Supporting Parents in Education NIPTWS04
Supporting Parents in Education Working together in the workshops will involve… Confidentiality Participation Contributing to group learning Asking questions/clarifying issues Taking responsibility for your own learning Please check that your phone is off for the duration of the workshop
Supporting Parents in Education Activity 1 Supporting Parents in Education
Supporting Parents in Education Seek to develop positive relationships with parents that are characterised by professional integrity and judgement Communicate effectively with parents in a manner that is professional, collaborative, supportive and based on trust and respect Ensure that any communication with parents is appropriate including communication via electronic media, such as , texting and social networking sites Work in a collaborative manner with parents/guardians, in seeking to effectively meet the needs of pupils/students Key Messages Codes of Professional Conduct for Teachers 2 nd Ed. 2012: Teaching Council
Supporting Parents in Education Literacy and Numeracy for Learning and Life Parents need to know how best to help their children Home and other educational settings must work together We know that parents make a real difference Literacy and Numeracy for Learning and Life. DES 2011, Pg
Supporting Parents in Education What do parents need from teachers to best support their child?
Supporting Parents in Education Working with Parents What does your school policy say about supporting parents? What formal and informal methods of communication do you use when supporting parents?
Supporting Parents in Education Communication Written: Note/Letter/Diary - Information is essential and accessible - Sets the right tone - Plain English - Proofread carefully Telephone: - What should not be communicated by telephone?
Supporting Parents in Education Communication Skills Verbal strategies… ‘Thank you for coming…’ ‘I know that you are busy so I appreciate…’ Value parental contributions… ‘I know that you…’ ‘I notice that you both are…’ Non-verbal strategies… listening, open, posture, facial and hand gestures… Listening skills… eye contact, nodding, re-stating
Supporting Parents in Education Positive Communication DoDon’t
Supporting Parents in Education Informal meetings When? Where? Duration?
Supporting Parents in Education Video Clip
Supporting Parents in Education Meeting with Parents What will parents want to know about you? Prepare well for meeting – How? Look confident – How? Be assertive and polite always – How? Professional boundaries important - Why?
Supporting Parents in Education Meeting with Parents Give clear messages Be honest but tactful Listen to what parents have to say Follow up on any concerns that they have… If you promise to do something as a result of the meeting make sure that you do it Keep a note of any contact that you have with parents in relation to homework, attendance, behaviour, etc.
Supporting Parents in Education Meeting with Parent Pupil: Mary Strengths, e.g. Maths - Evidence of same… Area that Mary finds difficult, e.g. P.E. - Evidence of same… Areas to work on, e.g. ball-throwing - Strategies which would help…
Supporting Parents in Education If Communication is more challenging… Where? Who? Ask for view of parent very early on Speak softly and plainly ‘I’ Statements Clarify problem
Supporting Parents in Education If Communication is more challenging… Listen Pause Balance by using ‘however…’ Be moderate and accurate Use a third person Let the other person save face!
Supporting Parents in Education Information for Parents on How to Support their Child (Primary ) The What, Why and How of Children’s Learning in Primary School (NCCA) DVD for Parents Information Booklet Tip Sheets for Parents e.g. Helping your young child with maths Information Sheet on Standardised Tests Your Child in the Primary School - Tips for Parents (INTO, 2007)
Supporting Parents in Education Reporting standardised test results to parents How do you explain Standard/STen scores to parents?
Supporting Parents in Education National Parents Council
Supporting Parents in Education SupportMentor Special Educational Needs Team Home School Community Liaison Other Teachers School Management Parents
Supporting Parents in Education Additional Support Professional Support Groups NIPT School Support Service Contact the NIPT Please ask your Facilitator or EC for the contact details of the NIPT RDO assigned to your EC To ask for support is a sign of strength…