SOUTH AFRICA A unique approach to conservation as an agent for stimulating development Transboundary Conservation.


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Presentation transcript:

SOUTH AFRICA A unique approach to conservation as an agent for stimulating development Transboundary Conservation

NATIONAL CONSERVATION REVIEW Introduction This review proposes the introduction of ecosystem services as a functional addition the the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the organization It makes this review to ensure the delivery of benefit and value to local communities derived from conservation areas This new approach to conservation is based on a review of terminology used in the various acts and reports The report is in a series of logical short step according to a thin red line of logic

NATIONAL CONSERVATION REVIEW Index 1.Vision and Mission 2.Legal frameworks influencing biodiversity conservation 1.Role of biodiversity in conservation 2.Biodiversity and ecosystem services value chains 3.Evaluation of ecosystem (biodiversity) and ecosystem services in the province 4.Ecosystem services (biodiversity) hotspots and existing conservation areas 5.Potential new areas according to biodiversity hotspots. 6.Payment for ecosystem services from conservation areas 7.List of references

NATIONAL CONSERVATION REVIEW Vision and Mission statements From the vision and mission statement it is clear that biodiversity lies at the heart and core of the mission statement What is also clear from this these statements is that biodiversity must be of value and benefit for current and future generations

NATIONAL CONSERVATION REVIEW Legal Framework National Environmental Management : Protected areas act Norms and standards for the management of protected areas in South Africa It refers to : o Ecosystems o Biodiversity o Benefits and values to people o Sustainable use o Relationship between biodiversity and people It does not refer to conservation as a form of land use It does not directly refer to ecosystem services

NATIONAL CONSERVATION REVIEW Legal Framework South Africa’s National Biodiversity Strategy & action plan 2005 It refers to : o Conservation. o Sustainable use o Sharing of benefits o Biodiversity is overarching, habitat and ecosystems o Millennium development goals It does not refer to conservation as a form of land use It does not directly refers ecosystem services

NATIONAL CONSERVATION REVIEW Legal Framework Millennium Development Goals It refers directly to the fact that ecosystems services is the benefit the people derive from nature. It refers directly to the fact that ecosystem services and human well- being is directly linked. It initiates the concept of GIS and mapping of biodiversity. It gives conservation the power to bring benefit and value to people

NATIONAL CONSERVATION REVIEW Legal Framework and terminology Outdated terminological approach to biodiversity conservation Both acts refer to the term biodiversity as follows: o Biodiversity as a surrogate for ecosystem o Habitat is the term for non biotic components of the ecosystem o Ecosystem is used for sustainable use but is vegetation based o Biodiversity is overarching, habitat and ecosystem o Millennium development goals introduced ecosystem services o Biodiversity should be replaced by ecosystem as a more inclusive term This new approach is based on ecosystem approach and ecosystem services as the overarching term dealing the biotic and non biotic components as well as benefit and value

NATIONAL CONSERVATION REVIEW Role of biodiversity in Conservation As the primary role of conservation authorities is therefore the protection and management of biodiversity it should also be involved in the identification and transfer of services, benefits and value distribution. Therefore, this can only done if parks and conservation areas are viewed as a form of land use, a form of land use that needs to be integrated into regional land use patterns. For too long has parks been protected by a fence, a fence that became the dividing line between conservation and communities. A zone for transferring benefit and value, should be the boundary.

NATIONAL CONSERVATION REVIEW Ecosystem (biodiversity) & Ecosystem services value chains For many years conservation authorities approved the concept of Biodiversity being at the core of their mission. However that is where the scientific approach stopped and the importance and hence the benefit and value of biodiversity was not clarified and focussed on. In recent years the concept of ecosystem services as the means of reviewing the benefit and value of biodiversity was researched and became popular.

NATIONAL CONSERVATION REVIEW Evaluation of ecosystem (biodiversity) & Ecosystem service in the province Therefore the identification of patterns of biodiversity of a region are critical to the establishment of network of conservation areas protecting these biodiversity hot spots. This has been studied in this province in the past and a database and maps are available and are attached to this PPT.

EZEMVELO CONSERVATION REVIEW Evaluation of ecosystem (biodiversity) & Ecosystem service in existing parks and conservation areas Existing parks, when view against these thoughts, do not always the cover the areas of biodiversity hotspots in the province. Conservation has protected biodiversity over the years and should represent these biodiversity hotspots but do not always cover these areas. As we all know conservation areas where often areas that was unsuitable for human activity and where wild life remained in numbers, hence its proclamation as a park or conservation area.

EZEMVELO CONSERVATION REVIEW Potential new parks according to ecosystem services (biodiversity) hotspots. It is therefore essential that the ecosystem services (biodiversity) hotspots areas be used to identify additions to the current conservation estate in the province. This can be completed by review the existing data base and by updating the information available. See attached maps of SADC, RSA and Kwazulu Natal

NATIONAL CONSERVATION REVIEW Payment for Ecosystem Services The role of these biodiversity hotspots brings into play the concept of payment for ecosystem services from these conservation areas. The inclusion of the non biotic components of the ecosystem such as air, water, soil widens the scope for services and payment. This will benefit the parks but also the province as whole. Quite a number of studies have been conducted in the province on this issue and I refer to a few in the appendix. The national government has also completed a paper on this important issue.

NATIONAL CONSERVATION REVIEW List of references 1-Biodiversity Act 2-National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2-Protected areas Act 2-South African Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 3-Integrating the ecological and economic dimension 4-Ecosystem services value chain 5-Ecosystem Services Decision-support tool 6-Ecosystem services in catchments 7-Water as an ecosystem service in the Pongola floodplain 8-Ecosystem services in the Pongola region 9-Knysna-ecosystem-assessment 10-Alternative funding strategies for Ezemvelo 11-Payment for ecosystem services
