Forensic Psychiatry doc. MUDr. Karel Hynek, CSc. Department of Psychiatry, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague
Human Rights (constitution ČR 1993) Declaration Human Rights of Mental patients (Luxor 1989) –don't separated Mental patients –act with them as equal –protect their Law –informed them about their health and Th –informed them about their Laws
Codex Law of patients Ethic commission ministry of health ČR 1992 Rights for careful, professional care Known of name of M.D. Information about treatment, DG Refuse the Therapy Respect their private and shines Secret report Written agree with therapy
Hospitalization without agree Compulsory admission Emergency situation (s. attempts, aggressive behavior, behavior endangering) Reported to the local court within 24 hours
Compulsory treatment Psychiatric, sexological, antialcoholic
History of Forensic Psychiatry Roman Law „furios, mente capti, dementes“ Constitutio criminalis Carolina 1532 Charles V Hrdelní řád Josef I Constitutio criminalis Teresiana 1768 Criminal Law 140/61Sb Republic Czechoslovakia Austrian General Civil Law 1811 Every Country has its particularly approach
Criminal Law Responsibility, diminution (decrease) of responsibility (§ 32 tr. z.), nonresponsibility (§ 12 tr. z.) of criminal with mental disease Recognition and controlling possibilities Possibility to speak in the Court Social dangerousness from psychiatric aspect Resocialization Protective – involuntary treatment Protective education
In Criminal Law Acts who asks the psychiatric expertise –Policy –Prosecutor –Court Solicitor Private Person
Characteristic Criminal Trial Presumption of innocence Judge 3 members Prosecution Psychiatric expertise is made by one expert
Content of Expertise 1.Summary from police record 2.Summary from health's report 3.Psychiatric examination –Event. lab. examinations –Event. psychological examination –Event. other special examination 4.Summary and conclusions of expertise 5.Answer for applied questions
Civil Law Subjects Have Equal Rights Principle of Equality Civil Law Business Law Familiar Law Labor Law
Civil Law in Cz. § č.86/92 Sb. a 20/96 Sb. Abilities for legal capacity Involuntary admission to hospital a)Infection diseases (TBC) b)Mental illness, intoxication if he is dangerous himself or others c)Impossible agreement
Psychiatric Expertise in Civil Law Abilities for legal Capacity Testamentary capacity (Invalid Testament). A Person certified insane was presumed to be incapable of making a valid contract. Marriage and Divorce. Feeble – minded persons, psychopaths addicts and a serious brain injury can be placed under guardianship, their guardian‘s consent. Responsibility for Damage, Loss
Legal Capacity Possibility to have human Right and Duty It is one human Right start with Birth and ending with Death. It is gradually increases with Development of Pearson, and maturated at 18 years. Recognition control own behavior and its adequacy.
Legal Capacity Is limited mental illness, addiction of drugs and alcohol for a long time (§ 38 odst. 2) Legal act in transient mental illness or intoxication is invalid
Competency to juristic act Overture to competency to juristic act Member of family, G.P. another M.D. Curator or guardian Court asked experts for examination
Family and Labor Law Financial compensation for pain and social handicap. (§ Sb.) Insurance (vyhl. Č. 49/64 Sb. Novela 55/79 Sb.) Abilities for driving Fosterage - given to keep Ability to hold arms (zák. č 288/95 Sb.)
Forensic Expertise doc. MUDr. Karel Hynek, CSc. Department of Psychiatry, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague
Suicidology doc. MUDr. Karel Hynek, CSc. Department of Psychiatry, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague
Incidence of 8 per Physical illness………. 20% Mental illness ………...10% Health people …………70% (personality disorders, abuse, loneliness, death of somebody from family)
SUICIDOLOGY Suicide is medical problem Suicide is social problem Ratio womenxmen 1x2-3 Age 1st maximum years (20-29 years) 2nd maximum over 60 years
Presuicidal syndrome Cessation of interest, hobbies ….. Emotional isolation Social isolation Depressive symptoms Cause: stress situation
Autoaggressiveness Psychological Automutilation Attempted suicide (6x) Committed suicide (1x)
Diagnosis Healthy Personality disorders Schizophrenia Depressive illness Addictions alcohol drugs Aging Others
Risk of realization Suicide in family Suicide in past history Social isolation Autoaggression, phantasy of suicide Real plan of suicide