Spring Address April 20, 2006
recovering from budget cuts regaining equilibrium returning to full fiscal health
over $437,000 in mid-year salary increases
three-year program to make faculty and staff salaries competitive
modest salary increases for full and associate professors and non-negotiated staff
Additional increases are planned
over $500,000 to depts in additional operating $
additional resources to support teaching & research and advance Strategic Plan
new computers scientific instruments other technology items
faculty and staff support initiatives
additional 5% in overhead funds = $35,809 for depts
Research Enhancement Awards course releases research assistants
increased funding amt by 16% ($3,500 per award) increased total funding 43%
10 Enhancement Awards totaling $34,200
Enhancement Award Winners Michaelene Cox (POL) Lucian Ionescu (MAT) Marjorie Jones (CHE) Anthony Otsuka (BIO) Eric Peterson (GEO)
Enhancement Award Winners Ali Riaz (POL) John Sedbrook (BIO) Kam Shapiro(POL) C. Frank Shaw (CHE) T.Y. Wang (POL)
Associate Dean Sam Catanzaro
Research Proposal Rev Committee Sam Catanzaro (Chair) Epa Rosa (PHY) Skip Nelson (GEO) Lee Beier (HIS) Julie Webber (POL) Jim Reid (FOR) Ron Fortune (ENG) Ann Beck (Asst Dean)
Travel Supplement Grants grants of up to $500
Travel Supplement Grants tripled the amt of $ 39 proposals totaling $16,500
Travel Grant Awardees Fusan Akman (MAT) Bruce Burningham (FOR) Olcay Akman (MAT) McKenzie Clements (MAT) John Baldwin (COM) Michaelene Cox (POL) Gina Bessa (SOA) Lane Crothers (POL) Joan Brehm (SOA)Kristin Dykstra (ENG)
Travel Grant Awardees Nerida Ellerton (MAT) Marjorie Jones (CHE) Kass Fleisher (ENG) Jim Kalmbach (ENG) Virginia Gill (SOA) Steven Landau (PSY) Rajeev Goel (ECO) Cong Liu (PSY) Alycia Hund (PSY) Dawn McBride (PSY)
Travel Grant Awardees Lucinda McCray-Beier (HIS)Epa Rosa (PHY) Craig McLauchlan (CHE)Scott Sakaluk (BIO) James Pancrazio (FOR)Rebecca Saunders (ENG) Aaron Pitluck (SOA)John Sedbrook (BIO) Paula Ressler (ENG) Kam Shapiro (POL)
Travel Grant Awardees Richard Sullivan (SOA) Jim van der Laan (FOR) Charles Thompson (BIO) Jeffrey Wagman (PSY) Maura Toro-Morn (SOA) T.Y. Wang (POL) Mary Trouille (FOR) Julie Webber (POL)
New Faculty Book Support $500 of books purchased by library
New Faculty Book Support 9 new faculty $4,500 available
Research Grant Writing Support feedback from experienced grant writers
streamlined services improved recruitment
$ 100,000 in debt now debt free
Kasia Stadnik Janie Leatherman
Expanded Summer comprehensive website publicity campaign
Informational Flyer Every ISU student Illinois Wesleyan U U of Illinois Bradley U Heartland CC Parkland CC
Ads in Student Papers Southern Illinois U Illinois Wesleyan U U of Illinois
Summer Enrollment 2005: 2,592 students 2006: 3,388 students
Summer Enrollment 2005: 122 Classes 2006: 180 Classes
Sarah Sarah Sally Walczynski Diel-Hunt Parry
New Initiatives
CAS International Grant Program CAS and Research and Sponsored Programs
CAS International Grant Program $20,000 for international travel next academic yr
Galen Crow, Director of Research and Sponsored Programs Gary McGinnis, Associate Vice President for Research
sociologist author literary scholar Neil Smelser Christopher Stanley Fish Hitchens
Visiting Scholars Colloquium internationally prominent intellectuals scholarly lectures and dialogue
Visiting Scholars Colloquium annual lecture series 4 speakers each year
Provost John Presley
Regular CAS Forums NTT Faculty TT Faculty AP Staff Civil Service Staff
CAS AP Teaching Award annual $3,000 award to recognize and reward AP teaching efforts
CAS AP Teaching Award Claire Lamonica Department of English
Civil Service Advisory Committee articulate staff concerns elected committee 7 civil service members
Staff Representation College Council Chair Searches Chair Evaluation committees
Staff Representation Judy Becker Dept of Psychology
Office of the Dean Commitment support & reward excellent teaching provide highest quality instruction support research and scholarship
Office of the Dean Commitment support technological needs support, recognize, facilitate, and reward the hard work all CAS members
Key CAS Values Inclusiveness Spirit of openness and transparency
College of Arts and Sciences Ever-Greater Levels of Excellence
College of Arts and Sciences Awards Ceremony
Program of Excellence Competition Undergraduate or grad certificate New minor New sequence Primary research
Program of Excellence Clearly interdisciplinary Two or more departments Innovative collaborations
4 Well ‑ Crafted Proposals Personal Relationships and Social Dynamics Photodynamic Therapy Research Program in Energy Science and Education Quantitative Risk Study Group
Program of Excellence Winner rigorous academic curriculum cutting ‑ edge research agenda
Program in Energy Science and Education Interdisciplinary M.S. in energy science Research program in bioenergy and biomass fuel
Participating Faculty Biological Sciences Physics Chemistry Agriculture (CAST) Economics Technology (CAST) Geography/Geology
John Sedbrook Biological Sciences
Dean’s Awards Outstanding Civil Service Outstanding Administrative Professional
Last Year’s Winners Outstanding Civil Service Outstanding Administrative Professional
Outstanding Civil Service Staff Member dedicated CAS member for 15 years
Outstanding Civil Service Staff Member “Perfect blend of skills, experience, intelligence, and temperament” “Would gladly give up evening and weekend hours”
Outstanding Civil Service Staff Member James Dunham Dept of Physics
CAS Outstanding Administrative Professional
Outstanding Administrative Professional dedicated citizen for over 16 years
Outstanding Administrative Professional Bruce Bergethon WGLT
Thanks to CFSC
CFSC Brian Clark Matthew Hesson-McInnis Mary Anne Moffitt Jan Neuleib Lisa Szczepura Kathryn Wehrmann
Dean’s Award for Outstanding Teaching extraordinary record of teaching in preceding three years
Dean’s Award for Outstanding Teaching 11 nominations: 6 in tenured category 5 in pretenured category
Dean’s Award for Outstanding Teaching 1 honorable mention (plaque) 1 winner (plaque and $3,000)
Honorable Mention Teaching Initiative winner 1 article book in press 12 presentations 6 graduate students 5 undergraduates
Honorable Mention “constantly challenging and expecting the best of students” “very energetic about teaching” “a tough teacher who expects a lot of students”
Honorable Mention Dean’s Award — Teaching John McHale School of Communication
Dean’s Award for Outstanding Teaching Pretenured Category
Dean’s Award Winner Teaching Initiative winner SEA Outstanding Professor 1 article several grants 22 graduate students 16 undergraduates
Dean’s Award Winner “is committed to educating all students, meeting the needs of all of the different majors in the class, and providing every opportunity for all students to learn and be successful.”
Dean’s Award Winner “definitely one of the best teachers I have ever had” “an excellent role model”
Dean’s Award for Outstanding Teaching Jon Friesen Dept of Chemistry
Dean’s Award for Outstanding Teaching Tenured Category
Honorable Mention—Tenured 9 national teaching awards 2 books 6 papers 10 graduate students countless undergraduates
Honorable Mention—Tenured “hard but fair” “an asset to ISU” “the most organized professor of any class that I have taken at ISU”
Honorable Mention—Tenured “knowledge and determination are second to none”
Honorable Mention—Tenured “It was refreshing to know exactly what was required and what we needed to learn”
Honorable Mention Dean’s Award — Teaching Nancy Lind Politics & Government
Dean’s Award for Outstanding Teaching Tenured Category
Dean’s Award — Teaching 16 graduate students 12 undergraduates 13 peer reviewed pubs
Dean’s Award — Teaching 43 papers 22 papers/workshops 2 external grants 3 instructional videos
“a true leader in topics related to pedagogy”
“by far one of the most skilled teachers in the department and also the most caring ”
“knows how to help & understands where a person is coming from”
“is a truly great teacher”
Inaugural Dean’s Award for Outstanding Teaching Stephen Hunt School of Communication
Dean’s Award for Outstanding Scholarly Achievement extraordinary scholarly achievement in calendar year
Dean’s Award for Outstanding Scholarly Achievement 2 awards of $3,000 1 to tenured faculty member 1 to pretenured faculty member
Dean’s Award publications grants/contracts papers/major speeches honors and awards
Dean’s Award theses/dissertations undergraduate research service to the discipline
Dean’s Award 9 nominations: 5 in tenured category 4 in pretenured
Dean’s Award for Outstanding Scholarly Achievement Honorable Mention Pretenured Category
Research—Pretenured 4 peer-reviewed articles 6 accepted 7 papers 4 grants
Research—Pretenured “innovative and solid contributions” to the discipline “an innovator, discoverer, producer and reporter.”
Honorable Mention Dean’s Award — Scholarship Rita Bailey Dept of Speech Pathology and Audiology
Dean’s Award Research Pretenured Category
Dean’s Award 12 graduate students 7 scholarly papers 4 peer-reviewed articles 1 book chapter 1 scholarly monograph (major UP)
Research—Pretenured innovative contributions to discipline remarkable record of achievements a rising star an outstanding young scholar
Dean’s Award—Pretenured Christopher Breu Department of English
Dean’s Award for Outstanding Scholarly Achievement Honorable Mention Tenured Category
Honorable Mention Dean’s Award—Tenured 4 international lectures 1 book chapter 6 scholarly articles 7 accepted or in press
Honorable Mention “extraordinary levels of dedication, energy, and accomplishment” “sustained record of excellence” is “not only outstanding” but “truly amazing”
Honorable Mention Dean’s Award—Tenured Distinguished Professor Willard Bohn Dept of Foreign Languages
Dean’s Award for Outstanding Scholarly Achievement Tenured Category
Dean’s Award Winner one of ISU’s most distinguished and celebrated scholars
Dean’s Award Winner 10 articles in prestigious journals 4 in press 4 international speeches $290,000 in research grants
Dean’s Award Winner won major national award supervised 9 student projects student won national award
Dean’s Award Winner “one of the leading theorists in this field” “publishes only innovative work and only in the most prestigious journals”
Dean’s Award for Outstanding Scholarly Achievement Distinguished Professor Rainer Grobe Department of Physics
College of Arts and Sciences join us for refreshments and conversation
College of Arts and Sciences