Australian Leadership Awards - Scholarships ALA Scholarships is a prestigious regional award for academically high achievers with the potential to be leaders in their field Only 150 scholarships are offered each year Enable students from Asia-Pacific undertake Masters or Doctorate degrees at Australian higher education institutions
Australian Leadership Awards - Scholarships Valued at up to A$130,000 for Masters and A$250,000 for PhD programmes Benefits include: Return air travel Visa support Establishment allowance Full tuition fees Contribution to living expenses OS health insurance International Academic Programme Leadership Development Programme
Australian Leadership Awards - Scholarships Open to all fields of study Applications encouraged for priority themes: Security Pandemics International Trade Climate Change (including clean energy)
Australian Leadership Awards - Scholarships Eligible Countries Participating countries include: Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China Cook Islands Federated States of Micronesia Fiji India Indonesia Iraq Kiribati Laos Maldives Marshall Islands Mongolia Nauru Nepal Niue Pakistan Palau Papua New Guinea Philippines Samoa Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Thailand Tokelau Tonga Tuvalu Timor-Leste Vanuatu Viet Nam Wallis & Futuna
Australian Leadership Awards - Scholarships 2007 round Inaugural programme – successful Meets objectives including: Identified high calibre candidates Good regional, gender, priority theme representation 942 applications received 179 awards offered, 90 females and 89 males 124 Masters and 55 PhDs offered 169 applicants accepted scholarships scholars attending 29 institutions
Australian Leadership Awards – Scholarships 2007 Scholarships Awarded by Country Sri Lanka India Indonesia Vietnam Cambodia Laos Thailand Philippines Federated States of Micronesia Papua New Guinea Solomon Islands Vanuatu Palau Fiji Marshall Islands Samoa Kiribati China Mongolia Bhutan Bangladesh Nepal Afghanistan0Nepal9 Bangladesh28Niue1 Bhutan2Palau1 Cambodia8 Papua New Guinea 14 China3Philippines10 Cook Islands1Samoa2 Micronesia0Solomon Islands5 Fiji8Sri Lanka10 India5Thailand2 Indonesia22Tokelau0 Iraq0Tonga3 Kiribati3Tuvalu0 Laos6East Timor2 Maldives5Vanuatu0 Marshall Islands 0Viet Nam27 Mongolia2Wallis & Futuna0 Nauru0TOTAL179
Australian Leadership Awards - Scholarships 2007 round Consultation with Australian Embassies/Commission and institutions as part of review process Key lessons learnt: Participation of Australian institutions in application process – via Unconditional Offers of enrolment Ensure calibre of applicants and simplify verification of English language proficiency Selection process enhanced by participation of Australian Embassies/High Commissions Mobilisation of students with assistance of Australian Embassies/High Commissions
Australian Leadership Awards - Scholarships Eligibility Requirements Applicants must: be a citizen of one of the 34 participating countries have been accepted into an Australian higher education institution at the time of application have high English language proficiency required (minimum of 6.5 IELTS or equivalent) have an undergraduate degree be resident outside Australia
Australian Leadership Awards - Scholarships Who Should Apply Outstanding applicants who have: very high level of academic achievement at undergraduate and/or postgraduate level high level of English language proficiency (minimum of IELTS 6.5 or equivalent) demonstrated leadership potential and good prospects to influence social and economic policy reform and development outcomes in their home country and in the Asia-Pacific region commitment to participate in Australian Scholarships alumni activities on their return home Applicants seeking to migrate to Australia should NOT apply.
Australian Leadership Awards Selection Process Australian Embassies/High Commissions short-list and interview applicants based on merit Australian Embassies/High Commissions make recommendations to Canberra (total of 220 short-listed candidates for Asia-Pacific) Whole of Government selection panel in Canberra considers short- listed applications from a regional perspective, including regional representation, priority themes and gender Applicants will be advised of the outcome in mid October, Institutions will be advised at the same time via SIMON
Australian Leadership Awards – Scholarships Selection Criteria Selection is undertaken across the region and is a highly competitive annual process Applications will be assessed on academic performance and leadership potential Selection criteria: Academic record Leadership and personal qualities Potential outcomes Professional record
Australian Leadership Awards - Scholarships Applications Process Application forms are available: in hard copy at Australian Embassy/High Commission in the applicants country of citizenship on-line at the AusAID website: There are two (2) options for submitting an application - online and by mail. Applications close: 16 July 2007 for applications being sent by mail 31 July 2007 for applications being submitted online
Australian Leadership Awards – Scholarships Leadership Development Programme ALAS scholars will participate in a Leadership Development Programme (LDP) while undertaking their university studies The LDP aims to enhance the skills, knowledge and networks of ALAS scholars, helping to equip them for future leadership roles in their communities, businesses and governments A tender for management of the LDP will be issued in May
Australian Leadership Awards – Scholarships Leadership Development Programme Core programme modules include: 2½ day national Leadership Conference in Canberra – launch Programme & bring together new cohort of ALAS scholars – March each year (note: conference will be held 9-12 August 2007) 3-day residential Leadership Workshop convened in state capitals in July each year to focus on leadership theory, skills and tools (note workshop will be held in November 2007)
Australian Leadership Awards – Scholarships Leadership Development Programme After completion of their core modules – students may choose to participate in optional modules Examples of optional modules : Leadership Coaching Leadership Practice – work placements with Australian organisations, departments and businesses
Further information Fact sheets and further information such as key dates, opportunities by country and eligibility criteria are available on the Australian Scholarships website: Information on AusAID specific scholarships is available at: