A University-Community Collaborative Research and Action Model Presentation by: Phil Nyden Loyola University Chicago Center for Urban Research and Learning
Loyola University of Chicago Center for Urban Research and Learning (CURL)
q not research on the community, but research with the community q recognizes knowledge in the university and knowledge in the community q “adds chairs” at the research table Collaborative Research Model
Loyola University of ChicagoCenter for Urban Research & Learning Community as partners at all levels of research q conceptualization q designing the methodology q collecting data q analyzing data q writing reports q dissemination of results q conceptualization q designing the methodology q collecting data q analyzing data q writing reports q dissemination of results
Loyola University of ChicagoCenter for Urban Research & Learning CURL Team-Based Research & Action Projects q faculty q graduate students q undergraduate students q community organization leaders/ staff/members q CURL staff q faculty q graduate students q undergraduate students q community organization leaders/ staff/members q CURL staff
Loyola University of ChicagoCenter for Urban Research & Learning Support for team members Faculty fellowships (3-6/year) Graduate fellowships (24/year) Undergraduate--fellowships and course credit Community fellowships (4-6/year) CURL staff (12 FT staff)
Loyola University of ChicagoCenter for Urban Research & Learning Funding Collaborative Research Over $17 million in funding over 12 years (CURL and Policy Research Action Group) Foundations Government University support (financial and political) Community partners
Loyola University of ChicagoCenter for Urban Research & Learning Examples of CURL Collaborative Research Projects Building a Community of Opportunity ■ investment without displacement ■ sustaining a stable racially, ethnically, and economically diverse community ■ focus on affordable housing; affordable quality child-care; small business development ■ eight community partners
Examples of CURL Collaborative Research Projects Youth Voices in Policy (Youth VIP) ■ linking collaborative projects in different cities to produce grassroots-anchored national policy- making ■ youth-defined and community- based organization defined projects ■ Philadelphia & Chicago, particular focus on Hispanic community
Examples of CURL Collaborative Research Projects Impact of Welfare “Reform” on Economically Diverse Communities ■ idea developed from breakfast meetings with different community partners ■ linked CURL with advocacy organization and traditional social service agency ■ three reports and impact on state legislation
Impact of collaborative team approach in building capacity for community Gains familiarity with the research process; knows how to manage research Develops independent research skills Improves practices in community organizations Establishes stronger links with universities and other community partners
Impact of collaborative team approach in building capacity for community Moves from research to action: gets information into hands of constituencies
Impact of collaborative team approach in building capacity for university as an institution Promotes interdisciplinary research Creates a stimulating environment for faculty and students Engages in research that is used and does not sit on a library shelf Increases visibility of university in community, region, nation, world
Impact of collaborative team approach in building capacity for university and community Integrates university and community knowledge into the learning environment Builds an environment where learning takes place in multiple directions Provides an understanding of connection among knowledge, power, and social change Produces an understanding what is possible.
Impact of collaborative team approach in building capacity for university faculty Provides a “real” environment for teaching and learning Produces a dynamic learning environment with challenges, unpredictability, & constant questioning (the qualities of a good classroom) “messy research, neat results”
Impact of collaborative team approach in building capacity for university faculty Opens the door to more research opportunities than can be completed in lifetime Gives access to significant research funding and publication opportunities
Impact of collaborative team approach in building capacity for university students See connections among disciplines Recognize that it is not another exam or term paper Become aware of the knowledge they have themselves
Impact of collaborative team approach in building capacity for university students Provides an antidote for civic disengagement ■ you can have an impact ■ demystifies the policy making process
Impact of collaborative team approach in building capacity for university students Gives a real face to social issues; they are no longer academic abstractions Helps in understanding career options
Challenges Challenges q Strengthening grassroots links to regional, national, and international levels q Better utilizing new communications avenues, especially the Internet q Strengthening grassroots links to regional, national, and international levels q Better utilizing new communications avenues, especially the Internet
Loyola University of ChicagoCenter for Urban Research & Learning ChallengesChallenges q Juggling research and advocacy halves of research and action projects q Faculty recruitment q Locking-in university- community engagement as part of business as usual in universities q Juggling research and advocacy halves of research and action projects q Faculty recruitment q Locking-in university- community engagement as part of business as usual in universities