Vietnam War
Vietnam War: Background France took control of Vietnam in the 1880s During WWII: Japan controlled Vietnam; French still present In 1941, the Vietminh (Independence league) formed in opposition to foreign rule –Led by Ho Chi Minh 1954: Geneva Accords –French leave; Vietnam split into No/So; Ho Chi Minh Northern Leader; Ngo Dinh Diem Southern Leader
Vietnam War: Eisenhower and JFK’s administrations Eisenhower’s Domino Theory JFK: –By 1963, 16,000 military personnel stationed in Vietnam
Vietnam War: Johnson’s administration 1963: Ngo Dinh Diem assassinated Gulf of Tonkin Incident/Resolution: –Summer 1964 –USS Maddox –Resolution: president can “take all necessary measures” to defend countries in SE Asia threatened by Communism Johnson escalates the war: –1965: 200,000 troops sent –1966: 200,000 more sent –1967: 500,000 US troops in Vietnam
Vietnam War: Protests –Anti-war demonstrations intensified in the U.S. Why we were fighting became unclear Kent State, 1970 –Hawks (those for war) vs. Doves (those against war) Battle increased in Congress
Vietnam War: Johnson to Nixon –Tet Offensive (Jan. 1968) Viet Cong (enemy) attacked 27 key So. Vietnamese cities—including Saigon U.S increased troop numbers by 200,000 Viet Cong militarily defeated; LBJ politically defeated –March 31, 1968 speech: LBJ indicates there will be a halt to aerial bombardments and a shift of more responsibility to the So. Vietnamese »Does not run for Pres. In 1968 (Nixon will win) »Nixon’s policy: “Peace with Honor”
Vietnam War: Nixon Administration Peace with Honor: –“Vietnamization” Turn responsibility over to the Vietnamese –Bombings in Cambodia U.S. promised to contain the war to Vietnam Nixon vowed to pull troops out of SE Asia Led to further distrust of the American gov’t
Vietnam War: The End Cease-Fire Declared –Jan. 27, 1973 –National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger Paris Agreement –US Forces leave Vietnam March 29, 1973 All US Military action finished by August 1973 –Fighting resumes in Vietnam South Vietnam taken over by North Vietnam April 30, 1975
Vietnam War: Aftermath Vietnam: –4 million killed (10% of the population) U.S.: –$120 billion –58,000 dead –303,000 wounded –750 taken prisoner