Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) Ticket to Work Partnership Plus Opportunities All VR Call June 9, 2015
Joseph M. Ashley, Rh.D., CRC Assistant Commissioner Grants and Special Programs Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services Michelle Laisure, M. A. EN Development and Training Manager Operations Support Manager Ticket to Work Program
VR and EN Partnerships: The Key to Success Since 2008, State VR agencies have had the opportunity to engage in Partnership Plus activities to ensure that beneficiaries with disabilities have access to ongoing support after VR case closure Both a State VR agency and an EN can now receive compensation on behalf of the same Ticket Holder Cost reimbursement for the VR agency Ticket payments for the EN Partnership Plus = collaboration, coordination, win-win-win for the Social Security disability beneficiary, the State VR agency and the EN The WIOA now addresses VR’s responsibilities when serving a Ticket Holder
Coordination of Services at the State System Level WIOA - NEW State Plan Requirement SEC.412 State Plans COORDINATION WITH TICKET TO WORK AND SELF-SUFFICIENCY PROGRAM- The State plan shall include an assurance that the designated State unit will coordinate activities with any other State agency that is functioning as an employment network under the Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program established under section 1148 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320b-19).
Coordination at the VR Service Delivery Level WIOA - Development of an Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) and Coordination of services requirement NEW requirement to coordinate VR services with EN services for common customers. SEC. 413 ELIGIBILITY AND INDIVIDUALIZED PLAN FOR EMPLOYMENT For an individual who also is receiving assistance from an employment network under the Ticket to Work and Self- Sufficiency Program established under section 1148 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320b-19), a description of how responsibility for service delivery will be divided between the employment network and the designated State unit SEC. 413 ELIGIBILITY AND INDIVIDUALIZED PLAN FOR EMPLOYMENT INDIVIDUALS DESIRING TO ENTER THE WORKFORCE.— For an individual entitled to benefits under title II or XVI of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 401 et seq., 1381 et seq.) on the basis of a disability or blindness, the designated State unit shall provide to the individual general information on additional supports and assistance for individuals with disabilities desiring to enter the workforce, including assistance with benefits planning. (iii) amended, as necessary to include the postemployment services and service providers that are necessary for the individual to maintain or regain employment
6 Key Components to the Partnership Plus Agreement Language Purpose and Scope of Work Establish the coordination of services between the State VR agency and Employment Networks for the provision of job retention services, work incentive planning and other employment related support services Roles and Responsibilities: - Ticket Coordinator - Local VR field offices - Employment Networks Assess (annually) The effectiveness of the Agreement 1 2 3
Master List of PPlus Collaboration Activities (April 1, 2015) 26 out of 50 = 52 % NumberStates Ticket to Work/ PPlus Agreements/MOUs between VR and another state agency EN (DOL/Workforce, DDS or Mental Health) 8AK, IA,TN, ME, MN, FL, NM, SD Number of State Agreements between VR and ENs16AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, IA, ID, MD, NM, OK, PA, RI, UT, VA, WI PPlus Collaborations (no state agreement is in place)3IN, MO, MN States with VR Advancement/Benchmark Payments5FL, MA, OK, TX, VA NY Statewide Admin EN - NYESS (211 Service Providers) & ACCESS VR 1NY States with no formal PPlus collaboration with Employment Networks 24
Partnership Plus Collaboration Activities 26 out of 50 states (52%) have processes and agreements in place to assist in the handoff process among local VR offices and Employment Networks (April 1, 2015) The 8 dots represents the SVRA’s with Ticket to Work Agreements with another state agency (DOL, DDS, Mental Health)
Questions? 9
Speaker Contact Information Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services Operations Support Manager Ticket to Work program Joseph M. Ashley, Rh.D., CRC Assistant Commissioner Grants & Special Programs 8004 Franklin Farms Drive Richmond, VA Ashley, Joe (DARS) Office: (804) Michelle Laisure, M.A. EN Development and Training Manager Office:
Ticket to Work / Partnership Plus Resources www.
Finding an Employment Network with Specific Services in Your Service Area A two step process: 1. / / 2. /result?searchString=53045http:// /result?searchString=53045
Resources OSM Service Providers Social Security SSA Work BASS Beneficiaries