power Points Use exciting sounds and images Make fun for every age and learning ability in the class
Language Arts: Use fun and colorful books Pictures Try to use all parts of Language Arts: Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Visual, Viewing Representation Keep kids involved Social Studies Use fun projects Plays and interactive activities Use all parts: Geography, History, Civics, Economics, Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology
Fun No monotones Expressive Interactive Get children involved Positive Patient Willing to help at all costs Friendly Cooperative Willing to work one-on-one with struggling students
Colorful Positive posters Children's projects Organized Resourceful Labeled (chairs, tables, blocks, etc.) Have a “question of the week”
Work one-on-one Vocabulary cards Make yourself available Attainable to the student Use elementary level words Play to their strengths Reward them when they get it right Do not belittle the children
Love, Kara, Amanda, and Kayla