Team Building Activity Plan Hazards & Defenses We have built these elements: But we still need to organize: our participants permits and transport our organization other co-leaders etc.
We will be more effective if we use a ‘ Team Building ’ approach because: Teams achieve more Teams are more resilient (less vulnerable) Team Building
Key Elements Quality Communication Responsibility and reward sharing Anticipation of what others need Respectful behaviour Model the behaviour you want to see Two way communication Dialogue (negotiation, flexibility, compromise) Tolerance and empathy Inclusion Include others in planning where possible Empower people to make their own decisions where possible, but give them the tools to succeed Negotiate responsibilities and hold people to them Thank and praise Team Building
Field Team:- Participant team - Leadership team Stakeholders: - Parents - Organization - Service providers - Land managers - Other stakeholders Your team will include these elements Team Building
Team Building Exercise The Event: the East Sooke Park Hike Discuss the strategies you would use to team build with your designated stakeholder using elements from each of the ‘ Key Elements ’ : - Quality Communication - Respectful behaviour - Sharing of responsibility and reward Team Building
Key Elements Quality Communication Responsibility and reward sharing Anticipation of what others need Respectful behaviour Model the behaviour you want to see Two way communication Dialogue (negotiation, flexibility, compromise) Tolerance and empathy Inclusion Include others in planning where possible Empower people to make their own decisions where possible, but give them the tools to succeed Negotiate responsibilities and hold people to them Thank and praise Team Building
We can look at an event as having 3 organizational stages: - Pre-event planning - The event - Debriefing Pre-Event Planning The Event Debriefing Prepares us for Material for Prepares us for The Event Cycle