Media Planning and Buying CHAPTER KEY POINTS 1. What is a media plan and what is the role of media research in developing media plans? 2. What are the four steps in media planning and why are they important? 3. How do IMC and global marketing affect media plans? 4. What are the responsibilities of media buyers?
THE CREATION OF MEDIA PLANS Information Sources The Media Plan
Information Sources Client Information Market Research Competitive Advertising Expenditures Media Kits Media Coverage Area Consumer Behavior Reports
Client Information
Market Research
Competitive Advertising Expenditures
Media Kits
Media Coverage Area
Consumer Behavior Reports
The Media Plan …A written document summarizing the objectives and strategies that guide how media $$ will be spend. Media plans are designed to answer the following questions: (1) who (target audience), (2) what for (objectives), (3) where (the media vehicles used), (4) where (geography), (5) when (time frame), (6) how big (media weight), and (7) at what cost (cost efficiency).
KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING Targeting STEP 2 Setting Objectives STEP 3 Developing Strategies STEP 4 Analyzing Metrics The four basic steps in media planning are targeting, setting media objectives, developing media strategies, and analyzing the metrics of a media plan.
Step 1: Target Audience Targeting Setting Objectives Developing Strategies STEP 4 Analyzing Metrics Principle: The tighter the focus on a target market, the easier it is to find appropriate media to deliver a relevant message.
Step 2: Communication and Media Objectives Targeting STEP 2 Setting Objectives STEP 3 Developing Strategies STEP 4 Analyzing Metrics Media objectives describe what a company wants to accomplish regarding the delivery of its brand messages and their impact on the target audience. The Reach Objective The Frequency Objective
Reach …The percent of people exposed to a brand message one or more times within a specified period of time is called reach. Principle: Reach is the first place to start when setting objectives for a media plan.
Frequency …The average number of times people are exposed to a brand message within a specified period of time is called frequency.
Step 3: Media Strategies Targeting STEP 2 Setting Objectives STEP 3 Developing Strategies STEP 4 Analyzing Metrics Media strategy is the way media planners determine the most cost-effective way to reach the target audience and satisfy the media objectives. Reach and Frequency Strategies Media Mix Strategies Geographical Strategies Scheduling Strategies Size and Position Strategies
Reach and Frequency Strategies
Most brands use a variety of targeted media vehicles, called a media mix Media Mix Strategies
Geographical Strategies Principle: The Category Development Index (CDI) tells where the category is strong and weak, and the BDI tells where the brand is strong and weak. Geographical Strategies
Scheduling Strategies Timing Strategies Duration Strategies Continuity Strategies Principle: Advertising is most effective when it reaches the right people at the right time and place with the right message. Scheduling Strategies
Step 4: Media Metrics and Analytics Targeting STEP 2 Setting Objectives STEP 3 Developing Strategies STEP 4 Analyzing Metrics Principle: Reach and frequency are interrelated: when reach increases, frequency decreases, and vice versa, within the constraints of the advertising budget.
THE BIG PICTURE IMC & Contact Point Planning Global Media Planning
IMC & Contact Point Planning The Atlantic Monthly magazine used a multiplatform campaign that integrated messages from neon signs to create an event that was filmed for videos that were seen on a website.
Global Media Planning
MEDIA BUYING Media Buying Complexities Media Planning & Buying Trends Once the plan directions are set, media buyers convert objectives and strategies into tactical decisions. They select specific media vehicles and negotiate and contract for the time and space in media.
Media Buying Complexities Buyer Functions Provide Information Select Media Make Buy Monitor Performance Post Evaluation Billing/Payments Principle: Media buyers should be consulted early in planning as they are a good source of information on changes in media.
Media Buying Complexities Buyer Functions Provide Information Select Media Make Buy Monitor Performance Post Evaluation Billing/Payments Principle: Media buyers should be consulted early in planning as they are a good source of information on changes in media.
Media Buying Complexities Buyer Functions Provide Information Select Media Make Buy Monitor Performance Post Evaluation Billing/Payments Principle: Media buyers should be consulted early in planning as they are a good source of information on changes in media.
Media Buying Complexities Buyer Functions Provide Information Select Media Make Buy Monitor Performance Post Evaluation Billing/Payments Principle: Media buyers should be consulted early in planning as they are a good source of information on changes in media.
Media Buying Complexities Buyer Functions Provide Information Select Media Make Buy Monitor Performance Post Evaluation Billing/Payments Principle: Media buyers should be consulted early in planning as they are a good source of information on changes in media.
Media Buying Complexities Buyer Functions Provide Information Select Media Make Buy Monitor Performance Post Evaluation Billing/Payments Principle: Media buyers should be consulted early in planning as they are a good source of information on changes in media.
Media Buying Complexities Buyer Functions Provide Information Select Media Make Buy Monitor Performance Post Evaluation Billing/Payments Principle: Media buyers should be consulted early in planning as they are a good source of information on changes in media.
Media Planning and Buying Trends Unbundling Media Buying and Planning Online Media Buying New Forms of Media Research