Mary Schlegelmilch eLearning Supervisor Omaha Public Schools Omaha, NE
47,000 students urban school 7 High Schools 2 Alternative Sites 11 Middle Schools 63 Elementary Schools
Curriculum - Master Course o Resource - to access curriculumresources and lesson plans. o Credit Rescue - to reinforce / re-teach concepts missed due to absence or missing skills - during the term prior to failing the credit
Credit Recovery through Blended Learning o Align credit recovery courses with district standards and assessments o Provide rich multi-modal learning experiences o Students work individually with assistance from the instructor as needed o Teachers facilitate the recovery of credits during the school day or afterschool / evenings using the Learning Management System
Credit Recovery o Summer School Teachers use Master Course and differentiate for student needs o Transition Room Students work during the school day during a study hall period on recovery courses o Independent Study Teachers use Master Course and differentiate for student needs o Adult High School Credit Recovery 1x week classroom experience with 24/7 access to assignments and multimedia lessons
E-Course Enrollment and Student Participation; Summer 2007 and 2008
2008 Summer School Credit Recovery Results 1,427 course enrollments made by 737 individual students 66% of the courses students enrolled in completed 28% of the courses students enrolled in are still “in progress”, IP 5% of the courses students were enrolled in failed 1% of the courses students were enrolled in dropped
Distribution for e-Courses Used During 2008 Summer School The chart above reflects 1,427 course enrollments made by 737 individual students
Growth in e-Course Utilization in Summer School Summer 2007Summer 2008Summer 2009 Usage Projected Enrollments6751,4271,800+ Unique Students Success Total Credits Earned Courses Passed76%66% Courses In Progress 14%28% Courses Failed7%5% Courses Dropped3%1%