Jen Lucas English 289
Language the ability to speak and listen Sign language Literacy communicating through writing.
Talking and listening are the most essential ways to communicate. when a child is first born it is important to talk to them as much as you can. “The more you talk, the more language and vocabulary a child learns” (Ostberg). repeat everything so the child gets familiar with how the mouth moves and they can hear the words.
ASL is an aid for parents to communicate with their children at a very young age.
Why is it important for children to learn literacy skills at a early age? Beeca stated “it is important for my child to learn literacy skills because it’s a form of communication between us.”She continued to say that before he could talk, it was very hard to make him happy because she wasn’t sure of what he wanted. Now that he has been in school and learning, she said he has been so much happier because he can tell her what he wants or needs.”
Abby was the next interviewer. She responded by saying that she thought children should learn literacy at a young age because it helps them in the long run. If they learn at an early age, their education will be much easier to stay on track with than a child who didn’t start off at a young age.
Paula: Paula stated; “I believe it is important for children to learn literacy skills at a young age because it’s a form of expression. I have a three year old daughter and I try to make her write as much as possible so she can express what she is feeling.
All children need to have a support system in order to succeed. They need to be able to reach to books and paper and pen in order to read and write.
“They (sponsors of literacy) help to organize and administer stratified systems of opportunity and access, and they raise the literacy stakes in struggles for competitive advantage.”D. Brandt, “Sponsors of Literacy”
pdf pdf Interviewers Paula, Abby, and Becca. Brandt, Deborah. “Sponsors of Literacy.” Literacy: A Critical Sourcebook (2001): Print